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Showing 444 All Results

Yellow Book: Staying Compliant With Government Auditing Standards



8.00 Credits

Based on Government Auditing Standards, 2018 Revision, this course is essential for auditors performing Yellow Book audits. It provides detailed information about conducting engagements in accordance with the Yellow Book and requirements related to independence. This course will increase your knowledge of the requirements and application guidance related to ethics, standards for financial audits, attestation engagements, performance audits, and more.

Performing Preparation, Compilation and Review Engagements



2.00 Credits

Comply With All Standards As You Prepare, Compile and Review Engagements This webcast is a go-to reference for staying in compliance with all professional standards surrounding engagements performed in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARSs).

Interpreting the New Revenue Recognition Standard: What All CPAs Need to Know



4.00 Credits

The effective date of FASB ASC 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers is upon us (bold) Do you know which contracts are within the scope of the standard and when revenue should be recognized? This webcast addresses the requirements of FASB ASC 606's five-step process for recognizing revenue: 1) Identifying a contract with a customer 2) Determining the performance obligations 3) Determining a transaction price 4) Allocating a transaction price 5) Recognizing revenue

Current Audit Environment and ASB Activity



2.00 Credits

Explore the current audit environment, and recognize audit challenges triggered by the current environment. Provide a comprehensive review of recent audit pronouncement and exposure drafts. Understand topics critical to success in today's rapidly changing regulatory environment. This course provides 4 hours of CPE credit in the Auditing field of study.

PCAOB Updates



1.00 Credits

Understand the complexities of PCAOB updates. Understand the new requirements of recently approved PCAOB amendments to the auditing standards and the auditor's key responsibilities in response to the amendments. Learn to sort through the complexities to identify and apply them to the audit of a public company.

Leases: Mastering the New FASB Requirements



8.00 Credits

FASB ASC 842, *Leases*, standards decoded By learning essential information about lease accounting requirements, you'll understand the core principles of the standards and how to apply them. You'll explore topics, such as: Identification Recognition Measurement Presentation and disclosure requirements Deliberate application of lessee accounting model You'll also learn about classifying leases, the amortization of the right-of-use asset, and the interest on a lease liability. Additional topics include: Short-term leases Purchase options Variable lease payments Sale and leaseback transactions Leveraged leases

Revenue Recognition, Financial Instruments, and Leases



1.00 Credits

Understand FASB's important accounting and reporting areas: financial instruments and leases. Learn to assess and implement the new standards and guidance that are applicable to your practice.

Current and Upcoming FASB Issues



1.50 Credits

Keep up with FASB changes Learn about changes in accounting, including relevant pronouncements, exposure drafts, and projects. Identify recently issued FASB standards and guidance that cover broad and narrow issues and understand how to apply them. Learn about upcoming standards that will be effective in the near future.

Excel - Building Powerful Lookup & Reference Formulas



2.00 Credits

Improve efficiency with these powerful functions (bold) Excel has over 500 functions that are built-in and ready to use. You just have to figure out which one to use and when. In this webcast, we will focus on the Logical, Information and Lookup and Reference functions. -In the Logical function section, you will learn to perform logical tests using the IF function along with AND, OR and NOT. -In the Information function section, you will learn various ERROR checking functions that can be combined with the Logical functions. -In the Lookup and Reference section, you will learn to use the various LOOKUP functions and the INDIRECT function. Integrating functions into each and every one of your spreadsheets not only improves efficiency, it also makes your task easier to execute. Regardless of the version you are using, ALL concepts covered in this webcast apply to ALL versions of Excel.

Power BI - Introduction to MS Power BI Tools



2.00 Credits

This is the first webcast in the 2020 Power BI Series. Please see below for the suggested viewing order. Excel is a popular data analysis tool, yet most users have never learned the basics of data analysis using Excel or the tools that Excel offers to help with data analysis. Those that learned to analyze data using PivotTables, soon learned there were many weaknesses in PivotTables that resulted in elaborate calculations in order to perform simple tasks. In 2010, after much development and little hype, Microsoft released Power Pivot, a new data analytic tool that removed the weaknesses of PivotTables. This single product took Excel from a low-end data analytic tool to one of the most sophisticated and comprehensive tools. Since 2010, Microsoft has continued their development of end-user data analytic tools. This entire suite of products is called Power BI. During this webcast... We will provide an overview of the various Power BI tools and discuss Microsoft's Power BI Strategy. We will begin by explaining the challenges faced by many accountants when it comes to analyzing data in Excel. You will learn how each Power BI tool reduces the challenges and improves your data analytic skills. You will also gain a complete understanding of when to use which tool. This is an overview of the various Microsoft Power BI tools and should be your first step in learning the complete set of Power BI tools. As an overview, we will not be teaching the details of each tool but you will receive a thorough understanding of what each tool can accomplish. This series is presented using Excel 2019/Office 365. Regardless of the version you are using, most concepts covered in this webcast series apply to all versions of Excel. Explore the other webcasts in the Microsoft Power BI Series: Power BI - Prepare Your Data Efficiently for Excel Analysis Power BI - Analyze Your Data With Excel Pivot Tables Power BI - Create Excel Dashboards for Maximum Impact Power BI - Use Power Query to Transform Your Data Power BI - Go Beyond PivotTables with Power Pivot Power BI - Use Advanced Calculations with DAX Formulas Power BI - Use PBI Desktop to Create Reports and Dashboards Power BI - Share Your Data Analysis using

