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Showing 3773 Webcasts & Webinars Results

Erase the Mark: Best Practices in Penalty Abatement



2.00 Credits

If there is a potential error, the IRS will assess a tax and add a hefty penalty, without even knowing the facts. As a tax professional, you will be exposed to the IRS and their methods of penalizing taxpayers for the smallest of violations. This presentation will focus on the rules and regulations that create the penalty, and the reasons that exist that the IRS will consider to remove those penalties. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Using ChatGPT with Excel



2.00 Credits

In this innovative course, participants will learn to combine the power of artificial intelligence with the functionality of Microsoft Excel. You will learn how to leverage ChatGPT, OpenAI's powerful language model, to improve your Excel skills and decrease the time it takes to build spreadsheets. The course will include a quick introduction to ChatGPT but the majority of the time will be spent using ChatGPT to create an Excel spreadsheet. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

If You Only Knew What Microsoft Word Could Do



2.00 Credits

Did you know that simply by utilizing the built-in headings found under Styles in Microsoft Word you can create an automatic table of contents that can be updated in a matter of seconds if the body of the document changes? Did you know that Word can be used to open, edit, and re-save PDF documents? How about the fact that by using the Insert Caption tool in conjunction with the Cross-Reference feature, users can rid themselves of the need to manually renumber figures, tables or illustrations and will not even need to update references to these in the document text? This material shows tools and features that are easy to understand and use, will save time, and add consistency to documents. Participants in this session will come away knowing the power of Microsoft Word; this knowledge will benefit them greatly! This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Monthly Federal Tax Updates - November 2024



2.00 Credits

Seismic changes in tax legislation is currently taking place, and the well-informed tax practitioner will want to attend this two hour monthly program in order to stay abreast of these developments! Approximately one-half of the program is devoted to individual tax issues, and the remaining time is spend on business entity taxation, IRS procedure, tax legislation and other issues. Due to the changing nature of the topic, learning objectives, course descriptions and program content will vary and will be provided in more specificity closer to presentation time. This course provides a concise look at the hottest topics affecting every tax practitioner. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Excel - Using PivotTables for Data Analysis



4.00 Credits

Excel is the #1 data analysis tool for accountants, yet many accountants have never learned the basics of data analysis using Excel or the tools that Excel offers to help with data analysis. This session is designed to teach participants the importance of PivotTables for analyzing data. We will demonstrate how PivotTables can make analyzing data an easy task for all accountants. Participants will learn the step-by-step process to create PivotTables and PivotCharts. We will also cover all the setup options and features. This session is presented using Excel 2013. Regardless of the version you are using, ALL concepts covered in this course apply to ALL versions of Excel. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Audit 205: Auditing Liabilities and Long-Term Debt Risks



2.00 Credits

Auditing Liabilities, Including Long-Term Debt - Addressing the Risks of Completeness, Classification, and Disclosure will discuss tips and techniques for auditing accounts payable, accrued expenses, and common long-term financing arrangements and related debt covenants. The completeness and proper classification of liabilities are the typical higher audit risks. The complexity of the debt financing arrangements may create a significant risk requiring more persuasive audit evidence. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

LinkedIn Profile Secrets for CPAs



2.00 Credits

Today's CPAs can expect their prospects, clients, referral partners, and candidates to research them on LinkedIn. The good news is that you can leverage LinkedIn to craft a digital presence that demonstrates your expertise, showcases your personal brand, and aligns with your values. Learn how to create a LinkedIn profile that is not just a resume but a valuable marketing tool for your CPA business. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Take Command of your Time



2.00 Credits

Manage distractions, decrease stress and improve productivity. This training is designed to help business professionals improve their productivity and work performance by learning how to prioritize time, decrease distractions and lower stress. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Ethics: How to Ensure Zombie Ethics Won't Kill Your Business



2.00 Credits

The walking dead aren't the only threat to your business. So are several dangerous, even terrifying myths about what ethical leadership is and is not. This fun and distinctive webinar will present what Forbes contributor Bruce Weinstein, The Ethics Guy, calls "zombie ethics"-myths about accounting that hinder your ability to serve your clients and enjoy a thriving business. Taking a page from Nobel laureate Paul Krugman's recent work, zombie ethics are ideas about ethical leadership that deserve to remain buried but keep resurfacing from time to time. They walk the earth and wreak havoc. In this engaging webinar, The Ethics Guy will show you how to send them back to the cemetery for good. You can then fearlessly bring in new business--and watch your practice soar! This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Analytical Procedures: Practical Applications and Standards



2.00 Credits

This session explores the nature of analytical procedures, with significant emphasis placed upon professional standards involving the use of analytical procedures in audit and review engagements. Practical examples to illustrate the application process will also be given. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

