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Showing 1619 Webcasts & Webinars Results

Surgent's Ethics for Tax Professionals



2.00 Credits

The purpose of this program is to discuss the ethical mandates that govern the conduct of tax practitioners. The program focuses on the ethical pronouncements of the IRS in Circular 230, as well as the preparer penalty provisions set forth in the Internal Revenue Code. Please note: This ethics course does not cover state-specific issues and so is not applicable in states that require ethics courses to include specific state laws and regulations. Please check with your state board prior to registering for this program if you are in doubt about whether this program satisfies your state's ethics requirements.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Excel Tables and Conditional Summing



2.00 Credits

In this webinar we will explore the powerful concept of splitting data from reports and dig into the mechanics that enable this technique. The key feature discussed is the Tables feature, and the key function discussed is the multiple-condition summing function. We will illustrate these items in a variety of ways, including building crosstab style reports and mapping tables.

Surgent's The Art of Delegation: Strategies for Improving Your Skills



2.00 Credits

One of the most challenging skills for a manager or supervisor to master is delegation. This course will cover a variety of delegation-related topics and provide participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to delegate work and authority effectively.

Surgent's Construction Contractors: Accounting and Financial Reporting Issues



4.00 Credits

Accounting and financial reporting for construction contractors may be the most difficult area to be in compliance with the various standards. Also, construction engagements are, in many instances, more "dangerous" than most lines of business due to the many users of the financial statements (especially considering the impact of COVID-19). In this course, we will discuss why construction accounting and financial reporting are so complex and discuss the relationship between the contractor and the surety, both from an underwriting and claims perspective. We will also explore what the surety looks for in order to maximize potential bond credit.

Surgent's Work-Life Balance: Maximizing Productivity and Understanding Related Tax Issues



2.00 Credits

Working as a financial professional is an accomplishment that offers the potential for a good salary with long-term growth. Despite being a sought-after career, studies show that being overworked is the greatest source of anxiety and dissatisfaction among financial professionals. Left unchecked, a life centered exclusively around the demands of work can be both physically and emotionally detrimental. Establishing a work-life balance is difficult in any profession, yet financial professionals confront unique challenges that make this goal seem even more elusive. Technology results in being "always on," with no true time to disconnect and genuinely enjoy family, exercise, or hobbies. Lack of balance comes with costs, including poor health and lower productivity. Why are some professionals able to establish a successful balance between career demands and family while others are not? How are some firms able to achieve both high employee satisfaction and strong productivity? This webinar looks at research, surveys, and simple anecdotal information to provide a better understanding of how to achieve a realistic work-life balance in the modern world. We also discuss the tax consequences that arise when professionals seek balance by working from home in one state while their employer is located in a different state.

Surgent's Introduction to Forensic Accounting



4.00 Credits

Forensic accounting encompasses fraud investigation and prevention, as well as a wide variety of functions in litigation. Forensic accountants provide services ranging from serving as an expert witness, to litigation consultant and bankruptcy trustee. As our economy grows more complex, the need for forensic accountants grows as well. One critical role of the forensic accountant is exposing and examining financial fraud. Technology expands the way companies conduct business; however, technology also provides greater opportunities for those willing to commit fraud. Forensic accountants rely on their skills in accounting, coupled with their investigative skills, to explain to clients, courts, and jurors how fraudulent schemes occur and the effect caused by fraud. Forensic accountants also provide expert opinions in calculating damages in litigation and administering bankruptcy estates, as well as a host of other services.

Surgent's Handling Difficult People



2.00 Credits

Learn to manage difficult colleagues with gloves - kid gloves, not boxing gloves. Having even one difficult person in your department can tax your restraint and deplete the time and energy you need to supervise your team. "Handling Difficult People" teaches you how to manage challenging colleagues without sacrificing everyone else to the process. This workshop is designed to help you learn to recognize difficult behavior before it gets out of hand and to understand why difficult people behave the way they do. You'll work with a three-part problem-solving model and study a five-step process for initiating the dialogue through to planned resolution. And you'll leave with an action plan to address specific situations in your workplace.

