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Surgent's Artificial Intelligence for Accounting and Finance Professionals



2.00 Credits

Accounting and finance professionals have used different forms of automation over the years to improve the efficiency and accuracy of their work. So far, technology has not been able to replace the knowledge, experience, and decision-making of seasoned professionals. Times are rapidly changing. Today, systems easily exceed humans in accuracy and consistency. Artificial intelligence (AI) brings opportunities for accountants and finance professionals in the short term to improve efficiency and accuracy, while providing more value for businesses and customers alike. In the long term, AI will offer profound changes to how professionals work and process data. This course is designed to review where we are and where we are headed in the world of AI.

Surgent's The Accounting Leaders' Survival Guide - Strategies for Managing Organizational Change



2.00 Credits

Our country and our accounting methods have undergone huge changes in the previous few years, most of it challenging. Individuals and entire businesses have been left reeling by new tax regulations, doing more with less, and employment restructuring. Organizations must adjust quickly; notwithstanding how painful these changes have been. This course instructs accounting managers on how to deal with change and stress in the workplace. Before it affects them in a negative way, the accounting professional will learn how to best manage the changing work environment and the stress that comes with it. "The first wealth is health," remarked Ralph Waldo Emerson, but for many of us, stressful jobs are putting our health at jeopardy.

Surgent's Annual Accounting and Auditing Update



8.00 Credits

Designed for accounting and attestation practitioners at all levels in both public accounting and business and industry, this course provides a comprehensive review of recent standard-setting activities of the FASB and AICPA. In addition to providing a detailed review of SAS No. 145, this course will bring you up to date on FASB and AICPA standards issued over the past few years. The course also provides many hands-on examples and illustrations to help you apply the guidance in practice. In addition to a financial accounting update, the course will discuss what you will need to do differently as you adopt new audit standards 142-149 over the next few years, including a detailed review of the new audit requirements under SAS 142. The course will also cover the key changes related to SSARS No. 25. Finally, the course reviews the AICPA's quality management project. In summary, the course is your go-to source for all things A&A and will prepare you for your upcoming engagements throughout the rest of the year.

Surgent's Work-Life Balance: Maximizing Productivity and Understanding Related Tax Issues



2.00 Credits

Working as a financial professional is an accomplishment that offers the potential for a good salary with long-term growth. Despite being a sought-after career, studies show that being overworked is the greatest source of anxiety and dissatisfaction among financial professionals. Left unchecked, a life centered exclusively around the demands of work can be both physically and emotionally detrimental. Establishing a work-life balance is difficult in any profession, yet financial professionals confront unique challenges that make this goal seem even more elusive. Technology results in being "always on," with no true time to disconnect and genuinely enjoy family, exercise, or hobbies. Lack of balance comes with costs, including poor health and lower productivity. Why are some professionals able to establish a successful balance between career demands and family while others are not? How are some firms able to achieve both high employee satisfaction and strong productivity? This webinar looks at research, surveys, and simple anecdotal information to provide a better understanding of how to achieve a realistic work-life balance in the modern world. We also discuss the tax consequences that arise when professionals seek balance by working from home in one state while their employer is located in a different state.

Surgent's Incredible Leadership Transformations in Accounting - Ways to Improve Leadership and Communication



2.00 Credits

Successful accounting and finance leaders are in a highly competitive workplace environment. They are a lot like the coaches of winning teams. They may lack the whistle and the playbook, but it's their job to inspire people to give their all. They may not be yelling directions from the sideline; however, they do deal with real-time performance problems, discipline issues, and bad attitudes. Leadership is serious business. A high-energy atmosphere at work makes for happier employees, who are in turn more productive. But this culture does not happen by accident. You have to create it. A key component to success comes from eliminating barriers by ensuring the team is not sidetracked by conflict. In addition, the best leaders have a vision and share it. Then along the way, they set goals so the team can move forward. This course will help you transform into a forward-thinking and results-driven strategic accounting leader. You will learn leadership best practices to achieve results and be seen as a credible and trusted leader.

Surgent's Excel Budgeting Ideas



2.00 Credits

Budget methods are the key to allowing department managers to efficiently prepare their budget in Excel. For example, a budget method may be to spread prior year actuals or match prior year actuals, or match prior year actuals less 10%. In this webinar, we will explore how to allow users to pick a budget method from a drop-down list for each account and then have Excel perform different calculations depending on the budget method selected. We use several features and functions at the same time to pull this off. Even if you are not involved in the budgeting process, the underlying features and functions discussed have a wide range of uses.

