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Surgent's Did I Pick the Right Major? Selecting Major Programs in a Single Audit



2.00 Credits

Even after we complete our work at an institution, the question sometimes lingers: "Did I pick the right major?" Major program determination is difficult in a single audit and sometimes we feel ill prepared to make the best decision. This course will give you the counseling and assistance you need to feel confident in your major program selection under the Uniform Guidance for Federal Awards requirements.This course qualifies for yellow book credit.

Surgent's Compilations, Reviews, and Preparations: Engagement Performance and Annual Update



8.00 Credits

Specifically designed for preparation, compilation, and review practitioners, this course will provide you with a comprehensive review and hands-on application for performing financial statement preparation, compilation, and review engagements. You will learn the ins and outs of applying SSARS No. 21, Clarification and Recodification, as well as the additional guidance related to SSARS engagements through the issuance of SSARS Nos. 22-26 by the ARSC. In addition to SSARS 26, the entire suite of quality management standards is discussed. However, knowing the standards is not enough. You need to be able to effectively apply them. To support this, the course will review recent peer review feedback on SSARS engagements, providing insights on how to successfully apply this guidance. Not only will this course bring you up to date on SSARS requirements and guidance, but more importantly, it will provide you with practical examples and illustrations to help you effectively and efficiently perform these types of engagements. This course is intended to be your go-to reference for training your staff and managing your SSARS No. 21-26 services in compliance with professional, ethical, and technical requirements.

Surgent's Tax Forms Boot Camp: LLCs, Partnerships, and S Corporations



8.00 Credits

The course provides a comprehensive, hands-on, pencil pushing understanding of the preparation of both S corporation and partnership/LLC tax returns, along with the underlying laws, regulations, etc. The course uses the basic concepts underlying the two main types of business returns: 1120S and 1065 as building blocks for more complex concepts tax preparers should be aware of. The theoretical concepts get illustrated in comprehensive examples that incorporate the most up-to-date law changes and provisions.This course qualifies for CFP credit.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Technical Individual Practice Issues and Tax Forms for Experienced Practitioners



8.00 Credits

Don't let the title frighten you. Experienced staff can get bogged down in busy season with advanced practice and reporting issues. With major legislation enacted over the past few years, we bring you the distilled version of what you need to know for the current year and significant current proposals that may impact the tax landscape in future years or even retroactively. This course discusses the topics that experienced staff, managers, and partners should understand in depth while also assisting experienced staff in avoiding costly mistakes when facing complicated 1040 issues. The manual includes advanced examples and several advanced cases with "filled-in" forms provided with the complete answers.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Getting Ahead: The Art of Marketing for CPAs



2.00 Credits

To many clients, CPA firms all look the same. While services and specialties may vary significantly from one firm to another, it is hard for the average person to see this by simply looking at the sign outside our office door. Is there any way to make us stand out more to the outside world? Through surveys, statistics, and examples, this course looks at how CPA firms can develop a marketing plan beyond just relying on referrals. We look at the pluses and minuses of various marketing channels, regulatory constraints, and how to measure success in the competitive financial services space.

Surgent's Schedules K-2 and K-3: Preparation of Forms



2.00 Credits

Many partnerships and S corporations are now required to complete the voluminous Schedules K-2 and K-3 to report foreign-related tax information. Updated for the 2023 tax year, this course is an essential guide for tax preparers on how to tackle the preparation of these forms. Understanding and preparing these forms requires a basic knowledge of various international tax topics. The course includes a brief discussion of key international tax concepts, a detailed walk-through of what information is required to be reported in different parts of the schedules, and practical advice from the field. The course also includes three comprehensive case studies on how the form should be completed for operating, real estate rental, and investment partnerships. Please note: Surgent also offers a companion course, "Schedules K-2 and K-3: Filing Requirements" (KFR2).