Impact of GASB Activities on State and Local Government



3.00 Credits

Are you an accountant or finance professional working in the state and local government space? Are you an auditor with state and local government clients? If you answered "yes" to either of these questions, you're aware that to succeed at your job and to uphold the public trust, you need a solid understanding of governmental accounting and reporting. This course will walk you through GASB standards and look to the future by exploring current GASB projects.

Excel - Advanced Financial and Statistical Calculations



2.00 Credits

Improve efficiency with these powerful functions (bold) Excel has over 500 functions that are built-in and ready to use. You just have to figure out which one to use and when. In this webcast, we will focus on Financial, Statistical and Math functions. -In the Financial functions section, you will learn how to use the financial functions to build better amortization schedules. -In the Statistical and Math functions sections, you will learn how to use various statistical functions to analyze your data. Regardless of the version you are using, ALL concepts covered in this course apply to ALL versions of Excel.

Power BI - Prepare Your Data Efficiently for Excel Analysis



2.00 Credits

This webcast is part of the 2020 Power BI Series. Please see below for the suggested viewing order. Before you can analyze data, you first must get the data. This webcast focuses on getting data into Excel using different data sources. Whether your data is text, comma delimited (CSV), reports, Excel, databases, web, applications and/or many others, Excel provides the ability to access that data. You will learn about tools that have been added to Excel that will make accessing that data even easier, such as data models and Power Query (Get and Transform). After this webcast you will finally be able to get the data you need to perform data analysis. This series is presented using Excel 2019/Office 365. Regardless of the version you are using, most concepts covered in this webcast series apply to all versions of Excel. Explore the other webcasts in the 2020 Power BI Series: Power BI - Introduction to MS Power BI Tools Power BI - Analyze Your Data With Excel Pivot Tables Power BI - Create Excel Dashboards for Maximum Impact Power BI - Use Power Query to Transform Your Data Power BI - Go Beyond PivotTables with Power Pivot Power BI - Use Advanced Calculations with DAX Formulas Power BI - Use PBI Desktop to Create Reports and Dashboards Power BI - Share Your Data Analysis using

SOC 2r Report Walkthrough



2.00 Credits

This webcast will walk you through a SOC 2 report, giving you enhanced knowledge of essential information for preparing or reviewing SOC 2 reports. Get comfortable with SOC 2 reports. Avoid potential pitfalls. For service auditors and user entities new to SOC 2 reporting, not understanding the report contents can result in reporting deficiencies or inappropriate identification of key information. How will this course benefit you? This webcast presents the contents of each section of a SOC 2 report, highlighting key items of interest. As a user or user auditor, you will be better able to identify pertinent information that affects your organization or audit work. And as a service provider or service auditor, you will be better able to recognize what users are looking for and meet the requirements of SSAE No. 18. Why take this course? Take this course as an introduction to SOC 2 reporting, to strengthen your foundational knowledge as you perform SOC 2 examinations as a service auditor or as you review SOC 2 reports as a user entity or user auditor.

Excel - Advanced Spreadsheet Troubleshooting Techniques



2.00 Credits

Fix those formulas! (bold) In this webcast, we will focus on debugging and troubleshooting complex formulas. You will learn various techniques that will assist you in creating complex compound formulas. You will also learn methods to resolve issues when you receive errors. During this session, we will also discuss Excel's nine built-in error-checking options and demonstrate different approaches to error resolution. Finally, will review techniques to resolve rounding errors. Regardless of the version you are using, ALL concepts covered in this webcast apply to ALL versions of Excel.

Excel - Functions and Formula Shootout



2.00 Credits

Function refresh (bold) Did you know that Microsoft adds new functions throughout the year in the Office 365 version of Excel? Are you stuck using old or simple functions like SUM or ROUND? Do you want to expand your knowledge of the extensive function library in Excel? If these questions perk your interest in becoming an Excel function expert, this webcast is right up your alley! This past-paced webcast digs into some of the most powerful functions in Excel. Although, we cannot cover all 470 functions, we will look at over 20 functions that will allow you to create advanced calculations in your spreadsheets. Functions like: VLOOKUP, IF, IFS, FORECAST, RAND, SWITCH, TEXTJOIN, UNIQUE, SUBTOTAL, IS, TEXT and more! We will also provide examples files that will include all the functions used during the class. It's time to take your Excel spreadsheets to the next level. This webcast is presented using Excel 2019/Office 365. Regardless of the version you are using, most concepts covered in this webcast apply to all versions of Excel.

