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Governmental Accounting Conference - A Virtual Event


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12.00 Credits

Member Price $245.00

Price will increase by $45 after 3/31

Non-Member Price $310.00

Price will increase by $45 after 3/31


Join us at the forefront of financial governance and accountability at the Governmental Accounting Conference, where professionals and experts come together to explore the latest developments in governmental accounting and auditing. This event is designed to provide up-to-date insights and answer questions attendees may have.

Key Tracks:
-Governmental Track
-Auditing Track

There is also an OPTIONAL ETHICS COURSE at the end of day two. You will be asked if you would like to add this on when you reach the checkout.

Designed For

• CPAs working in federal, state and local government
• Public practitioners with government clients
• Accounting professionals working within the municipal environment


Note: This event may qualify for Yellow Book CPE credit. Determining which sessions qualify for the Yellow Book 24-hour requirement is made on an auditor-specific basis depending on the auditor's yellow book clients. Please visit for specific requirements.

Tuesday, May 20

General Session

- GASB Update

Scott Reeser, Governmental Accting. Standards Board

Scott Reeser


Scott Reeser, CPA
Supervising Project Manager | Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)

Scott Reeser is a senior project manager with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) in Norwalk, Connecticut. He is currently working on GASB projects related to the reexamination of the financial reporting model and public-private partnerships. Previously, he has worked on several projects, including those leading to statements on accounting and financial reporting for postemployment benefits, fiduciary activities, and transactions reported as deferred outflows of resources and deferred inflows of resources.

Before joining the staff of the GASB in 2010, Mr. Reeser spent ten years working for the Office of the Comptroller in the State of Illinois. During that time, Mr. Reeser was responsible for the coordination and preparation of the state's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and the development of statewide accounting policies. His previous experience also includes over five years with a public accounting firm performing financial and compliance audits of not-for-profit entities and governmental agencies.

Credits: 1.5 - Accounting (Governmental) - Technical

This session is available to registrants only.

General Session

- FASB Update

Richard Gabriel, Financial Accounting Standards Board

Richard Gabriel

Technical Staff | FASB

Credits: 1.5 - Accounting (Governmental) - Technical

This session is available to registrants only.

General Session

- Break

This session is available to registrants only.

General Session

- State Auditor's Office Update

Brandon Alexander, Missouri State Auditor's Office

Brandon Alexander

Chief of Staff | Missouri State Auditor’s Office

Credits: 1 - Auditing (Governmental) - Technical

This session is available to registrants only.

General Session

- Lunch Break

This session is available to registrants only.

Breakout Session

- GASB 101

Danny Martinez

Danny Martinez

Danny is the Government and Public Sector Accounting Advisory Lead for Cherry Bekaert. In this role, he performs advisory and consulting services on a variety of technical accounting and advisory issues, including implementation of new standards, on-call GASB accounting support, grants management, and Single Audit preparation and finding remediation.

Credits: 1.5 - Accounting (Governmental) - Technical

This session is available to registrants only.

- Quality Management Standards

Lindsey Kennimer

Lindsey Kennimer

CPA, Partner | Snow Garrett Williams CPAs

Credits: 1.5 - Auditing (Governmental) - Technical

This session is available to registrants only.

General Session

- Break

This session is available to registrants only.

Breakout Session

- Deferrals in Governmental Accounting

Dean Mead, Governmental Accting. Standards Board

Dean Mead

With over 35 years of experience in government finance, including 24 years at the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), most recently as Assistant Director of Research and Technical Activities, and Coordinator for the Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Council (GASAC), Dean has an unparalleled knowledge of accounting and financial reporting standards for state and local governments. Clients benefit from his technical expertise and unique aptitude for communicating about complicated topics in language that is easily understandable to anyone. Dean supports government clients in implementing new standards, answers clients’ technical questions, provides accounting training for government staff and advisory firms, and supports the clients of CRI’s consulting, audit*, and Single Audit services. He is a frequent and popular speaker at the conferences, seminars, and webinars of professional organizations and at CRI’s own webinars and events.

Credits: 1.5 - Accounting (Governmental) - Technical

This session is available to registrants only.

- Single Audit

Credits: 1.5 - Auditing (Governmental) - Technical

This session is available to registrants only.