Surgent's Understanding and Managing Burnout Among Accounting and Finance Professionals



2.00 Credits

According to a recent study, over 70% of accounting professionals suffer from burnout, leading to feelings of exhaustion, inefficiency, and dissatisfaction with their careers. Recurring challenges for accounting and finance professionals include long hours, repetitive work, pressing client demands, and changing rules and regulations. Together, these conditions contribute to chronic workplace stress. Burnout is real, and firms that ignore this common problem pay a high price. Nearly three out of five employees in accounting and finance professions report psychological harm from work-related stress, including an overall feeling of lack of interest, motivation, or energy. Fortunately, individuals and organizations are beginning to take career burnout more seriously, especially in the post-pandemic era. This course looks at the causes of accounting burnout and examines strategies organizations are implementing to address and reduce a well-known but often overlooked problem.

Surgent's Partnership and LLC Core Tax Issues From Formation Through Liquidation



8.00 Credits

As they gain more experience, staff are expected to take on more complex assignments with minimal supervision. The course is designed to be a stepping stone for staff interested in pursuing more advanced partnership and LLC issues than mere preparation, via deeper life-cycle study into critical areas of formation, special allocations of income and deductions, basis calculations and implications of recourse and nonrecourse debt, basis step-up under 754 on transfer of an ownership interest, distributions, self-employment tax issues, and termination/liquidation of the LLC. With the right blend of legal and tax ramifications of LLC-specific issues, this course identifies all the major areas that are potential sources of increased complexity.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

The Best Federal Tax Update Course by Surgent



8.00 Credits

In this continually revised course, tax advisors will be fully updated on the most recent enacted legislation and IRS guidance, as well as major trends on the horizon with a view toward planning considerations. This update course is designed for all practitioners, both those working in public accounting as well as those in private industry, who need the latest information on tax changes. Please Note: Due to content overlap, it is recommended that this course NOT be taken together with BITU.This course qualifies for CFP credit.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Avoiding the Top 10 Mistakes That Can Wipe Out Retirement Savings



2.00 Credits

Years of growth in a retirement account can be wiped out by one mistake. As such, retirement account owners and their advisors should take care to ensure that IRAs are operated in compliance with the governing regulations. This includes ensuring that distributions are handled properly, and that movement of retirement assets, including between IRAs and employer plans, does not violate the limitations that apply.

Surgent's Public Speaking and Presentation Skills



2.00 Credits

Gerald Ford once said that "[n]othing in life is more important that the ability to communicate effectively." Public speaking remains a centuries-old skill that allows individuals to effectively communicate both at a personal and professional level. The benefits of good public speaking run long, whether it be the ability to persuade others, lead a team, or encourage critical thinking. This course is designed to refresh and refine speaking skills for professionals. Through this webinar, participants will gain a better understanding of the core skills of how to communicate effectively in groups - big or small. The webinar is intended to help those who already speak in public better improve their skills, while at the same time teaching more novice speakers how to approach a task that so many professionals dread - speaking in front of others.

Surgent's Real Estate for Accounting and Finance Professionals



2.00 Credits

Explore the intricacies of federal income taxation as it intertwines with rental real estate activities. This course delves into the calculation of rental income, understanding the nuances of deductions, and unraveling the complexities of passive activity loss rules. Whether it's mastering Schedule E or understanding Congress' intent behind tax laws, professionals will leave with an enriched understanding.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's International Tax Challenges and Opportunities for U.S. Filers



3.00 Credits

Globalization continues to make it easier for taxpayers to live abroad, do business in other countries, or invest in foreign enterprises. This creates significant complications and tax planning opportunities when it comes to filing U.S. tax returns. This course provides an overview of the unique tax challenges and solutions presented to U.S. expats or investors living or investing abroad. It examines how foreign-source income is taxed in the U.S. and how the tax consequences could be mitigated by applying the tax treaties, claiming credit for foreign taxes paid, or excluding foreign-earned income. Additionally, the course discusses the numerous foreign informational form reporting requirements and the significant penalties that could be imposed by the IRS. Examples from real-life client scenarios are included.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

A&A Cluster: Current Issues in Accounting and Auditing: Annual Update - A Virtual Event



4.00 Credits

Save a minimum of $50 when you purchase any 4 or more of MOCPA's Cluster Events.  USE CODE "CLUSTER24" AT CHECKOUT. Designed for accounting and attestation practitioners at all levels in both public accounting and business and industry, this course provides a detailed review of SAS No. 145 and brings you up to date on FASB and AICPA standards issued over the past few years. The course also provides many hands-on examples and illustrations to help apply the guidance in practice and discusses other important A&A practice matters to be aware of, including an update on peer review and audit quality.  

