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CPE Catalog


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Showing 440 Webcasts & Webinars Results

Are You Ready for Your Peer Review?



3.00 Credits

Be ready for your Peer Review! The peer review process is a productive way to undertake practice monitoring, verifying the quality of your firm's practice and protecting the public interest. Gain a tighter grasp on the overall peer review process and learn what you can do to fully prepare for your triennial review. This webcast will help you: -Understand and compare the system and engagement review processes -Address recently issued peer review guidance and quality control requirements -Understand how both guidance and requirements affect your firm You'll also unearth the most frequent areas of professional standard noncompliance and how you can sidestep them far before your review is due. Participants will take away from this session the resources and tools needed to help their firm enhance the quality of their peer review.

Individual Tax Fundamentals - Tax Staff Essentials



8.00 Credits

Basic, but not boring Newcomers to tax return preparation are exposed to the many topics that encompass individual taxation. Topics, discussed in an approachable format, include: Filing requirements and dependents Gross income inclusions and exclusions Adjustments to income Standard and itemized deductions Refundable and nonrefundable tax credits Tax computations Penalties Taking advantage of present opportunities for your clients' future Tax planning involves understanding a client's current situation to anticipate areas of future tax savings. You'll review common individual tax planning topics to better help clients prepare for their future. Decoding recent legislative changes for individual taxpayers You'll be able to provide your clients with the most current tax planning and tax-saving strategies for their tax plans. This course is updated for recent IRS guidance and legislation, including: IRS revenue procedures and notices SECURE 1.0 SECURE 2.0 Inflation Reduction Act

New Quality Management Standards: Bringing It All Together - Exploring All Components of a Quality Management System



1.00 Credits

Pull together all components for an effective and tailored QM system (bold) For a quality management (QM) system to be successful, it needs achievable objectives and tailored processes in place to enable the performance of quality engagements. It also needs clearly articulated roles and responsibilities and the ability to identify, evaluate, and correct deficiencies. The revised QM standards are designed to emphasize firm leadership's responsibility for proactively managing quality, strengthening a firm's monitoring and remediation processes, and advancing the ability of the firm to tailor its system of quality management to the nature and circumstances of the firm. To succeed under these new standards, you'll need to know how to set up a functioning QM system that will help your firm identify and address risks for its audit and assurance practice. Fourth in a four-part webcast series (bold) This is the fourth webcast in a four-part series on the Auditing Standard Board's (ASB) new Quality Management Standards and looks at how to create an effective QM system. You'll take a deep dive into aspects of the ASB's Statement on Quality Management Standards (SQMS) No. 1, A Firm's System of Quality Management (ital). Attendance in each webcast in this four-part series will earn you one CPE credit. You can participate in one or all based on your interest in the topics. A rebroadcast of this webcast is scheduled for Dec.15, 2022, at 2:00pm ET.

Multi-State Taxation - Tax Staff Essentials



8.00 Credits

Multistate taxation has never been a more relevant topic. This course helps professionals skillfully navigate the maze of multistate corporate tax codes.. Be the one to guide your client skillfully through the maze of multistate corporate tax codes. Rapidly develop a working knowledge of both multistate tax compliance and related planning opportunities.

PCAOB Updates



1.00 Credits

Understand the complexities of PCAOB updates. Understand the new requirements of recently approved PCAOB amendments to the auditing standards and the auditor's key responsibilities in response to the amendments. Learn to sort through the complexities to identify and apply them to the audit of a public company.

Revenue Recognition, Financial Instruments, and Leases



1.00 Credits

Understand FASB's important accounting and reporting areas: financial instruments and leases. Learn to assess and implement the new standards and guidance that are applicable to your practice.

Interpreting the New Revenue Recognition Standard: What All CPAs Need to Know



4.00 Credits

The effective date of FASB ASC 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers is upon us (bold) Do you know which contracts are within the scope of the standard and when revenue should be recognized? This webcast addresses the requirements of FASB ASC 606's five-step process for recognizing revenue: 1) Identifying a contract with a customer 2) Determining the performance obligations 3) Determining a transaction price 4) Allocating a transaction price 5) Recognizing revenue

AICPA Town Hall Series



1.00 Credits

Up-to-the-minute guidance Hear the latest updates on the CARES Act and progress of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) from AICPA executive leads Susan Coffey, EVP - Public Practice, and Erik Asgeirsson, President and CEO, in these weekly town hall webcasts. Topics will be updated weekly. *** Free for AICPA members

AICPA Town Hall Series



1.00 Credits

Up-to-the-minute guidance Hear the latest updates on the CARES Act and progress of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) from AICPA executive leads Susan Coffey, EVP - Public Practice, and Erik Asgeirsson, President and CEO, in these weekly town hall webcasts. Topics will be updated weekly. *** Free for AICPA members

Tax Planning for Small Businesses - Tax Staff Essentials



4.00 Credits

Clients want help with present and future business services. Which tax planning strategies will you provide for your corporate and small business clients? Updated for the latest legislation and IRS guidance on tax reform, this course answers the tough questions and shows you what strategies are best for your clients We use a case-study approach to explore opportunities for businesses and how the tax practitioner can continue to add value for their clients. Discussions will include traditional and new planning opportunities as a result of the latest tax legislation, including the SECURE 2.0 Act, and IRS guidance.