Surgent's Controllership Skills Update: Current Survival Skills



2.00 Credits

The role of financial professionals has and continues to change in organizations. The stereotype of collecting and reporting data has been replaced by a broader vision, which focuses on improving an organization's results today and preparing it for the future. This brief program offers specific actions that can be implemented by financial personnel to expand their role through improving their organization. The actions and techniques provided build upon and improve activities that exist in many organizations (measuring, budgeting, hiring, risk management, etc.), as well as providing insights into capital allocation, cash management, valuation techniques, variables that influence capacity levels, M&A activity and actions to increase efficiency and innovation. Updated to include the impact of regulations, additional examples of M&A, alliances and strategic spin-offs/splits, methods to improve efficiency from existing activities, the impact of COVID-19, as well as current organizational changes employed to manage and accelerate growth.

Surgent's Working Remotely: Best Practices, Challenges, and Opportunities



2.00 Credits

Working from home presents both benefits and challenges for professionals. For employees, working from home provides opportunities to be more productive and gain time that would otherwise be spent commuting to and from the office. Employers who utilize remote work enjoy fewer fixed costs, more efficiency, and greater employee satisfaction. Without proper planning, professionals who work remotely may experience increased anxiety and disorganization. They may also jeopardize data privacy. However, when executed properly, working remotely can help organizations become more efficient and profitable, while at the same time improving employee morale. This course looks at how firms and companies have successfully implemented work from home programs and discusses mistakes that can be avoided through proper planning.

Surgent's Excel Shortcuts for Accountants



2.00 Credits

This webinar presents a variety of time-saving ideas, shortcuts, and tips that are sure to boost personal productivity. We discuss better summing, address one of the biggest pitfalls that Excel users have faced over the past 25 years, present the most important keyboard shortcuts, demonstrate a better alternative to hiding rows or columns, illustrate how to quickly navigate to other workbooks and files, and demonstrate using Excel with styles.

Surgent's Basics of Employment Law for Non-HR Professionals



4.00 Credits

Learn the basics of employment law and how they affect best practices to help control the interview and discover hidden talents of applicants.

Surgent's Update on the SECURE 2.0 Act



2.00 Credits

This course provides a comprehensive analysis of the SECURE 2.0 Act. The principal focus of the Act is to expand retirement coverage and increase retirement savings. As such, the Act has many important changes relating to IRAs and qualified plans. This legislation alters the landscape of retirement planning for taxpayers of all ages. Make sure you are up to date with the latest information available in order to effectively advise your clients on these important changes.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Managing Millennials



2.00 Credits

By 2025, millennials will represent 75% of the workforce. Whether you are an owner of a small practice or manager in a multinational corporation, it is important to understand characteristics and expectations of this large segment of the workforce. Research reveals that many of the common stereotypes surrounding millennials are unfounded and counterproductive. This course provides an understanding of who millennials are in comparison to their predecessors, the Gen-Xers and baby boomers. Equally important, the presentation will look at common myths regarding millennials and why understanding this class of employees provides opportunities for your organization to grow and succeed.

Surgent's Mastering the Basics of Inventory Accounting



4.00 Credits

While many entities maintain inventory, they are often challenged when applying the complexities of inventory accounting. The goal of this course is to provide a detailed overview of inventory accounting concepts that can be applied to a variety of inventory types. The course will cover the basics of inventory capitalization, for both book and tax, as well as the basic inventory valuation methods, LIFO, FIFO, weighted average, and specific identification. Then the course will give a more detailed review of the LIFO and retail methodologies. It will cover the topics of inventory obsolescence reserves and other issues related to inventory accounting, including a discussion of how COVID-19 has impacted these accounting considerations. This course will be the one-shop stop to get you up-to-speed on the accounting for this critical, revenue-producing asset.

