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Showing 1616 Webcasts & Webinars Results

Surgent's Preparing C Corporation Tax Returns for New Staff and Paraprofessionals



8.00 Credits

This course is a great foundation to introduce new preparers to tax rules related to business returns. The course provides new staff coverage of tax areas affecting all business entities, providing staff training which they may carry to other business entity returns. Such business tax topics include the sale of assets used in any trade or business (Form 4797), depreciation (Form 4562), deductible vs. non-deductible items, and the basics of uniform capitalization. The objective of this course is to train new staff accountants, data processing employees, paraprofessionals, and bookkeepers to prepare a complicated federal corporate income tax return. It is a hands-on, practical course in filling out most tax forms, with extra emphasis on form changes due to new tax law.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Excel Lookups: Moving Beyond VLOOKUP Limitations



2.00 Credits

How do you pull a value from a cell into another cell? Do you use a direct cell reference, like =G10? If so, you are probably missing out on some efficiency gains that could be achieved by using a variety of Excel's lookup functions. Veteran Excel users, who are aware of the VLOOKUP function, are also painfully aware of its limitations--especially that it cannot go left. We will explore how to bypass VLOOKUP's limitations by nesting functions and by moving beyond VLOOKUP altogether.

Surgent's Liquidation of Flow-Through Entities for LLCs and Partnerships



2.00 Credits

Part of the technical competence of most experienced tax practitioners is the ability to advise owners of S corporations and partnerships or multiple-member LLCs treated as partnerships regarding the tax rules that apply when these entities liquidate. Entity liquidations do not occur every day; but they do occur, and often at very critical times in the business life of the entity and its owners. All tax practitioners should be able to advise their clients about the tax issues associated with client businesses that go out of existence and liquidate. This program explains the tax consequences associated with liquidating S corporations, partnerships, and multiple-member limited liability companies treated as partnerships.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Taxation of the Mobile Workforce



2.00 Credits

Today's workforce looks a lot different than it used to. With more people working from home and across state lines, employers must examine withholding and unemployment laws in a new light. In this course, we will examine tried and true rules in this area, but also examine statutes that are still developing. Using real-life examples and discussion, we will examine state laws on reciprocity and residency requirements. We will also look at what to do when state laws are silent or conflict on a particular issue, so that you can keep your clients in compliance and be well-prepared for the questions that will come your way in these ever-changing times.

Surgent's Bankruptcy Basics: Understanding the Reorganization and Liquidation Process in These Uncertain Economic Times



2.00 Credits

Consumers and businesses file for bankruptcy to seek protection from creditors and to reorganize or liquidate debts. Bankruptcy filings rise and fall with the economy. Surveys show that loss of income is the leading cause of consumer bankruptcies, followed by medical expenses and foreclosure. Corporate bankruptcies, on the other hand, are often the result of several factors, including excessive debt, decreased demand, increased costs, lawsuits or poor accounting practices. It is no secret bankruptcy filings will see a tremendous uptick in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. As an accountant, CFP, attorney or other professional, you need to be able to discuss the process and different available courses of action with your clients. Both landlords and tenants will be influenced tremendously. Individuals will look to your advice for a discharge and new start. Businesses will do the same and will also need to advise loyal employees. Creditors will receive proofs of claim and look to you for your expertise. Take this webinar and make sure you can speak fluently to both creditors and debtors. As trusted advisors, then, professionals should have a basic understanding of the bankruptcy process. This course provides a thorough review of the consumer and corporate bankruptcy practice. Participants in this webinar will gain an understanding of how consumer and corporate bankruptcy proceedings begin and end, as well as learn about key issues that affect debtor and creditor rights during bankruptcy. This webinar provides information from the perspective of both debtor and creditor. Although bankruptcy concerns the debts of the debtor, the Bankruptcy Code provides substantial protections to creditors. Creditor rights, however, vary widely depending on the status afforded the creditor under the Bankruptcy Code. Do yourself, your clients and your profit margin a favor and sign up for this invaluable webinar. This course qualifies for CFP credit.