The Choice of Entity Decision: What is Best for Your Client



2.00 Credits

This course will identify the factors in the choice of entity decision while considering the impact of various recent tax act provisions. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Audit 206: Analytical Procedures - Audit Fundamentals



2.00 Credits

Analytical Procedures - Comprehending Financial Statement Audit Fundamentals will provide the tips and techniques necessary to gather sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support conclusions using analytic procedures common to financial statement audits. Properly designing, documenting and evaluating results of analytic review procedures is critical for performing an effective and efficient audit engagement. Note: This course is recommended as a part of a 16-hour audit skills curriculum for experienced staff auditors, while it is also appropriate for anyone who has responsibilities for performing financial statement audit analytics. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

The Ethical Management of Conflict



2.00 Credits

Conflict is as natural as breathing air. For many, the thought of dealing with conflict is difficult and horrifying, and yet unresolved conflict can damage relationships, cause pain and suffering as well as hinder workplace productivity. When addressed, however, conflict has the power to be transformative in strengthening workplace relationships, shared understanding, and increased productivity. This workshop will provide an intimate understanding of how to deal with conflict in collaborative and constructive ways. Using ethical values and principles, we will explore how to move conflict from an obstacle to an opportunity. This workshop is geared toward individuals who are wanting to improve their conflict management skills and create more harmonious and positive working environments. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Becoming Conflict Competent



2.00 Credits

Conflict is often avoided, or dealt with in a passive manner. When ignored, conflict often escalates and can become polarizing. In this session, participants will gain insights for enhancing their natural responses to conflict, learn healthy communication styles, and build constructive behaviors to manage conflict. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Excel for Staff Level 2 - Getting More Out of Excel



2.00 Credits

Excel can do so many things but what are some of the features that can really help accountants take their Excel skills to the next level? This course is designed to do just that. To learn ALL the capabilities of Excel would take hundreds of hours of training, so this two-hour course is designed to give you a jump start on the most important features that you can immediately begin implementing in your spreadsheets. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Microsoft Teams Features Every User Should Know



2.00 Credits

Microsoft Teams is one of the most widely used applications for communications, collaboration and knowledge sharing in business today. Most users are unaware of many time saving features available to help you manage your conversations, files and related content on a daily basis. John Higgins, a strategic advisor to the profession on Microsoft 365, will teach you how to leverage all the functionality Teams has to offer to compose, organize and retrieve your conversations, files and related content for maximum effectiveness. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Creating a High Performance Culture - Post Pandemic



1.00 Credits

Discuss trends and changes impacting the American workforce. Discover "why" culture matters, the "benefits" of great cultures, and the workforce challenges created both before and after the pandemic. Once the audience has clarity on these items, the presentation shifts to "how" to create a great culture in our post-pandemic environment. Jim provides practical tools that can be implemented at any organization. Some of the tools are directly related to the new challenges resulting from the COVID-driven pandemic. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Bounded Ethicality: Exploring the Limits of Ethical Behavior



1.00 Credits

Bounded ethicality explores the edges of ethical decision-making and the invisible borders that exist in our ethical judgment. In an entertaining and enlightening session, we will unveil surprising judgment errors we make when we face ethical dilemmas and search for the reasons behind them. We will explore areas of ethical decision-making where people consistently predict they will do the right thing but rarely do so. We will find out why people repeat stubborn errors of ethical judgment, and review steps that behavioral researchers have identified that can help us stop making these errors once and for all. We will identify ways to recognize our own errors and steps we can take to improve our ethical thinking. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Implementing and Maintaining an Internal Control System



8.00 Credits

Many organizations are successful as they create a system of internal controls, however some fail to properly implement the measures that are established. Moreover, entities regularly neglect the important process of testing, monitoring, and updating control procedures, which weakens the entire internal control structure. This session provides an overview of control creation methods and discusses ways to successfully implement policies and procedures. Additionally, it includes an array of control maintenance checklists that participants can take and adapt to their organization as they work to improve policies and procedures. Finally, it provides an understanding of the need for dynamic, fluid controls that adapt to changes in business tools and methods. Participants that take this course will have a strengthened ability to implement and maintain an internal control system. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Will Your Ethics Be Burned by Burnout?



2.00 Credits

Ethical behavior is not a destination it is a journey with twists, turns, and bumps in the road. We are faced with ethical dilemmas every day. Do I speed to make it to a meeting? Do I call in sick because I need a break? When does "helping my child with their homework" become "doing it for them"? CPAs are ethical most of the time, but staying ethical is hard. It gets harder when we are under stress. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.