Surgent's Integrated Planning, Forecasting, and Budgeting for Organizational Success



4.00 Credits

Planning may be one of the most important assignments of the finance professional; however, it is often accomplished in a way that can harm the organization. In many cases, huge sums are spent only to have a planning document developed that does not serve to bring the company together, but rather causes internal division. In some situations the budget can actually harm both productivity and alignment. This course is designed to bring planning, budgeting, and forecasting together into one fully aligned process that is easier, more efficient, and fully engages all parts of the organization. Rather than the plan being owned by the finance department, it is owned and followed by everyone from the CEO to the entry-level employee.

Surgent's Auditing 401(k) Plans: Critical Issues and Annual Update



4.00 Credits

Due to increasing scrutiny in the employee benefit plan area, it is imperative for auditors of 401(k) plans to remain up to date on the rules and regulations that may impact the audit engagement. With SAS 136, the AICPA's new employee benefit plan auditing standard, now effective, this knowledge is even more critical. In this course, auditors will enhance their knowledge by understanding the changes affecting audit procedures and reporting under SAS 136, identifying best practices, and performing efficient audit engagements.

Surgent's The Risks and Benefits of ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence



2.00 Credits

We see multiple stories about the rapid growth of artificial intelligence (AI) and its entry into our lives in the form of AI tools, including ChatGPT. They seem to be everywhere. It is difficult to overstate how much things will change with the rise of these new technologies, or how important it is that companies embrace the opportunity to execute them correctly. Having conversations regarding the proper adoption of these technologies and tools is a crucial first step, including drafting policies to assist companies with their beneficial and thoughtful implementation and use. This course will define the state of AI tools, what benefits and risks exist, and which steps to take to begin adopting these technologies with appropriate guardrails, policies, and training. It is less likely that AI will destroy industries, and more likely that companies that embrace AI will overtake those companies that do not.

Surgent's Mastering Accounting for Income Taxes



4.00 Credits

Since its inception nearly 30 years ago, many have continued to struggle with applying the current model for accounting for income taxes, ASC 740. But this does not have to be you. This course will provide you with the basic knowledge necessary to understand the complexities of this challenging topic. Through discussions and use of exercises, this course will analyze the authoritative literature to provide a thorough understanding of such topics as deferred taxes, income tax expense, uncertain tax positions and other classification and disclosure requirements related to income taxes. We will also explore some specialized areas of income tax accounting, such as intra-period allocations of income tax expense and accounting for changes in tax laws and rates, and we will review proposed updates to ASC 740 disclosures on which the FASB is contemplating. In summary, this course is the place to be to enhance your accounting for income taxes IQ.

Surgent's International Tax Challenges and Opportunities for U.S. Filers



3.00 Credits

Globalization continues to make it easier for taxpayers to live abroad, do business in other countries, or invest in foreign enterprises. This creates significant complications and tax planning opportunities when it comes to filing U.S. tax returns. This course provides an overview of the unique tax challenges and solutions presented to U.S. expats or investors living or investing abroad. It examines how foreign-source income is taxed in the U.S. and how the tax consequences could be mitigated by applying the tax treaties, claiming credit for foreign taxes paid, or excluding foreign-earned income. Additionally, the course discusses the numerous foreign informational form reporting requirements and the significant penalties that could be imposed by the IRS. Examples from real-life client scenarios are included.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Lessons Learned from Successful Companies



2.00 Credits

Why do some companies fail while others grow and succeed for generations? Common perceptions often attribute organizational success to great leadership, timing, or unique ideas. Although these traits certainly play a role in helping companies grow, research shows that corporate success often hinges on whether a company is value driven. Such companies have core ideologies that drive almost every major decision. In this course, we look at empirical data on why some companies succeed while others fail. By looking at companies that were created prior to 1950 (e.g., Disney, Marriott, or 3M), we can understand why certain organizations have been able to grow and achieve exceptional success through many different eras in the American economy. The lessons learned from these visionary companies can be broadly applied to organizations of all sizes, including accounting and financial service firms.

Surgent's Gaining a Competitive Advantage: Critical Skills for CFOs and Controllers



4.00 Credits

All organizations are looking for ways to gain an advantage over the competition. This practical and interactive session will present a toolkit of ideas to help CFOs, controllers and finance professionals better position their organizations for the future. We know change is occurring at an exponential rate, and that has proven to be the case in all areas of finance, management, and leadership over the past year. The course deals with these new issues and will continue to be updated as necessary throughout the year. Become the "financial hero" of your organization and make a positive impact on the bottom-line.