Excel for Accounting Professionals Session 1: Tables and Named References



2.00 Credits

The first session in the series covers one of the most significant enhancements rolled out with Excel 2007, Tables. Tables are used to store data and can absolutely revolutionize our workbooks because they solve one of the biggest pitfalls Excel users have faced for over 20 years. The webcast also covers named references, which will be used throughout the series. In addition, the five most important shortcuts are explored, so that you can improve your personal productivity. The webcast is designed with time for you to work along. This hands-on workshop is an effective way to learn Excel, since you'll be completing the same exercises demonstrated by the instructor. A link will be provided, so you can download the necessary Excel files. During the session, the instructor will provide time for you to complete the exercises using your Microsoft Excel for Windows. For each topic presented, the instructor explains the topic and demonstrates it with Excel exercises. Then, the instructor provides time for you to complete many of the same exercises. Finally, the instructor demonstrates the solutions for all the exercises in the practice workbook, and then moves to the next topic. This format allows you to work along rather than just watch passively, enabling you to immediately practice the skills demonstrated.

Excel for Accounting Professionals Session 2: Data Validation and Conditional Formatting



2.00 Credits

Let us ask you a question. What function do you use most? Is it the SUM function? It shouldn't be - well, at least if efficiency is your goal. This session covers the function that sums better than the SUM function for accounting professionals. In addition, we review the data validation feature, which enables us to control what a user enters into a cell. We'll discuss the conditional formatting feature, which enables us to format a cell based on its value. Lastly, we'll conclude by reviewing a technique that addresses a major pitfall of Excel. The webcast is designed with time for you to work along. This hands-on workshop is an effective way to learn Excel, since you'll be completing the same exercises demonstrated by the instructor. A link will be provided, so you can download the necessary Excel files. During the session, the instructor will provide time for you to complete the exercises using your Microsoft Excel for Windows. For each topic presented, the instructor explains the topic and demonstrates it with Excel exercises. Then, the instructor provides time for you to complete many of the same exercises. Finally, the instructor demonstrates the solutions for all the exercises in the practice workbook, and then moves to the next topic. This format allows you to work along rather than just watch passively, enabling you to immediately practice the skills demonstrated.

Power BI - Analyze Your Data With Excel Pivot Tables



4.00 Credits

This webcast is part of the 2020 Power BI Series. Please see below for the suggested viewing order. Excel is a popular tool for data analysis, yet most users have never learned the basics of data analysis using Excel or the tools that Excel offers to help with data analysis. This webcast is designed to teach participants the importance of PivotTables for analyzing data. We will demonstrate how PivotTables can make data analysis an easy task for all accountants. You will learn the step-by-step process to create PivotTables and PivotCharts. We will also cover all the setup options and features. This series is presented using Excel 2019/Office 365. Regardless of the version you are using, most concepts covered in this webcast series apply to all versions of Excel. Explore the other webcasts in the Power BI Series: Power BI - Introduction to MS Power BI Tools Power BI - Prepare Your Data Efficiently for Excel Analysis Power BI - Create Excel Dashboards for Maximum Impact Power BI - Use Power Query to Transform Your Data Power BI - Go Beyond PivotTables with Power Pivot Power BI - Use Advanced Calculations with DAX Formulas Power BI - Use PBI Desktop to Create Reports and Dashboards Power BI - Share Your Data Analysis using

Excel for Accounting Professionals Session 3: Workbook Design Principles and Organization



2.00 Credits

Are you familiar with the five workbook design principles that help us build reliable recurring-use workbooks? This session covers them, as well as workbook and worksheet organization ideas. We also discuss how, why and when to hide administrative worksheets. The importance of highlighting input cells, using selection groups and building formulas with nested functions are also explored. The webcast is designed with time for you to work along. This hands-on workshop is an effective way to learn Excel since you'll be completing the same exercises demonstrated by the instructor. A link will be provided, so you can download the necessary Excel files. During the webcast, the instructor will provide time for you to complete the exercises using your Microsoft Excel for Windows. For each topic presented, the instructor explains the topic and demonstrates it with Excel exercises. Then, the instructor provides time for you to complete many of the same exercises. Finally, the instructor demonstrates the solutions for all the exercises in the practice workbook, and then moves to the next topic. This format allows you to work along rather than just watch passively, enabling you to immediately practice the skills demonstrated.