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CPE Catalog


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Showing 1624 Webcasts & Webinars Results

Surgent's Critical Issues Involving Taxation of Construction Contractors



4.00 Credits

Many consider taxation of construction contractors to be the most complex area of the Internal Revenue Code. Probably no other industry has so many elections and considerations that need to be considered and made in order to reduce or defer amounts owed. In this course, we will highlight these areas and discuss potential opportunities for practitioners and their clients. We will also discuss the impact of more recent legislation on construction taxation, including changes to net operating losses and the AMT rules. This is a critical presentation "tailor-made" for CPAs who either work for or represent construction contractors.

Surgent's Weekly Expert Hour



1.00 Credits

As financial and tax professionals well know, information overload is a constant struggle we face because things change quickly, and the sheer number of changes being made on a daily basis is enormous. Of great importance to small and medium tax and advisory firms is differentiating between changes that are relevant to our practice and our clients and changes that are new but totally irrelevant. Distinguishing between the two is difficult and time-consuming. Mike Tucker and a team of experts are pleased to present a weekly series designed to eliminate the clutter and get you what you need to stay up-to-date and perform for your clients. Mike and his co-presenters will dispense news on current events impacting taxes, finance, and industry. The subject matter will differ each week and intermittently include topics such as Social Security and Medicare. The panelists will discuss personal and corporate tax matters as well as other late-breaking news related to practitioners' personal finances and those of their clients. Every financial professional will benefit from this series. This is a cost-effective way for accountants to fulfill their compulsory continuing education because this weekly series will include almost 40 one-hour presentations. Sign up today - your clients and your bottom line will thank you.

Surgent's Taxation of Partnership Distributions and Sales of Partnership Interests



4.00 Credits

This program focuses on two parts of Subchapter K, partnership distributions and sales of partnership interests - topics that tax practitioners are often asked about by clients. Tax practitioners are called upon to advise both the partnership which makes distributions and the partners receiving the distributions regarding the tax consequences of these transactions. Additionally, tax practitioners will be deeply involved in decisions regarding the sale and purchase of a partnership interest. These topics are thoroughly covered in this program. The presenters also discuss several types of partnership distributions and the tax rules relating to them, as well as analyze the tax rules relating to the sale of a partnership interest. Tax practitioners will be given an in-depth analysis of these complex topics, so that they can effectively answer their clients' questions.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's The Most Critical Challenges in Governmental Accounting Today



4.00 Credits

With the constant churning of governmental accounting standards, now is the time to know more than just what the standards say; we need to know what they mean and how they will affect governmental entities. This course is designed to do just that! The course materials utilize a highly illustrative and innovative format. Over 15 focused exercises are included to provide an enhanced working knowledge of the most critical challenges in governmental accounting today.This course qualifies for yellow book credit.

Surgent's Managing Up the Ladder



2.00 Credits

It's not about top-down management anymore - things have changed. For organizations to be successful today, everyone needs to contribute. Our success depends not just on how you manage those who report to you but also on those to whom you report. The world is too complex now for any one person to have all the answers. Sometimes those in charge need and want your support. Learn how to manage the managers in "Managing Up the Ladder." It takes a special finesse and approach. You'll learn strategies for acquiring buy-in from those above you in the organization and tools for more effective communications and building respect.

Surgent's Taxation of the Mobile Workforce



2.00 Credits

Today's workforce looks a lot different than it used to. With more people working from home and across state lines, employers must examine withholding and unemployment laws in a new light. In this course, we will examine tried and true rules in this area, but also examine statutes that are still developing. Using real-life examples and discussion, we will examine state laws on reciprocity and residency requirements. We will also look at what to do when state laws are silent or conflict on a particular issue, so that you can keep your clients in compliance and be well-prepared for the questions that will come your way in these ever-changing times.

