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Showing 1622 Webcasts & Webinars Results

Surgent's Excel Shortcuts for Accountants



2.00 Credits

This webinar presents a variety of time-saving ideas, shortcuts, and tips that are sure to boost personal productivity. We discuss better summing, address one of the biggest pitfalls that Excel users have faced over the past 25 years, present the most important keyboard shortcuts, demonstrate a better alternative to hiding rows or columns, illustrate how to quickly navigate to other workbooks and files, and demonstrate using Excel with styles.

Surgent's Make Resilience Work for You - An Accounting Leader's Guide to a Holistic Approach for Managing Teams



2.00 Credits

Resilience training was originally developed to strengthen individuals in high-risk groups like law enforcement, firefighters, and the military. This course also speaks to accounting and finance experts in a very challenging discipline. Resilience training is based on the intriguing assumption that resilience can be learned. A resilience leader possesses mental toughness, competence, and confidence. A confident accounting or finance person makes better decisions and thinks in deliberate ways to meet adversity and pressure. Resilience is the ability to exercise tenacity, bounce back from tough times, or even triumph in the face of adversity. Today's accounting professionals will experience challenges but are able to reframe then as learning opportunities. Resilient accounting and finance professionals push their limits, learn from their mistakes, and are able to transform an organization and themselves.

Surgent's Time Management for Professionals



2.00 Credits

The phrase "time management" is misleading. No one manages time. Instead, we manage events in our lives which consume time. Like money, time is both finite and valuable; it should be budgeted and used wisely. Those individuals who "manage" or budget their time wisely often are more productive, less stressed, and able to achieve their goals more effectively than others. Professionals by nature place a high value on their time. Still, successful time management strategies vary based upon the personality, motivation, and discipline of each individual. This course provides simple, practical, and powerful techniques that help professionals work efficiently and achieve better balance in their lives. Successful time management skills also reduce the risk of burnout, which in turn improves the likelihood of achieving success in any endeavor.

Surgent's What Tax Practitioners Need to Know About Medicare



2.00 Credits

Tax advisors often receive questions concerning all facets of Medicare. How does Medicare work? How do I apply? How much does it cost? Is Medicare optional or required? This program provides a basic introduction to the Medicare program and covers many of the areas of the Medicare program that clients are most interested in. If you, or some of your clients, have questions relating to Medicare, this program is a must for you.

Surgent's Gaining a Competitive Advantage: Critical Skills for CFOs and Controllers



4.00 Credits

All organizations are looking for ways to gain an advantage over the competition. This practical and interactive session will present a toolkit of ideas to help CFOs, controllers and finance professionals better position their organizations for the future. We know change is occurring at an exponential rate, and that has proven to be the case in all areas of finance, management, and leadership over the past year. The course deals with these new issues and will continue to be updated as necessary throughout the year. Become the "financial hero" of your organization and make a positive impact on the bottom-line.

Surgent's Government and Nonprofit Frauds and Controls to Stop Them



4.00 Credits

George Washington once wrote, "We ought not to look back, unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dear bought experience." The cost of fraud, dearly paid by governments and nonprofits, is too severe not to learn and profit from. In this course, we will look back at real-world government and nonprofit frauds and derive useful controls to stop them. The course materials utilize a highly illustrative and innovative format. Over 15 focused exercises are included to provide an enhanced working knowledge of fraud and anti-fraud controls to both auditors and industry professionals.This course qualifies for yellow book credit.

Surgent's Schedules K-2 and K-3: Filing Requirements



2.00 Credits

Many partnerships and S corporations are now required to complete the voluminous Schedules K-2 and K-3 to report foreign-related tax information. Updated for the 2023 tax year, this course is an essential guide for tax preparers on how to identify which entities need to complete these schedules and how to identify which parts are applicable to a given taxpayer. The filing requirements are broad and often not very intuitive, catching many practitioners unaware that more schedules and parts are applicable to more taxpayers than anticipated. This course includes a deep dive into the domestic filing exception, as well as a discussion of filing requirements of each part of Schedule K-2. Please note: Surgent also offers a companion course, "Schedules K-2 and K-3: Preparation of Forms" (KPF2).

Surgent's Handbook for Mastering Basis, Distributions, and Loss Limitation Issues for S Corporations, LLCs, and Partnerships



8.00 Credits

The most difficult concepts to master when dealing with flow-through business entities are the basis and distribution concepts. Major error and malpractice issues occur if the CPA does not fully understand the impact of these rules. This course is designed to focus on the practical applications of these rules.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Going Concern Accounting and Reporting Considerations



2.00 Credits

This course will review the relevant considerations related to going concern, including assessing when substantial doubt concerning an entity's ability to continue as a going concern exists, management mitigation efforts, and required disclosures both when management, and the accountant, feel such efforts will be effective in mitigating the risk, as well as when they do not. Lastly, we'll consider the accountant's reporting responsibilities under various scopes of services in various scenarios and how to audit this often-contentious topic.

Surgent's Implementing the New Risk Assessment Standard



2.00 Credits

The auditor's responsibilities related to risk assessment have changed! This power-packed course will empower you with the working knowledge of SAS No. 145, Understanding the Entity and Its Environment and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement, to successfully apply the standard.This course qualifies for yellow book credit.