Surgent's Real Estate Taxation: Critical Considerations



4.00 Credits

This course is a 'deep dive' into many aspects involving the taxation of real estate for the mid-level practitioner moving into this complex area. You will deepen your understanding of the complex considerations and strategies that individuals must navigate in acquiring, operating, and selling real estate. You will leave the course able to navigate critical issues associated with the relevant returns and plan strategically for your company or clients. We will discuss in detail the impact that recent tax changes have had on the real estate industry, as well as new credits that are available after the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Yellow Book and Single Audits: How to Stay in Good Graces and Out of Bad Places with Your Peer Reviewer



4.00 Credits

If you perform Yellow Book audits and/or single audits, it is a given that a peer reviewer will be looking at your work on those engagements! Why fret and sweat about what peer reviewers are going to be looking for? In this course, we will explore the key audit requirements that peer reviewers focus on, how the auditor complies with those requirements, and common pitfalls seen in Yellow Book and single audits. This course will help you proceed and succeed in your Yellow Book and single audits!This course qualifies for yellow book credit.

Surgent's Business Writing: Professional & Effective Emails



2.00 Credits

Good writing is good business. Studies show that the average business worker receives 121 emails per day. That's a lot of emails. Are your emails effective? Are they being read? Are they professional and tone-smart? In this course, you will learn techniques and skills to get your emails to stand out and improve their effectiveness and professionalism.

Surgent's Time Management for Professionals



2.00 Credits

The phrase "time management" is misleading. No one manages time. Instead, we manage events in our lives which consume time. Like money, time is both finite and valuable; it should be budgeted and used wisely. Those individuals who "manage" or budget their time wisely often are more productive, less stressed, and able to achieve their goals more effectively than others. Professionals by nature place a high value on their time. Still, successful time management strategies vary based upon the personality, motivation, and discipline of each individual. This course provides simple, practical, and powerful techniques that help professionals work efficiently and achieve better balance in their lives. Successful time management skills also reduce the risk of burnout, which in turn improves the likelihood of achieving success in any endeavor.

Surgent's The Accountant as the Expert Witness



2.00 Credits

As litigation becomes more complex, attorneys are relying more on accountants to serve as consulting experts or expert witnesses at trial. Serving as an expert witness is not as difficult as you might expect. Accounting experts educate lawyers and jurors on issues such as valuation, tax liability, and forensics. Learn how accountants become expert witnesses, the role they play during pre-litigation through to trial, and the techniques experts employ to avoid challenges from opposing counsel.

Mock CPA Exam - Virtual


St Louis

0.00 Credits

For many candidates taking the CPA exam can be one of the biggest obstacles when transitioning into the profession.  Often candidates are not sure if they have studied enough or focused on the relevant areas for each section.  In order to help, Surgent has offered MOCPA student members and CPA exam candidates a means to best prepare and study for the exam. MOCPA is pleased to offer a FREE CPA exam simulation of the exam section of your choice.  Don't miss this unique opportunity to experience the CPA exam and to receive your test results onsite.  Questions are laid out according to the Uniform CPA Examination Blueprints. Click here for the most current version. Surgent CPA Review has offered to assist and guide CPA candidates through a 4-hour session where they will be immersed in an exam taking environment and walk away with insight on areas of focus for when you take the real thing!             The goal is to simulate the environment and format of taking the CPA Exam, using actual m/c questions and simulations.  Students who register will be able to select the exam portion of their choice and receive feedback.  At the conclusion of the Mock Exam, candidates will receive their Exam ReadySCORE along with a diagnostic report showing areas of strength and weakness which are aligned with the CPA Exam Blueprint. Time:  12 p.m. to 4 p.m.  Live simulation will begin at 12 p.m. and conclude at 4 p.m.Advance registration and selection of the exam section of your choice is required.  The email address that you use to register for this event will be used by Surgent to set up simulation.  This will expedite the start of the simulation and provide you proper access.  For any questions, please contact Liz Schaetzel at (314) 392-5834 or