Surgent's Guide to Understanding the At-Risk Basis Rules and Forms 6198 and 7203



2.00 Credits

Many tax clients with losses from their S corporations, partnerships, and multiple-member LLCs treated as partnerships will want to use these losses to offset their other income from other sources. This program explains when, why, and how the at-risk rules apply to allow or to prevent the owner of a pass-through entity from taking a loss from a pass-through entity and using it to offset other income. This program is extremely helpful for anyone with pass-through entity clients.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Applying ASC 820: The Basics of Fair Value Accounting



4.00 Credits

While once thought just to apply to banking and financial institutions, entities now need to apply fair value accounting under ASC 820 across a variety of transitions. From financial instruments to leases, business combination accounting and impairment measurement, GAAP either requires or allows the use of fair value measures in an ever-increasing number of circumstances. Now is the time for you to get up-to-speed on the basics of the fair value approach. In this course, we will review when fair value accounting is required and when an entity can select to use it. Then we will review the basics of the ASC 820 model, including the concept of "exit price," the various approaches which an entity may follow when using a fair value approach and the different levels of inputs which an entity may consider when determining fair value. Lastly, the course will provide examples on when and how to apply this complex accounting guidance.

Surgent's Best Practices in Not-for-Profit Accounting and Reporting



4.00 Credits

Don't just wing it when you can soar! To catch the eye of resource providers and fulfill the needs of leadership, it is essential that not-for-profits prepare financial statements which excel. This course will empower you with the knowledge of not-for-profit accounting and reporting to surpass the expectations of financial statement users. Over 15 focused exercises are included to illustrate and refine today's best practices in not-for-profit accounting and reporting.This course qualifies for yellow book credit.

Surgent's Six Common Barriers to Investment Success



2.00 Credits

Many of us expect to use logic when it comes to how we allocate our investments. The adage of "buy low, sell high" is a saying that makes logical sense. So, why do we always seem to do the opposite? Every day we are faced with decisions, and we are often influenced by two seemingly opposing voices that come from two different parts of our brain. The frontal cortex processes lots of information to help us make logical and informed choices. But there's also a small part of the brain, known as the reflexive brain, that is responsible for emotions and survival instincts. Often, this reflexive brain can have a detrimental effect on the way we handle our investments. This course will discuss some behavioral biases that affect our financial decisions. As humans, we need to be aware of how our reflexive behavior impacts our investment decision-making ability. By uncovering and understanding these biases, we may have a better chance of meeting our long-term financial goals.

Surgent's Government and Nonprofit Frauds and Controls to Stop Them



4.00 Credits

George Washington once wrote, "We ought not to look back, unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dear bought experience." The cost of fraud, dearly paid by governments and nonprofits, is too severe not to learn and profit from. In this course, we will look back at real-world government and nonprofit frauds and derive useful controls to stop them. The course materials utilize a highly illustrative and innovative format. Over 15 focused exercises are included to provide an enhanced working knowledge of fraud and anti-fraud controls to both auditors and industry professionals.This course qualifies for yellow book credit.

Surgent's Annual Accounting and Auditing Update



8.00 Credits

Designed for accounting and attestation practitioners at all levels in both public accounting and business and industry, this course provides a comprehensive review of recent standard-setting activities of the FASB and AICPA. In addition to providing a detailed review of SAS No. 145, this course will bring you up to date on FASB and AICPA standards issued over the past few years. The course also provides many hands-on examples and illustrations to help you apply the guidance in practice. In addition to a financial accounting update, the course will discuss what you will need to do differently as you adopt new audit standards 142-149 over the next few years, including a detailed review of the new audit requirements under SAS 142. The course will also cover the key changes related to SSARS No. 25. Finally, the course reviews the AICPA's quality management project. In summary, the course is your go-to source for all things A&A and will prepare you for your upcoming engagements throughout the rest of the year.

Surgent's Individual and Financial-Planning Tax Camp



8.00 Credits

Each year brings its own set of tax planning challenges, and this year is no exception. This course aims to arm tax planners with planning strategies and ideas that all clients, but in particular, wealthy clients, middle-income clients, and closely held business owners need to consider right now to take advantage of present opportunities and plan for future tax advantages. Learn strategies that can really have an impact on client lives, while also bringing value to you and your firm. This material is continuously updated for recent legislation impacting individual taxpayers.This course qualifies for CFP credit.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Food, Beverage, and Entertainment Expensing