Surgent's Establishing State Residency and Saving Your Clients Money



2.00 Credits

Many of our clients are moving to one of the seven states with no personal income tax, particularly Florida and Texas. Others may maintain multiple homes with an eye toward eventually establishing residency in a state with no income tax. This course will give you practical tips for your clients seeking to establish residency in a new jurisdiction. Cash-strapped states are increasingly attempting to assess taxpayers who have declared domicile and residency elsewhere, for example in Florida, to maintain their diminishing tax base. Arm your clients with the tools needed to save money by successfully establishing domicile and residency. As a practitioner, you can't afford to be unaware of the latest issues affecting so many relocating baby boomers and others. Avoid that state audit with the information provided in this entertaining webinar.

Surgent's Found It! Reporting Findings in Yellow Book and Single Audits



2.00 Credits

When auditors detect findings in Yellow Book and single audits, they do not just communicate them in some shabby little letter to management; they get reported! In this course, we will examine what types of findings get reported, how they get reported, and where they get reported! This course will take you from just checking a box and fulfilling a requirement to developing and delivering findings that make a meaningful difference to your clients.This course qualifies for yellow book credit.

Surgent's The Accountant as the Expert Witness



2.00 Credits

As litigation becomes more complex, attorneys are relying more on accountants to serve as consulting experts or expert witnesses at trial. Serving as an expert witness is not as difficult as you might expect. Accounting experts educate lawyers and jurors on issues such as valuation, tax liability, and forensics. Learn how accountants become expert witnesses, the role they play during pre-litigation through to trial, and the techniques experts employ to avoid challenges from opposing counsel.

Surgent's Top Individual Tax Planning Strategies



2.00 Credits

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and SECURE Act 2.0 both contained tax law changes that impact many individuals in 2024 and in later years. This program covers many of these changes as well as other tax topics that continue to impact individual income taxpayers.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Understanding Partnership Taxation: Types of Basis, Contributions, and Distributions



4.00 Credits

Calculating partnership basis is one of the most important things that we do as practitioners. However, it is also one of the most confusing. When we use the term "basis," we really could be referring to one of three different things. This course will explore the differences between inside basis, outside basis, and 704(b) basis. Through several examples and practice problems, we will show you how to easily distinguish among these terms. We will also explore the tax implications of initial contributions of property to a partnership as well as the different types of partnership distributions.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Top Ten Questions from Partnership Clients Regarding the Section 754 Election



4.00 Credits

This program is an in-depth analysis of the Section 754 election and the two adjustments associated with the election under Section 743(b) and Section 734(b). The 754 election is a highly technical provision that provides great tax benefits to the owners of the partnership, and particularly in the case of Section 743(b), a new partner. In this webinar, our expert panel will cover the most common questions encountered by practitioners in their daily practices. The program includes a number of examples that provide insights into the mechanics of the two adjustments that follow upon a Section 754 election.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Latest Developments in Government and Nonprofit Accounting and Auditing



8.00 Credits

This is indeed another year of significant change in the world of government and nonprofit accounting and auditing. Time is valuable, and it's hard to stay current in today's rapidly changing environment. Let us save you time and effort with this informative update course. The course materials utilize a highly illustrative and innovative format. Over 30 focused exercises are included to provide an enhanced working knowledge of the latest developments in government and nonprofit accounting and auditing.This course qualifies for yellow book credit.

Surgent's Excel Budgeting Ideas



2.00 Credits

Budget methods are the key to allowing department managers to efficiently prepare their budget in Excel. For example, a budget method may be to spread prior year actuals or match prior year actuals, or match prior year actuals less 10%. In this webinar, we will explore how to allow users to pick a budget method from a drop-down list for each account and then have Excel perform different calculations depending on the budget method selected. We use several features and functions at the same time to pull this off. Even if you are not involved in the budgeting process, the underlying features and functions discussed have a wide range of uses.

Surgent's Privacy and Security Training: Obligations of Confidentiality and Safekeeping



2.00 Credits

Spear phishing. Ransomware. Malware. Like the threats your business faces, the cybersecurity lexicon is constantly evolving. This comprehensive presentation imparts practical privacy and data security know-how and creates fluency with the latest terminology. Learn best practices for cybersecurity safety, as well as tailored training for those in positions responsible for implementing security policies. It is just as important to be diligent, safe, and well-versed in the attacks that we face in our personal lives.

Surgent's Top 20 Effective Strategies for Avoiding RMD Mistakes and Penalties: Updated for the Proposed RMD Regulations, SECURE Act 2.0



2.00 Credits

Required minimum distributions (RMDs) must begin for the year in which the account owner reaches age 72 - later if they were born in 1951. RMDs must also be taken from inherited accounts, and the process for determining RMDs for these accounts is more complex than those that apply to RMDs for non-inherited accounts. Failure to comply with the RMD rules will result in the account owner owing the IRS an excess accumulation penalty on any RMD shortfall. Interested parties must understand the compliance requirements that apply to RMDs to be able to assist in ensuring that penalties are avoided. Additionally, the recent changes that affect RMDs must be considered when advising clients about their RMD obligations.