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CPE Catalog


AICPA On-Demand & Self-Study courses take up to 24 hours to process. 

Showing 3796 Webcasts & Webinars Results

Fraud, Controls & Ethics: Best Practices & Case Studies



4.00 Credits

This course explores actual fraud circumstances through the lens of potential prevention. We will examine how selected frauds were accomplished and consider what internal controls may have prevented fraudsters from achieving their nefarious acts. Then we will switch gears to an interactive, case-based discussion that asks participants to reach their own conclusions by analyzing facts in concert with the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and other sources of ethical guidance. This course ultimately provides practical, action-oriented insight that can be implemented by accounting professionals in both public practice and industry. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available for questions during the event.

Audit 101: AICPAs Code of Professional Conduct Principles



2.00 Credits

AICPAs Code of Professional Conduct - Exploring the Foundational Principles Underlying the CPA Profession as a whole will provide an overview of the basic principles of the AICPA's Code of Professional Conduct with practical implementation examples. CPAs must seamlessly transition to a profession that relies heavily on conformance with technical and ethical standards. It is critical for CPAs to seek to serve the public interest with a strong sense of character, integrity, competence, and due professional care. In addition, CPAs must appropriately safeguard any threats to independence and objectivity. Note: This course is recommended as a part of a 16-hour audit skills curriculum for beginning auditors, while it is also appropriate for anyone who has public accounting responsibilities. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Combating Internal Fraud



2.00 Credits

Fraud in the workplace is not new, however, statistics show that the number of instances of internally actuated fraud schemes is increasing. Additionally, because of all the changes that have come about due to recent upheaval, fraud risk is at an all-time high. This session starts by reviewing the many reasons that fraud occurs; it then looks at ways to detect internal fraud and finally explores control measures that can help to reduce fraud risk. Those that take the class will learn just how invasive and damaging internal fraud can be. They will also know ways to detect and thwart fraudulent activity. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

AICPA Audit Quality Update and Quality Management Standards



2.00 Credits

This session will identify the progress of the AICPA Enhancing Audit Quality Initiative and evaluate whether audit quality is improving. Analyze the trends that are contributing to audit quality and recall the major issues identified and the related resources issued by the AICPA to improve practice quality. This session will also analyze the AICPA's new Statements on Quality Management Standards (SQMS). It will identify the related implementation challenges and timing and evaluate the potential impact on peer review. Learn about AICPA resources for SQMS implementation. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Outlook - Manage Your Inbox With Maximum Efficiency



4.00 Credits

If you use Outlook to process your email, you are likely spending a substantial part of your day processing incoming email messages. This course is designed to show you a multitude of tips and tricks to reduce time spent processing emails. We will cover every feature available in Outlook to streamline and automate your email processing. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Advanced Googling for Accountants



2.00 Credits

The course provides a concise overview of how accountants can instantly and dramatically improve their Google search skills. Discover how to use the search service to spot opportunities and threats in your enterprise landscape earlier and faster, improve your research tactics as a trusted business advisor, slice through the endless online static and distractions, and interpret search results related to accounting in their proper context. You'll walk away with scores of practical and proven online discovery lessons that can be immediately applied, deliver instant results and serve you forever in both your professional and personal life. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Love it or Leave It: Engagement and Retention at Work



2.00 Credits

One of the biggest challenges, if not the most critical challenge in business, is attracting and keeping an engaged and productive workforce. Navigating the world of engagement and retention requires an understanding of human needs as well as deliberate and intentional actions to strengthen an employee's investment and connection to their place of work. For all the HGTV lovers out there, this session mirrors a television show where an individual/family must decide if they want to stay in their current home (after renovations and home improvements) or move to a new space. This webinar title seems apt in describing the current issues around engagement and retention. When an employee chooses to "love it" or stay with their current employer, it typically means they are engaged in their work and they feel seen, heard and valued- they are content. Conversely, the notion of "leaving it" typically symbolizes an employee who cannot wait to get out of their current job. These employees often have negative attitudes and/or behaviors at work. The purpose of this webinar is to recognize the significance of attracting and retaining employees, building your brand as an employer of choice and developing a culture where individual employees feel valued, cared for and ultimately engaged, all though an ethical lens. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Audit 102: Professional Skepticism - Finding Fraud and Error



2.00 Credits

Professional Skepticism - Creating a Mindset for Finding Fraud and Error is a critical skill for audit and other attest services. The public places a high value on assurance services provided by an external public accountant, as the CPA's involvement directly enhances the degree of confidence intended users can place on the financial statements to make economic decisions. A proper mindset, including professional skepticism, is a critical feature of a high-quality audit or other attest service. Professional skepticism is an essential attitude that enhances the ability to identify and respond to conditions that may indicate possible material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Securing Your Data with a Password Management App - Updated



2.00 Credits

Cybersecurity protection is one of the most important responsibilities of every CPA professional to protect the confidentiality of sensitive client information. While there are many aspects of cybersecurity that need to be addressed, the biggest vulnerability to protect against is unauthorized access to your application login credentials. Once your login credentials are breached, the cybercriminal essentially has the keys to your data kingdom. John Higgins, a national leader in the CPA technology, will demonstrate the ease with which you can protect all of your login credentials with maximum security with minimal expense. You will leave this course prepared to deploy this state of the art security tool in your organization. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

If You Only Knew What Microsoft Word Could Do



2.00 Credits

Did you know that simply by utilizing the built-in headings found under Styles in Microsoft Word you can create an automatic table of contents that can be updated in a matter of seconds if the body of the document changes? Did you know that Word can be used to open, edit, and re-save PDF documents? How about the fact that by using the Insert Caption tool in conjunction with the Cross-Reference feature, users can rid themselves of the need to manually renumber figures, tables or illustrations and will not even need to update references to these in the document text? This material shows tools and features that are easy to understand and use, will save time, and add consistency to documents. Participants in this session will come away knowing the power of Microsoft Word; this knowledge will benefit them greatly! This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Understanding the Form 990 and its Preparation Prerequisites