Surgent's Liquidation of Flow-Through Entities for LLCs and Partnerships



2.00 Credits

Part of the technical competence of most experienced tax practitioners is the ability to advise owners of S corporations and partnerships or multiple-member LLCs treated as partnerships regarding the tax rules that apply when these entities liquidate. Entity liquidations do not occur every day; but they do occur, and often at very critical times in the business life of the entity and its owners. All tax practitioners should be able to advise their clients about the tax issues associated with client businesses that go out of existence and liquidate. This program explains the tax consequences associated with liquidating S corporations, partnerships, and multiple-member limited liability companies treated as partnerships.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Preparation and Compilation Engagements Under the SSARS



4.00 Credits

Be the go-to person on financial statement compilation and preparation engagements. Specifically designed for those performing preparation and compilation engagements, this course will provide you with a hands-on application for performing preparation and compilation engagements under AR-C Section 70 and 80, respectively. You will learn the ins and outs of relevant sections of the SSARS related to preparation and compilation engagements with a focus on how recently issued updates to SSARS No. 21 impact these engagements. More importantly, you will be provided practical examples and illustrations to help you effectively and efficiently perform those engagements, including a detailed discussion of the reporting requirements under AR-C 80 related to compilation engagement. Lastly, the course will review recent peer review feedback on these types of engagements, highlighting areas where you can improve engagement quality.

Surgent's A Complete Guide to Offers in Compromise



2.00 Credits

This course is designed to assist practitioners in preparing Offers in Compromise (OIC). After this course, you should have an understanding of how proper planning can make a significant difference in the amount eventually paid to the IRS and the resulting financial well-being of your client. This program covers the basics, from choosing the proper forms to utilize through the filing of an appeal if necessary. We will also explain how to increase your chances of having your OIC approved by the IRS by going over the complexities involved.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Understanding Partnership Taxation: PTE Elections, 754 Elections, and Selling a Partnership Interest



2.00 Credits

Partnership tax law is always difficult. However, when certain transactions come up, not knowing how to handle them can be costly to clients and practitioners. In this course, we discuss several of these types of situations. We will explore the tax impacts of a PTE election and how a 754 election affects the inside basis of partnership assets. We will then examine those tricky look-through provisions on the sale of a partnership interest in order to properly calculate the tax implications.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Applying the CECL Credit Loss Standard to Non-Banking Situations



4.00 Credits

The effective date for private companies of ASC 326, Credit Losses, is rapidly approaching. Staring in 2023, all entities will be recording credit losses using the current estimate of credit loss (CECL) model, which will accelerate the recognition of such losses for all companies, including non-lending institutions and companies with trade accounts and leases receivable. This new guidance truly impacts all entities. In this course, we'll focus on applying the ASC 326 guidance to non-lending institutions. We'll review the CECL model and discuss how to apply it to trade accounts receivables and lease receivables, as well as the other financial assets which are in the scope of the new guidance. We'll also examine how to transition to the CECL guidance as well as review the new and voluminous disclosures required by ASC 326. 2023 is right around the corner and now is the time to get up to speed on the impact of this new guidance.

Surgent's The Americans with Disabilities Act and the Family and Medical Leave Act



2.00 Credits

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) were implemented to improve the lives of employees. FMLA allows eligible employees to take job-protected leave for their own serious health conditions or to care for sick family members. The ADA was intended to ensure "equality of opportunity" and "economic self-sufficiency" for individuals with disabilities. Yet both laws have proven challenging for employers. These laws are complex with rules that can be confusing and often misunderstood. This webinar is designed to provide information, guidelines, and examples of the key concepts under both laws.