Surgent's Controllership Skills Update: Current Survival Skills



2.00 Credits

The role of financial professionals has and continues to change in organizations. The stereotype of collecting and reporting data has been replaced by a broader vision, which focuses on improving an organization's results today and preparing it for the future. This brief program offers specific actions that can be implemented by financial personnel to expand their role through improving their organization. The actions and techniques provided build upon and improve activities that exist in many organizations (measuring, budgeting, hiring, risk management, etc.), as well as providing insights into capital allocation, cash management, valuation techniques, variables that influence capacity levels, M&A activity and actions to increase efficiency and innovation. Updated to include the impact of regulations, additional examples of M&A, alliances and strategic spin-offs/splits, methods to improve efficiency from existing activities, the impact of COVID-19, as well as current organizational changes employed to manage and accelerate growth.

Surgent's Excel Tables and Conditional Summing



2.00 Credits

In this webinar we will explore the powerful concept of splitting data from reports and dig into the mechanics that enable this technique. The key feature discussed is the Tables feature, and the key function discussed is the multiple-condition summing function. We will illustrate these items in a variety of ways, including building crosstab style reports and mapping tables.

Surgent's Top Business Tax Planning Strategies



2.00 Credits

Tax planning for 2024 is largely based upon legislation contained within the Inflation Reduction Act and the SECURE Act 2.0, both enacted in 2022, that offer new planning options and challenges for businesses in 2024. There are, however, other business tax changes in 2024 that result from different pieces of tax legislation, IRS pronouncements, and court cases that need to be taken into account from a planning perspective. This program analyzes the new opportunities and challenges that these tax changes offer to businesses and their owners that impact 2024 and sometimes later years.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Government and Nonprofit Frauds and Controls to Stop Them



4.00 Credits

George Washington once wrote, "We ought not to look back, unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dear bought experience." The cost of fraud, dearly paid by governments and nonprofits, is too severe not to learn and profit from. In this course, we will look back at real-world government and nonprofit frauds and derive useful controls to stop them. The course materials utilize a highly illustrative and innovative format. Over 15 focused exercises are included to provide an enhanced working knowledge of fraud and anti-fraud controls to both auditors and industry professionals.This course qualifies for yellow book credit.

Surgent's Essential Depreciation and Expensing Update



4.00 Credits

The "permanent" changes from the TCJA may stand like a lion in the pathway of change, but Washington has its own definition of permanent. Inflation adjustments and technical corrections are included within this deep analysis of the complex maze of rules dealing with depreciation, amortization, and sale of property. This course contains many examples and cases to illustrate the most important points of which CPAs need to be aware.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Top Ten Questions from Partnership Clients Regarding the Section 754 Election



4.00 Credits

This program is an in-depth analysis of the Section 754 election and the two adjustments associated with the election under Section 743(b) and Section 734(b). The 754 election is a highly technical provision that provides great tax benefits to the owners of the partnership, and particularly in the case of Section 743(b), a new partner. In this webinar, our expert panel will cover the most common questions encountered by practitioners in their daily practices. The program includes a number of examples that provide insights into the mechanics of the two adjustments that follow upon a Section 754 election.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Audits of 401(k) Plans: New Developments and Critical Issues



8.00 Credits

One of the most favored employee benefit plans, the 401(k) plan, provides unique challenges for auditors. Also, as many 401(k) plan administrators opt for ERISA Section 103(a)(3)(C) audits, audits of 401(k) plans will be significantly impacted by the now-effective SAS 136, the AICPA's new employee benefit plan auditing standard. Through this course, auditors will obtain an understanding of the rules and regulations unique to employee benefit plans and obtain practical guidance on applying them. Auditors will enhance their knowledge of the performance and reporting requirements of SAS 136 through real-world examples, best practices, and efficient audit techniques that can be utilized in various audit engagements. Make sure your audits don't trigger a DOL inspection by conforming to all applicable rules and regulations.