2.00 Credits

Introductory Session of Borenstein's Form 990 Foundational Series: This "initiation and introduction to" the Form 990's mechanics and importance will prevent you from drowning in the Form 990's force-field! More than 80% of the Form's inputs and relevant definitions are NOT found in the statutes and Regulations that apply to the exempt sector, a reality that can be overwhelming for both novices and more advanced preparers. This session provides an easy-to-digest synopsis of the entirety of the Form's key definitions as well as the mechanics that preparers need embrace from the moment they first approach preparing a 990. Packed with practical tips and perspectives on data gathering, this class is a "must" gateway for beginning (and even more experienced) preparers to learn "how to befriend Form 990 preparation." This webinar will vault preparers past all the initially confounding problems of the Form 990, providing baseline info on the critical nuances the form uses. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

ChatGPT and the ELI5 Approach for Accounting Professionals



2.00 Credits

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the ELI5 (Explain Like I'm 5) approach and its application in the accounting profession using ChatGPT, an advanced language model. Discover how to simplify complex financial information and tax regulations using this innovative approach. Explore how practitioners can effectively communicate intricate topics to their clients to add value and build trust. You'll walk away with a foundational understanding of the ELI5 approach and how to use ChatGPT to improve your communication strategies. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Leveraging Marketing Automation for Accounting Firm Growth



1.00 Credits

This course will provide an overview of 6 key areas of automation that accounting firms can leverage to effectively increase their lead generation and client retention efforts while reducing the burden on their time and budget. These areas include: 1. Social media 2. Content development. 3. Email marketing. 4. Text (SMS) marketing. 5. Chatbots and other interactive AI tools. 6. Drip marketing campaigns. Attendees will receive a practical guide to the technologies and tactics needed to improve marketing efforts with efficiency and ease! This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Common Findings in Single Audits



1.00 Credits

This CPE course provides an examination of the recent reports from a selection of Single Audit results. The instructor will go over the most common deficiencies found in Yellow Book and Single Audits and common peer review findings and OIG investigations. This course will also provide examples of common controls, best practices, and mitigation techniques. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Project Management: Making Ideas a Reality



2.00 Credits

A project doesn't just happen, it takes a dedicated person to help a team create something from nothing. The best project managers incorporate the art of people management and science of execution to guide an initiative from an idea to reality. Not everyone can hire a project manager, so the great news is these skills and techniques can be learned. This class will show how a project manager breaks down a concept and applies techniques needed to effectively lead a team through the visioning, scoping, testing and rolling out of an initiative. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Current Nonprofit Fraud Trends



4.00 Credits

Nonprofit entities have a high degree of public accountability. This course will examine the most common fraud schemes and provide multiple examples of how to prevent or detect these schemes. Nonprofit entities have a high degree of public accountability. This course will examine the most common fraud schemes and provide multiple examples of how to prevent or detect these schemes. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Introduction to Yellow Book: 8-Credit Boot Camp



8.00 Credits

This course is designed for accountants in public practice and industry who focus on nonprofit and governmental entities. We will cover the basics needed to understand what makes nonprofit and governmental accounting & auditing unique. The course starts with the key financial reporting differences for governmental and nonprofit entities and then switches focus to review the fundamentals of Yellow Book and Uniform Guidance audits. This foundational course is perfect for those getting started in the nonprofit and governmental arena and those looking for a refresher. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

The Choice of Entity Decision: What is Best for Your Client



2.00 Credits

This course will identify the factors in the choice of entity decision while considering the impact of various recent tax act provisions. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Excel - Two Must Know Features: Defined Names & Tables



2.00 Credits

Excel has over 500 functions and among those, Defined Names is one of the top choices in creating formulas that make your spreadsheets work better for you. After understanding what they are and how to properly create Defined Names, you will wonder how you managed without them for so long. This course is designed to build the foundation to becoming an Excel Formula Expert. Our focus will be on design techniques that should be used when creating formulas. You will learn how to use Defined Names and Excel Tables as an important and fundamental part of EVERY spreadsheet. You will learn techniques that most advanced users don't implement in their spreadsheets but should. After completing this course, you will be well on your way to becoming an Excel Formula Expert. This session is presented using Excel 2013. Regardless of the version you are using, ALL concepts covered in this course apply to ALL versions of Excel. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Get started with Power BI



2.00 Credits

Embark on a journey to master Power BI, a powerful tool for data analysis and business intelligence, in our comprehensive course, "Get Started with Power BI." This course is meticulously designed for professionals who seek to understand the full spectrum of Power BI capabilities, including its integration with Excel's Power BI features like Power Pivot and Power Query, and its comparison with standalone Power BI tools such as Power BI Desktop, Power BI Service, and Power BI Report Server. In the first part of the course, participants will be introduced to the fundamentals of Power BI. This includes an overview of Power BI's interface, key features, and its seamless integration with Excel. The course will cover Excel's Power BI tools - Power Pivot, for advanced data modeling, and Power Query, for efficient data transformation and preparation. This segment is essential for understanding how Power BI extends and enhances the data processing and analytical capabilities of Excel. The second section of the course delves into the standalone Power BI tools. Here, participants will explore Power BI Desktop for creating complex data models and sophisticated reports, Power BI Service for cloud-based collaboration and sharing, and Power BI Report Server for on-premises report deployment. This part of the course will focus on the unique features and strengths of these standalone tools, providing attendees with the skills to leverage Power BI in a variety of business contexts. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.