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CPE Catalog


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Showing 1616 Webcasts & Webinars Results

Surgent's U.S. Taxation of Foreign Corporations: A Case Study Approach



3.00 Credits

This course is a case study designed to provide a comprehensive overview of U.S. taxation of a foreign corporation. Using a specific example, the course will walk through step-by-step mechanics on how to calculate the income inclusions and foreign tax credits under GILTI (Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income), Subpart F, and PFIC (Passive Foreign Investment Company) regimes. The case study will further evaluate tax impact of subsequent distributions from the foreign corporation and sales of its stock. A compare-and-contrast approach will highlight the different outcomes of these regimes for individuals and for C corporations, empowering participants to advise their clients on the most tax efficient way to structure their international investments.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Required Minimum Distributions: Compliance and Planning



4.00 Credits

Required minimum distributions (RMDs) from employer retirement plans and IRAs must be made or steep penalties will be incurred. Planning opportunities exist in certain situations to minimize distributions. Also, special rules exist for inherited retirement funds. Your clients depend on you to help them navigate the rules regarding required minimum distributions and the taxation of distributions. This course addresses compliance issues and planning opportunities regarding required minimum distributions.

Surgent's Understanding and Testing Control and Compliance in a Single Audit



4.00 Credits

The control and compliance requirements for single audits differ from the requirements for GAAS audits. As a result, sometimes it's difficult to tell where the auditor's responsibilities start and stop in a single audit. This course is designed to help you proceed and succeed in applying the single audit control and compliance requirements. Over 15 focused exercises are included to provide an enhanced working knowledge of the most critical challenges in single auditing today.This course qualifies for yellow book credit.

Surgent's Audits of 401(k) Plans: New Developments and Critical Issues



8.00 Credits

One of the most favored employee benefit plans, the 401(k) plan, provides unique challenges for auditors. Also, as many 401(k) plan administrators opt for ERISA Section 103(a)(3)(C) audits, audits of 401(k) plans will be significantly impacted by the now-effective SAS 136, the AICPA's new employee benefit plan auditing standard. Through this course, auditors will obtain an understanding of the rules and regulations unique to employee benefit plans and obtain practical guidance on applying them. Auditors will enhance their knowledge of the performance and reporting requirements of SAS 136 through real-world examples, best practices, and efficient audit techniques that can be utilized in various audit engagements. Make sure your audits don't trigger a DOL inspection by conforming to all applicable rules and regulations.

Surgent's Handbook for Mastering Basis, Distributions, and Loss Limitation Issues for S Corporations, LLCs, and Partnerships



8.00 Credits

The most difficult concepts to master when dealing with flow-through business entities are the basis and distribution concepts. Major error and malpractice issues occur if the CPA does not fully understand the impact of these rules. This course is designed to focus on the practical applications of these rules.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

The Best Individual Income Tax Update Course by Surgent



8.00 Credits

This highly informative course comprehensively covers all the latest tax law developments. The focus is on individual taxation and discussion of the planning opportunities practitioners need to understand to help clients respond effectively. You will come away from the course with the up-to-date knowledge to educate your individual tax clients and implement tax-saving ideas that will serve their ever-evolving needs. This course is continually updated to reflect enacted legislation. Please Note: Due to content overlap, it is recommended that this course NOT be taken together with BFTU.This course qualifies for CFP credit.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Social Security: Dispelling Common Myths with Essential Truths



2.00 Credits

For roughly 90% of American retirees, Social Security income will be the foundation of their retirement income. Yet, many are ill-prepared and lack understanding of the critical aspects of making an informed claiming decision. Further challenged to separate fact from fiction, consumers crave accurate information from knowledgeable professionals to make the most out of these coveted monthly benefits. This course dispels common myths about Social Security that lead to confusion and replaces them with the truth to an empowered retirement. Help your clients navigate their claiming age decisions with greater confidence, equipped with the essential truths they should consider before pushing the Social Security "on" button.

Surgent's Artificial Intelligence for Accounting and Finance Professionals



2.00 Credits

Accounting and finance professionals have used different forms of automation over the years to improve the efficiency and accuracy of their work. So far, technology has not been able to replace the knowledge, experience, and decision-making of seasoned professionals. Times are rapidly changing. Today, systems easily exceed humans in accuracy and consistency. Artificial intelligence (AI) brings opportunities for accountants and finance professionals in the short term to improve efficiency and accuracy, while providing more value for businesses and customers alike. In the long term, AI will offer profound changes to how professionals work and process data. This course is designed to review where we are and where we are headed in the world of AI.

Surgent's Shades Of Gray - Practicing Before The Internal Revenue Service - Circular 230 -Current State



2.00 Credits

Karen L. Hawkins, the former Director of the IRS Office of Professional Responsibility, will discuss key Circular 230 provisions and how some have been changed through litigation. Since the current version of Circular 230 has not been rewritten to incorporate the results of IRS litigation losses since 2014, this is the only seminar where you will hear what the current law says (and does not say) about tax professionals' ethical obligations in federal tax practice. The presentation will draw not only on the six years Ms. Hawkins spent as Director, OPR but her more than 30 years practicing as a nationally recognized tax controversy lawyer in California.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's What CPAs Should Know About Trust Instruments



2.00 Credits

This is a survey course on the intergenerational transfer of property -- focusing on what the CPA should know about trust instruments. It will cover a broad number of topics ranging from the fundamental legal principals necessary for the trust and estate practitioner to understand, to the ability of language in the trust instrument to accomplish a certain tax result.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Gaining a Competitive Advantage: Critical Skills for CFOs and Controllers



4.00 Credits

All organizations are looking for ways to gain an advantage over the competition. This practical and interactive session will present a toolkit of ideas to help CFOs, controllers and finance professionals better position their organizations for the future. We know change is occurring at an exponential rate, and that has proven to be the case in all areas of finance, management, and leadership over the past year. The course deals with these new issues and will continue to be updated as necessary throughout the year. Become the "financial hero" of your organization and make a positive impact on the bottom-line.