2.00 Credits

The IRS has issued final regulations regarding the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act's (TCJA) elimination of the deduction for expenditures related to entertainment, amusement, or recreational activities and provided guidance to determine whether an activity is considered to be entertainment. The final regulations also address the 50% limitation on the deduction of food and beverage expenses and when the 50% limitation does not apply. Due to the pandemic, Congress changed the rules for 2021 and 2022 to allow for 100% deductibility for meals. These temporary rules no longer applied starting in 2023. To effectively advise clients, it is imperative for tax practitioners to understand these rules and be updated on the latest IRS guidance related to meals and entertainment. This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Lessons Learned From Recent Accounting Malpractice Actions



2.00 Credits

Recent economic volatility has created added stress on accounting and finance professionals and their clients. When individuals or businesses lose money, they often blame others for their misfortune. Business disputes can sometimes lead to accounting malpractice claims. Understanding the most common types of accounting malpractice claims provides a roadmap of what not to do. This course provides a current overview of accounting malpractice litigation throughout the United States. The goal is to learn about the types of claims asserted against CPA firms and strategies to employ to avoid such claims. Reviewing malpractice claims allows us to identify patterns of behavior that may reduce litigation risk.

Surgent's Ins and Outs of Health Savings Accounts



2.00 Credits

Health savings accounts (HSAs) are an effective way for employers to provide employees with financial help so they can pay their out-of-pocket medical expenses in a tax-efficient manner. Individuals who are not participating in an employer-funded HSA may set up their own HSA to achieve the same ends. Clients often ask tax practitioners about the mechanics of HSAs and whether they are beneficial. This program is a two-hour discussion of the topic led by Roy Ramthun, who will take you through the many rules and complexities of this challenging subject.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Work-Life Balance: Maximizing Productivity and Understanding Related Tax Issues



2.00 Credits

Working as a financial professional is an accomplishment that offers the potential for a good salary with long-term growth. Despite being a sought-after career, studies show that being overworked is the greatest source of anxiety and dissatisfaction among financial professionals. Left unchecked, a life centered exclusively around the demands of work can be both physically and emotionally detrimental. Establishing a work-life balance is difficult in any profession, yet financial professionals confront unique challenges that make this goal seem even more elusive. Technology results in being "always on," with no true time to disconnect and genuinely enjoy family, exercise, or hobbies. Lack of balance comes with costs, including poor health and lower productivity. Why are some professionals able to establish a successful balance between career demands and family while others are not? How are some firms able to achieve both high employee satisfaction and strong productivity? This webinar looks at research, surveys, and simple anecdotal information to provide a better understanding of how to achieve a realistic work-life balance in the modern world. We also discuss the tax consequences that arise when professionals seek balance by working from home in one state while their employer is located in a different state.

Surgent's Guide and Update to Compilations, Reviews, and Preparations



4.00 Credits

Specifically designed for preparation, compilation, and review practitioners, this course will provide you with a comprehensive review and hands-on application for performing financial statement preparation, compilation, and review engagements. You will learn the ins and outs of applying SSARS No. 21, Clarification and Recodification, as well as the additional guidance related to SSARS engagements through the issuance of SSARS Nos. 22-25 by the ARSC. The course will also review recent peer review feedback on SSARS engagements, providing insights on how to successfully apply this guidance. Not only will this course bring you up to date on SSARSs requirements and guidance, but more importantly, it will provide you with practical examples and illustrations to help you effectively and efficiently perform compilation, preparation, and review engagements.

Surgent's Understanding Partnership Taxation: Types of Basis, Contributions, and Distributions



4.00 Credits

Calculating partnership basis is one of the most important things that we do as practitioners. However, it is also one of the most confusing. When we use the term "basis," we really could be referring to one of three different things. This course will explore the differences between inside basis, outside basis, and 704(b) basis. Through several examples and practice problems, we will show you how to easily distinguish among these terms. We will also explore the tax implications of initial contributions of property to a partnership as well as the different types of partnership distributions.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's A Complete Guide to the Yellow Book



8.00 Credits

If you work with governments and not-for-profits, a thorough understanding of the Yellow Book is essential. This course will equip you with a comprehensive knowledge of the Yellow Book requirements and increase your confidence and proficiency in performing Yellow Book audits. The course materials utilize a highly illustrative and innovative format including over 20 focused exercises on key practice issues.This course qualifies for yellow book credit.