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Showing 1616 Webcasts & Webinars Results

Surgent's The Most Critical Challenges in Not-for-Profit Accounting Today



4.00 Credits

Not-for-profit entities have recently applied critical new standards related to contributions of nonfinancial assets, leases, and more. Now is the time to know more than just what the standards say - we need to know what they mean and how they will affect not-for-profit entities. This course is designed to do just that! The course materials utilize a highly illustrative and innovative format. Over 15 focused exercises are included to provide an enhanced working knowledge of the challenges in not-for-profit accounting.This course qualifies for yellow book credit.

Surgent's Understanding Partnership Taxation: Types of Basis, Contributions, and Distributions



4.00 Credits

Calculating partnership basis is one of the most important things that we do as practitioners. However, it is also one of the most confusing. When we use the term "basis," we really could be referring to one of three different things. This course will explore the differences between inside basis, outside basis, and 704(b) basis. Through several examples and practice problems, we will show you how to easily distinguish among these terms. We will also explore the tax implications of initial contributions of property to a partnership as well as the different types of partnership distributions.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Building Your Personal Brand



1.00 Credits

A personal brand is your story. Having a well-defined personal brand can help you not only cultivate powerful connections but also set you apart. Explore the integral components to building a strong brand and gain strategies to help you create your own marketable personal brand.

Surgent's Advising a Client Regarding the Tax Consequences Associated with Buying or Selling a Business



3.00 Credits

Buying and selling a business can be a complex transaction with many tax issues. These issues include whether the transaction is or should be a stock or an asset sale when the business involved is a corporation, as well as the tax consequences associated with the sale of a partnership or a C or S corporation. Tax practitioners who advise clients who are buying or selling a business primarily focus on the tax issues that apply. This program explains and analyzes the tax issues practitioners must address in order to properly advise clients who are either buyers or sellers of businesses.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Individual and Financial-Planning Tax Camp



8.00 Credits

Each year brings its own set of tax planning challenges, and this year is no exception. This course aims to arm tax planners with planning strategies and ideas that all clients, but in particular, wealthy clients, middle-income clients, and closely held business owners need to consider right now to take advantage of present opportunities and plan for future tax advantages. Learn strategies that can really have an impact on client lives, while also bringing value to you and your firm. This material is continuously updated for recent legislation impacting individual taxpayers.This course qualifies for CFP credit.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Securing a Comfortable Retirement in the Age of Spending



8.00 Credits

This course gives CPAs the knowledge to help their clients plan for retirement by evaluating how much retirement income they will require and planning for how to reach their retirement goals.This course qualifies for CFP credit.

Surgent's Single Auditing Made Simple



8.00 Credits

Single auditing can seem complex. With thousands of pages of potential AICPA, GAO, and OMB literature coming together for the audit of one client, auditors can easily lose focus and confidence in what they are supposed to do; however, it does not have to be that way. This course is designed to sharpen your skills and knowledge in performing single audits and eliminate wasted efforts.This course qualifies for yellow book credit.

Surgent's Real Estate for Accounting and Finance Professionals



2.00 Credits

Explore the intricacies of federal income taxation as it intertwines with rental real estate activities. This course delves into the calculation of rental income, understanding the nuances of deductions, and unraveling the complexities of passive activity loss rules. Whether it's mastering Schedule E or understanding Congress' intent behind tax laws, professionals will leave with an enriched understanding.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Understanding S Corporation Taxation: Late S Corporation Elections, Disproportionate Distributions, and Selling Shares



2.00 Credits

S corporation taxation has a lot of pieces. There are helpful elections you can make that can potentially save your client money, but there are also rigid rules to adhere to. For example, if there is more than one class of stock, it can terminate the S corporation election. Learning how to successfully navigate these rules can make all the difference. In this course, we will discuss some of the more common specialty areas experienced by practitioners - late filing relief for S corporation elections, disproportionate distributions, and selling S corporation shares. While these items may not come up on every single Form 1120-S, you will be able to add more value to clients when they do.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Annual Accounting and Auditing Update



8.00 Credits

Designed for accounting and attestation practitioners at all levels in both public accounting and business and industry, this course provides a comprehensive review of recent standard-setting activities of the FASB and AICPA. In addition to providing a detailed review of SAS No. 145, this course will bring you up to date on FASB and AICPA standards issued over the past few years. The course also provides many hands-on examples and illustrations to help you apply the guidance in practice. In addition to a financial accounting update, the course will discuss what you will need to do differently as you adopt new audit standards 142-149 over the next few years, including a detailed review of the new audit requirements under SAS 142. The course will also cover the key changes related to SSARS No. 25. Finally, the course reviews the AICPA's quality management project. In summary, the course is your go-to source for all things A&A and will prepare you for your upcoming engagements throughout the rest of the year.

Surgent's Weekly Expert Hour



1.00 Credits

As financial and tax professionals well know, information overload is a constant struggle we face because things change quickly, and the sheer number of changes being made on a daily basis is enormous. Of great importance to small and medium tax and advisory firms is differentiating between changes that are relevant to our practice and our clients and changes that are new but totally irrelevant. Distinguishing between the two is difficult and time-consuming. Mike Tucker and a team of experts are pleased to present a weekly series designed to eliminate the clutter and get you what you need to stay up-to-date and perform for your clients. Mike and his co-presenters will dispense news on current events impacting taxes, finance, and industry. The subject matter will differ each week and intermittently include topics such as Social Security and Medicare. The panelists will discuss personal and corporate tax matters as well as other late-breaking news related to practitioners' personal finances and those of their clients. Every financial professional will benefit from this series. This is a cost-effective way for accountants to fulfill their compulsory continuing education because this weekly series will include almost 40 one-hour presentations. Sign up today - your clients and your bottom line will thank you.