Surgent's Four Tiers of Loss Limitations: A Guide to the Rules for Pass-Through Entities



4.00 Credits

Owners of S corporations and partnerships are subject to numerous limitations on pass-through losses, each with unique rules, applications, and complexities. With the increase in popularity of pass-through business entities, it is essential for CPAs to understand the complexities and interactions of these pass-through loss limitations.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's The Most Critical Challenges in Governmental Accounting Today



4.00 Credits

With the constant churning of governmental accounting standards, now is the time to know more than just what the standards say; we need to know what they mean and how they will affect governmental entities. This course is designed to do just that! The course materials utilize a highly illustrative and innovative format. Over 15 focused exercises are included to provide an enhanced working knowledge of the most critical challenges in governmental accounting today.This course qualifies for yellow book credit.

Surgent's Yellow Book and Single Audits: How to Stay in Good Graces and Out of Bad Places with Your Peer Reviewer



4.00 Credits

If you perform Yellow Book audits and/or single audits, it is a given that a peer reviewer will be looking at your work on those engagements! Why fret and sweat about what peer reviewers are going to be looking for? In this course, we will explore the key audit requirements that peer reviewers focus on, how the auditor complies with those requirements, and common pitfalls seen in Yellow Book and single audits. This course will help you proceed and succeed in your Yellow Book and single audits!This course qualifies for yellow book credit.

Surgent's Annual Accounting and Auditing Update



8.00 Credits

Designed for accounting and attestation practitioners at all levels in both public accounting and business and industry, this course provides a comprehensive review of recent standard-setting activities of the FASB and AICPA. In addition to providing a detailed review of SAS No. 145, this course will bring you up to date on FASB and AICPA standards issued over the past few years. The course also provides many hands-on examples and illustrations to help you apply the guidance in practice. In addition to a financial accounting update, the course will discuss what you will need to do differently as you adopt new audit standards 142-149 over the next few years, including a detailed review of the new audit requirements under SAS 142. The course will also cover the key changes related to SSARS No. 25. Finally, the course reviews the AICPA's quality management project. In summary, the course is your go-to source for all things A&A and will prepare you for your upcoming engagements throughout the rest of the year.

Surgent's Preparing Individual Tax Returns for New Staff and Paraprofessionals



8.00 Credits

The objective of this course is to train new staff accountants, data processing employees, paraprofessionals, and bookkeepers to prepare a moderately complex federal individual income tax return (Form 1040). Over the years, thousands of new staff have received practical, hands-on experience to become familiar with tax forms. This course covers the latest tax law changes, making it essential for your new staff.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

The Best S Corporation, Limited Liability, and Partnership Update Course by Surgent



8.00 Credits

This year practitioners need to keep abreast of tax changes affecting pass-through entities used by their business clients and employers, and this enlightening course delivers that information. You will learn invaluable strategies, techniques, innovative tax-planning concepts, income-generating ideas, and other planning opportunities available to S corporations, partnerships, LLCs, and LLPs. In addition, this course will discuss current trends and emerging issues, helping practitioners stay informed about relevant and significant topics that may impact their clients. Continually updated to reflect enacted legislation.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Managing Millennials



2.00 Credits

By 2025, millennials will represent 75% of the workforce. Whether you are an owner of a small practice or manager in a multinational corporation, it is important to understand characteristics and expectations of this large segment of the workforce. Research reveals that many of the common stereotypes surrounding millennials are unfounded and counterproductive. This course provides an understanding of who millennials are in comparison to their predecessors, the Gen-Xers and baby boomers. Equally important, the presentation will look at common myths regarding millennials and why understanding this class of employees provides opportunities for your organization to grow and succeed.

Surgent's Successfully Completing a Gift Tax Return -- Form 709



2.00 Credits

Since the early 2000s, the estate tax burden on taxpayers has gradually decreased along with the number of practitioners specializing in the field. Nevertheless, some of your most wealthy clients will have a taxable estate. For these select clients, making large gifts before death can be extremely tax efficient for the client and profitable for the practitioner filing the gift tax return. Learning how to file a basic gift tax return can help you attract and retain clients, increase your value-add, and generate revenue.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's The Most Critical Challenges in Not-for-Profit Accounting Today



4.00 Credits

Not-for-profit entities have recently applied critical new standards related to contributions of nonfinancial assets, leases, and more. Now is the time to know more than just what the standards say - we need to know what they mean and how they will affect not-for-profit entities. This course is designed to do just that! The course materials utilize a highly illustrative and innovative format. Over 15 focused exercises are included to provide an enhanced working knowledge of the challenges in not-for-profit accounting.This course qualifies for yellow book credit.