General Session

- Financial and Performance Audits of Governments

Michael Bingham, GAO

Michael Bingham

Mr. Bingham is an Assistant Director for the Financial Management and Assurance (FMA) team at the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). He is part of the Standards group, and his duties have included both the 2024 and 2018 revisions of Government Auditing Standards (the Yellow Book); developing comment letters to respond to proposals of national and international standard setters; and responding to Yellow Book and Green Book (Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government) technical assistance inquiries. Mr. Bingham also serves as a project liaison to the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and has served on various AICPA task forces and working groups. Since joining GAO in 2008, Mr. Bingham has worked on financial and performance audits of various U.S. Government entities, focusing on government-wide and Department of Defense financial management matters.

Prior to joining GAO, Mr. Bingham worked for an inner city tutoring and mentoring non-profit in Chicago. He received his B.A. in Political Science from the University of Chicago and his M.A.S. from Northern Illinois University. He is a CPA licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Credits: 1 - Accounting (Governmental) - Technical

This session is available to registrants only.

Wednesday, May 21

General Session

- Fraud Detection and Prevention

Keenan McKinney, Manager, Advisory Services, Armanino

Keenan McKinney

Keenan is a director in the Armanino Risk Assurance Advisory practice, where his primary area of expertise is assessing and testing internal controls systems, evaluating processes and working with management to develop recommendations for improvement. Keenan has more than 28 years of internal auditing and project management experience, including more than 10 years of government internal auditing and project management experience.

Keenan's work experience includes performance of financial and operational internal audits, process improvement reviews, construction audits, Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) reviews and quality assessment reviews of internal audit shops using the guidelines of the Institute of Internal Auditors for various clients in multiple industries.

Prior to joining Armanino, Keenan served as manager of risk advisory services at Brown Smith Wallace; audit manager at Aegion Corporation (formerly Insituform Technologies); staff at the firm Jefferson Wells; and audit manager of the City of St. Louis (Comptroller's Office) Internal Audit Department.

Keenan earned his B.S. in accounting from the University of Missouri-Columbia. He is a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) and Certified Construction Auditor (CCA).


Ronald Steinkamp, Risk Services Principal, Armanino

Ronald Steinkamp

Ron has over 30 years of experience in internal audit, construction audit, and fraud prevention and detection. His expertise covers a variety of industries, including construction, government, healthcare, higher education, manufacturing, nonprofit, retail and telecommunications.

Before joining Armanino, Ron was a partner in the Advisory Services group of Brown Smith Wallace, LLP, where he led the Public Sector industry group. His previous experience also includes roles as managing director of the St. Louis market for Adams Harris, director of internal audit at Jefferson Wells, internal audit executive for the City of St. Louis and as an auditor with the U.S. Army.

His past projects include developing the internal audit infrastructure for a large metropolitan city, leading the development of a methodology for internal audit quality assessment reviews, directing construction audit efforts on a $2 billion dollar airport expansion and assisting in the implementation of Government Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 34. He also identified over $300 million in questioned costs/savings while he was an auditor with the federal government.

Ron is a licensed CPA and holds CIA, CFE, CGMA, CRMA, CCA, CCP certifications.

Credits: 1.5 - Accounting (Governmental) - Technical

This session is available to registrants only.

General Session

- Break

This session is available to registrants only.

General Session

- The Risks AI Poses to Government Organizations

Kenny Kang

Kenny Kang

Mr. Kang is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Charted Global Management Accountant (CGMA), and Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) with a wealth of experience in public accounting and industry. He specializes in forensic accounting / litigation support, fraud examinations, expert witness work, accounting services, and general business consulting. His expertise involves US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP), US Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (US GAAS) and fraud prevention & detection.

Credits: 1 - Accounting (Governmental) - Technical

This session is available to registrants only.

General Session

- NASACT Update

Josh Winfrey

Josh Winfrey

Deputy Executive Director | NASACT

Credits: 1.5 - Accounting (Governmental) - Technical

This session is available to registrants only.

Optional Session

- Optional Session: Government Ethics and Independence

Michael Hamilton

Michael Hamilton

Licenses & designations

  • CPA
  • CGMA
  • ABV
  • CFF
  • CRRA
  • CIRA
  • CDBV
  • CTP


  • St. Francis College
    • BS in Accounting 

Curriculum & instruction


Awards & recognitions 

  • Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor Examination Silver Medal (2016)
  • AICPA Outstanding Facilitator (2024)

Credits: 2 - Regulatory Ethics - Technical

This session is available to registrants only.

Session Pricing:

Member Price
Non-Member Price

Non-Member Price $310.00

Member Price $245.00