Surgent's Ethics for Tax Professionals



2.00 Credits

The purpose of this program is to discuss the ethical mandates that govern the conduct of tax practitioners. The program focuses on the ethical pronouncements of the IRS in Circular 230, as well as the preparer penalty provisions set forth in the Internal Revenue Code. Please note: This ethics course does not cover state-specific issues and so is not applicable in states that require ethics courses to include specific state laws and regulations. Please check with your state board prior to registering for this program if you are in doubt about whether this program satisfies your state's ethics requirements.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Six Common Barriers to Investment Success



2.00 Credits

Many of us expect to use logic when it comes to how we allocate our investments. The adage of "buy low, sell high" is a saying that makes logical sense. So, why do we always seem to do the opposite? Every day we are faced with decisions, and we are often influenced by two seemingly opposing voices that come from two different parts of our brain. The frontal cortex processes lots of information to help us make logical and informed choices. But there's also a small part of the brain, known as the reflexive brain, that is responsible for emotions and survival instincts. Often, this reflexive brain can have a detrimental effect on the way we handle our investments. This course will discuss some behavioral biases that affect our financial decisions. As humans, we need to be aware of how our reflexive behavior impacts our investment decision-making ability. By uncovering and understanding these biases, we may have a better chance of meeting our long-term financial goals.

Surgent's Social Security: Dispelling Common Myths with Essential Truths



2.00 Credits

For roughly 90% of American retirees, Social Security income will be the foundation of their retirement income. Yet, many are ill-prepared and lack understanding of the critical aspects of making an informed claiming decision. Further challenged to separate fact from fiction, consumers crave accurate information from knowledgeable professionals to make the most out of these coveted monthly benefits. Join Heather Schreiber, RICPr, NSSAr, founder of HLS Retirement Consulting, LLC, and author of Social Security Advisor, as she dispels common myths about Social Security that lead to confusion and replaces them with the truth to an empowered retirement. Help your clients navigate their claiming age decisions with greater confidence, equipped with the essential truths they should consider before pushing the Social Security "on" button.

Surgent's Understanding Partnership Taxation: Debt Allocations



2.00 Credits

How debt is allocated to the partners in a partnership is important. It dictates how much money may be taken tax-free as a distribution, the losses that flow down to the partners, and the gain or loss on the sale of a partnership interest. However, the allocation of debt can differ depending on the type of debt it is and the type of partner we are talking about. Furthermore, 704(c) can complicate things. And what in the world is a constructive liquidation scenario? In this course, we will tackle the concept of debt allocations - how you do it, what it means, and why you do it.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Government and Nonprofit Frauds and Controls to Stop Them



4.00 Credits

George Washington once wrote, "We ought not to look back, unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dear bought experience." The cost of fraud, dearly paid by governments and nonprofits, is too severe not to learn and profit from. In this course, we will look back at real-world government and nonprofit frauds and derive useful controls to stop them. The course materials utilize a highly illustrative and innovative format. Over 15 focused exercises are included to provide an enhanced working knowledge of fraud and anti-fraud controls to both auditors and industry professionals.This course qualifies for yellow book credit.

Surgent's Auto and Energy-Related Tax Credits



2.00 Credits

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) contains many changes to auto and energy-related credits. Many if not most of these credits reduce the cost of individual- and business-related expenses. As a result of the changes brought about by the IRA, tax advisors have new and reformed credits to understand and explain to their clients. The IRS has issued extensive guidance regarding these credits in the form of Frequently Asked Questions that elaborate on and explain these new credits. This program covers the new and revised energy-related credits clients will be asking about, such as credits related to personal autos, energy-efficient commercial vehicles, and household-related utilities and improvements. This program will cover the IRA changes related to electric car credits in detail so that those attending can properly advise their individual and business clients regarding them.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Critical Conversations



2.00 Credits

As uncomfortable as some conversations are, keeping your silence won't resolve the issue and may in fact add to it. No matter which side of the table you find yourself at in a "hard to have" talk, you can learn to benefit from the conversation. In the workshop, you'll learn how to recognize when a conversation becomes critical, how to plan effectively for the conversation, and which communications strategies can help you create a win/win outcome.

Surgent's Shades Of Gray - Practicing Before The Internal Revenue Service - Circular 230 -Current State



2.00 Credits

Karen L. Hawkins, the former Director of the IRS Office of Professional Responsibility, will discuss key Circular 230 provisions and how some have been changed through litigation. Since the current version of Circular 230 has not been rewritten to incorporate the results of IRS litigation losses since 2014, this is the only seminar where you will hear what the current law says (and does not say) about tax professionals' ethical obligations in federal tax practice. The presentation will draw not only on the six years Ms. Hawkins spent as Director, OPR but her more than 30 years practicing as a nationally recognized tax controversy lawyer in California.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Understanding How the IRS Rewards Whistleblowers



2.00 Credits

In 2006, Congress passed the Tax Relief and Health Care Act. Prior to the Act's passage, rewards to individuals who provided information to the IRS regarding tax fraud were capped at $10 million. The Tax Relief and Health Care Act authorized the IRS to create a Whistleblower Office dedicated to investigating, processing and recovering claims concerning the underpayment of taxes. Under the IRS' new program, whistleblowers may recover 15 to 30 percent of the amount collected provided the taxes and amounts in dispute exceed $2 million. If the whistleblower's claim does not meet these criteria, the IRS may still consider granting an award under its pre-2006 Tax Relief Act discretionary authority. Given the rapid growth of this program, practitioners should have a basic understanding of the procedure and content for IRS Whistleblower claims, both from the perspective of a claimant's potential to recover and a taxpayer's exposure to liability.This course qualifies for IRS credit.