Surgent's Did I Pick the Right Major? Selecting Major Programs in a Single Audit



2.00 Credits

Even after we complete our work at an institution, the question sometimes lingers: "Did I pick the right major?" Major program determination is difficult in a single audit and sometimes we feel ill prepared to make the best decision. This course will give you the counseling and assistance you need to feel confident in your major program selection under the Uniform Guidance for Federal Awards requirements.This course qualifies for yellow book credit.

Surgent's Successfully Completing a Gift Tax Return -- Form 709



2.00 Credits

Since the early 2000s, the estate tax burden on taxpayers has gradually decreased along with the number of practitioners specializing in the field. Nevertheless, some of your most wealthy clients will have a taxable estate. For these select clients, making large gifts before death can be extremely tax efficient for the client and profitable for the practitioner filing the gift tax return. Learning how to file a basic gift tax return can help you attract and retain clients, increase your value-add, and generate revenue.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Hiring and Firing of Employees - What You Can and Cannot Do



2.00 Credits

There are numerous federal laws that restrict what businesses can do in terms of hiring and firing employees. Many of these laws impose significant penalties if employers violate them. Accordingly, it is crucial that all employers and their professional advisors understand these laws and apply them to their employment practices.

Surgent's Privacy and Security Training: Obligations of Confidentiality and Safekeeping



2.00 Credits

Spear phishing. Ransomware. Malware. Like the threats your business faces, the cybersecurity lexicon is constantly evolving. This comprehensive presentation imparts practical privacy and data security know-how and creates fluency with the latest terminology. Learn best practices for cybersecurity safety, as well as tailored training for those in positions responsible for implementing security policies. It is just as important to be diligent, safe, and well-versed in the attacks that we face in our personal lives.

Surgent's Federal Tax Update



4.00 Credits

Both businesses and individual clients face major changes as a result of new legislation, and tax professionals face the considerable challenge of delivering effective planning advice and services to address this myriad of recent developments. This course addresses this challenge and also encompasses the latest cases and rulings applicable to individual and business clients. Continually updated to reflect enacted legislation. Please Note: Due to content overlap, it is recommended that this course NOT be taken together with BIT4.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Lessons Learned From Recent Accounting Malpractice Actions



2.00 Credits

Recent economic volatility has created added stress on accounting and finance professionals and their clients. When individuals or businesses lose money, they often blame others for their misfortune. Business disputes can sometimes lead to accounting malpractice claims. Understanding the most common types of accounting malpractice claims provides a roadmap of what not to do. This course provides a current overview of accounting malpractice litigation throughout the United States. The goal is to learn about the types of claims asserted against CPA firms and strategies to employ to avoid such claims. Reviewing malpractice claims allows us to identify patterns of behavior that may reduce litigation risk.

Surgent's Tax Loss Limitations Imposed on Individuals and Pass-through Entities



3.00 Credits

Tax practitioners advising their business clients must be fully informed regarding the multiple loss limitation provisions that apply to individuals conducting businesses and pass-through entities. This program covers the loss limitation rules that tax practitioners must know in order to advise their individual and pass-through entity clients fully and adequately as to when and if a loss limitation applies. The loss limitations discussed in this program start with an introductory discussion of hobby loss rules and graduate to a more substantive discussion of the remaining loss limitations: basis limits, at-risk rules, passive loss limits, excess business loss limits, net operating losses, and the Section 163(j) interest limitation. Knowing when loss limits apply is essential for any tax practitioner. This program will put you in a position to advise clients fully and intelligently regarding each of the loss limits.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Best Practices in Not-for-Profit Accounting and Reporting



4.00 Credits

Don't just wing it when you can soar! To catch the eye of resource providers and fulfill the needs of leadership, it is essential that not-for-profits prepare financial statements which excel. This course will empower you with the knowledge of not-for-profit accounting and reporting to surpass the expectations of financial statement users. Over 15 focused exercises are included to illustrate and refine today's best practices in not-for-profit accounting and reporting.This course qualifies for yellow book credit.