Surgent's Controllership Skills Update - Budgeting, Forecasting, and Big Data



2.00 Credits

Budgets are the vehicle for allocating resources, measuring activities, and identifying needed changes and improvements. An organization's strategy is the primary driver of costs. To be effective, the budget must be linked to strategy and long-term plans. Numerous organizations have achieved a series of short-term targets (budgets) but failed longer term, demonstrating the lack of this necessary linkage. Forecasting, a critical part of any successful budgeting process, can be flawed by technical errors, organizational structure, or emotional forces. The establishment of a system to collect, process, and analyze big data can provide significant insights into the budgeting and forecasting process. An efficient system of incorporating big data and analytics into normal activities will improve management's decision-making. This brief program offers specific actions to improve your forecasting and budgeting activities. In addition, more advanced techniques are identified for the participant's further review, which can be applied throughout an organization. Good budgets effectively allocate resources, provide information for decision-making and serve as an early warning system for unforeseen events. A poor budgeting process fosters a false sense of security, provides inappropriate or inaccurate data, and reinforces the status quo. Budgets are about the organization's story, not just the raw numbers!

Surgent's Privacy and Security Training: Obligations of Confidentiality and Safekeeping



2.00 Credits

Spear phishing. Ransomware. Malware. Like the threats your business faces, the cybersecurity lexicon is constantly evolving. This comprehensive presentation imparts practical privacy and data security know-how and creates fluency with the latest terminology. Learn best practices for cybersecurity safety, as well as tailored training for those in positions responsible for implementing security policies. It is just as important to be diligent, safe, and well-versed in the attacks that we face in our personal lives.

Surgent's The Accountant as the Expert Witness



2.00 Credits

As litigation becomes more complex, attorneys are relying more on accountants to serve as consulting experts or expert witnesses at trial. Serving as an expert witness is not as difficult as you might expect. Accounting experts educate lawyers and jurors on issues such as valuation, tax liability, and forensics. Learn how accountants become expert witnesses, the role they play during pre-litigation through to trial, and the techniques experts employ to avoid challenges from opposing counsel.

Surgent's Managing People Through Motivation



4.00 Credits

Whether your employees report in every day to the floor or from an off-site network, the success of your organization depends a great deal on the motivation they bring to the job. This program helps identify specific methods you can use to improve employee motivation. You'll learn how to use observation tools to find out what motivates your employees and you'll study classic motivational theories. The results will help you influence the behaviors of others and tweak your own behavior to improve your bottom line.

Surgent's Real Estate for Accounting and Finance Professionals



2.00 Credits

Explore the intricacies of federal income taxation as it intertwines with rental real estate activities. This course delves into the calculation of rental income, understanding the nuances of deductions, and unraveling the complexities of passive activity loss rules. Whether it's mastering Schedule E or understanding Congress' intent behind tax laws, professionals will leave with an enriched understanding.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Advising a Client Regarding the Tax Consequences Associated with Buying or Selling a Business



3.00 Credits

Buying and selling a business can be a complex transaction with many tax issues. These issues include whether the transaction is or should be a stock or an asset sale when the business involved is a corporation, as well as the tax consequences associated with the sale of a partnership or a C or S corporation. Tax practitioners who advise clients who are buying or selling a business primarily focus on the tax issues that apply. This program explains and analyzes the tax issues practitioners must address in order to properly advise clients who are either buyers or sellers of businesses.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Inventory Management, Control and Analysis: Best-in-Class Tools to Achieve Success



4.00 Credits

The COVID-19 pandemic and related supply chain issues demonstrate the importance of effective inventory management, control, and analysis of this business lifeline. Inventory management is all about having the right items on hand at the right time to meet customer demand while controlling costs and minimizing waste and loss. Companies with best-in-class inventory management practices don't guess how much stock to buy, and they keep a steady flow of raw materials, work-in-progress items, and finished goods moving from manufacturing to consumer, over a variety of distribution channels. Inventory control is a part of the inventory management process. It is the daily activity of managing stock within the warehouse. Inventory control activities include receiving, storing, and transferring stock, as well as tracking and fulfilling orders and returns. Inventory analysis helps you determine the right amount of stock to keep on-hand to fill demand while avoiding spending too much on inventory storage. This course will focus on "The Big 3" tools that best-in-class financial leaders use to sustain enhanced growth and profitability: inventory management, control, and analysis. These will allow companies to stay on top of trends in inventory management, understand the drivers behind them, establish and follow a state-of-the-art inventory control system, and master inventory analysis skills.