Tax Fundamentals of LLCs and Partnerships - Tax Staff Essentials



8.00 Credits

Most U.S. businesses are formed as a pass-through entity, which includes partnerships. If you are new to the subject, or if you have worked in this area for years but need a quick review, this course will provide a firm grasp of the fundamental concepts, help you to build a strong foundation of knowledge, and freshen up your analytical skills. Talking about tax can sometimes sound like you're speaking a foreign language in front of your clients. You can leverage the tone of the course materials to explain complex issues with accuracy and confidence.

Reviewing Individual Tax Returns



2.00 Credits

The sheer mass of Internal Revenue Code provisions affecting individual taxpayers presents a considerable challenge for CPAs and tax professionals. These provisions combined with the potential for input error when utilizing the array of income tax software available, create the potential for a multitude of errors that can occur when preparing your client's tax return. Join us as we discuss the common mistakes practitioners make when preparing individual tax returns that are often missed by review staff. Refresh and hone your skills with interactive case studies that examine individual tax returns. Learn about issues that may warrant additional client information and about areas of tax law that require deeper analysis. This course follows a highly illustrative case study format to increase participant comprehension and retention.

Current and Upcoming FASB Issues



1.50 Credits

Keep up with FASB changes Learn about changes in accounting, including relevant pronouncements, exposure drafts, and projects. Identify recently issued FASB standards and guidance that cover broad and narrow issues and understand how to apply them. Learn about upcoming standards that will be effective in the near future.

New Quality Management Standards: A Practical Approach to Risk Assessment and Response



2.00 Credits

Create a robust QM system based upon your firm's needs (bold) Statement on Quality Management Standards (SQMS) No. 1, A Firm's System of Quality Management (ital), changes how quality management is approached, with emphasis on creating processes and policies tailored to your firm's circumstances. The new risk assessment process is a key component to identifying and evaluating the likelihood and potential impact of various risks to your firm. This webcast will offer a practical approach to risk assessment, and to determining the responses - policies and procedures - to the quality risks facing the firm.

Capitalized Costs & Depreciation - Tax Staff Essentials



5.50 Credits

How do I treat a property transaction? You'll be able to answer this question after taking a focused look at the IRS cost and repair regulations. With an understanding of capitalized cost and depreciation rules, you can help your clients achieve significant tax savings. You'll also learn about the rules for: Depreciation Amortization Like-kind exchanges Involuntary conversions Business property sales Property-related timing issues Planning opportunities What's going on with capitalized costs and depreciation? Course materials cover the latest legislation, including: The requirement to capitalize and amortize Section 174 research and experimentation expenditures Changes to bonus depreciation levels starting in 2023 The technical correction issued in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act

2024 Washington Tax Brief



1.00 Credits

Join us for guidance regarding: Current AICPA tax-related advocacy initiatives Proposed tax law changes Fundamental tax reform with recent changes to IRS regulations This is a must-see webcast for tax practitioners.

Estate & Trust Primer - Tax Staff Essentials



4.00 Credits

Protect your clients' assets and shield their estates from increased taxation brought about by the changing tax code. This CPE course will help you to understand the tax obligations of trusts and estates and how these obligations affect beneficiaries. The course provides exercises and examples that reflect the calculation and allocation of taxable income and its presentation on the appropriate forms. You will also learn how to prepare federal Form 1041 and the accompanying schedules.

Individual Income and Tax Compliance Annual Update



4.00 Credits

Save time and keep current on the latest tax developments. This course covers all legislative, judicial, and IRS developments of the past year with a focus on implementation and compliance. Discover how to effectively and confidently complete tax planning and compliance engagements. Cover current developments affecting individuals, estates, and trusts (including those regarding income, deductions and losses, tax calculations, individual credits, filing matters). Gift tax matters are also covered.

Yellow Book: Staying Compliant With Government Auditing Standards



8.00 Credits

Based on Government Auditing Standards, 2018 Revision, this course is essential for auditors performing Yellow Book audits. It provides detailed information about conducting engagements in accordance with the Yellow Book and requirements related to independence. This course will increase your knowledge of the requirements and application guidance related to ethics, standards for financial audits, attestation engagements, performance audits, and more.

Excel for Accounting Professionals Session 5: Error Trapping and Improving Lookups



2.00 Credits

As popular as the VLOOKUP function is, it has limitations. This session walks through the limitations and suggests how to improve the VLOOKUP function. We then discuss how to move beyond VLOOKUP altogether. We spend some time trapping errors with the IFERROR function, which was first rolled out with Excel 2007. The webcast is designed with time for you to work along. This hands-on workshop is an effective way to learn Excel since you'll be completing the same exercises demonstrated by the instructor. A link will be provided, so you can download the necessary Excel files. During the webcast, the instructor will provide time for you to complete the exercises using your Microsoft Excel for Windows. For each topic presented, the instructor explains the topic and demonstrates it with Excel exercises. Then, the instructor provides time for you to complete many of the same exercises. Finally, the instructor demonstrates the solutions for all the exercises in the practice workbook and then moves to the next topic. This format allows you to work along rather than just watch passively, enabling you to immediately practice the skills demonstrated.