Connect & Engage

Reap personal and professional rewards by getting involved in MOCPA! Build your business network, gain valuable leadership skills, and give back to the CPA profession. Even if you don’t have a lot of time to give, there are many ways you can get involved. Here are a few:
- Chapters: Get to know MOCPA members in your area through involvement in one of the society’s six regional chapters.
- Committees: Meet other CPAs in your niche area and make your mark on the profession through committee service.
- Financial Literacy: Use MOCPA resources to reach out to the community and educate the public on critical financial planning issues.
- Legislative Keyperson Program: Connect with legislators to promote understanding, provide information, and help enact effective legislation in Missouri.
- Speaking for MOCPA: Share your expertise with accounting professionals across the state as a speaker through the society's CPE programs.
- Student Initiatives: Help students understand the power of the CPA credential and the rewards of working in this profession.
Call (800) 264-7966 or visit the links above to learn more and start connecting today!