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CPE Catalog


AICPA On-Demand & Self-Study courses take up to 24 hours to process. 

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Legal Planning for Care Giving of Elderly/Disabled Clients



1.00 Credits

It is now common for those who live to the age of 65 to expect to live at least another 20 years. With increased length of life comes the need to understand that certain necessities must be considered for elderly/disabled clients. We walk you through issue spotting, including senior housing and care giving options, guardianships, conservatorships, financial and health care powers of attorney, Medicaid qualification and asset protection planning. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Benford's Law and Other Digital Analysis Techniques



1.80 Credits

Numbers and especially the digits within those numbers can conceal a lot of information.  Benford's Law and other digital analysis techniques can be the keys to unlocking that information.  This session will explain what Benford's Law is, how it works, and how it can be used to reveal bogus information and made-up data.  Accountants and auditors should understand how to use this valuable audit tool as well as other digital analysis techniques.  But, if you attend this session, you must promise not to reveal the secret behind these techniques to any fraud perpetrators.

Inventory Accounting GAAP, Software and Recognizing Variances



2.00 Credits

Many organizations struggle to keep budgets current in an ever-changing business climate.  Twenty-first century performance metrics focus on determining what budgets should be rather than what they were in the past.  Using performance metrics effectively reduces work, reduces politics, provides flexibility and substantially improves the performance management process.  This session will show you powerful techniques to drive your organization’s performance.

Coaching Skills That Improve Performance



4.00 Credits

Professional Athletes have multiple coaches - business people rarely utilize coaches. This course will focus on creating the coaching skills that are required to raise the performance of your employees. Coaching Model / Strategies Successful Communication Techniques Root Cause Analysis Performance Gap Analysis Personality impact on coaching model.

Business Longevity - Is Your Business Wobbling?



4.00 Credits

Almost 50% of businesses that started five years ago are no longer in operation today. Controllers and CFOs can and must influence the longevity of their organization to improve their success rate.  Jim will help you be aware and understand the answers to these issues: Can you describe the financial health of your company? Can you also explain what the financial health of your industry is? Do you know your Business Cycle compared to the industry business cycle? Do you have an executable plan? Do you know what the competitive, legal and technological landscape is currently, and for the future? Is your organization aligned and incentivize to be successful? Jim has developed his groundbreaking Business Longevity concept as a keynote and a workshop, and would be happy to speak to your organization on this topic. This session will focus on assessment (financial health, competitive environment), determination (effective business planning, including the future landscape), and execution (gettin’ it done!)

Personal Leadership Skills



4.00 Credits

People skills are the most significant skills that Professionals need to develop and yet are often the last skills perfected. This course will help participants understand personality types and the successful interactions with clients, peers and family. In addition, participants will learn Neuro-linguistic programming and develop the ability to better understand nonverbal language which is key in communication. Participants will also learn techniques to enhance memory and to improve the ability to recall key facts.

Business Valuation Fundamentals



1.00 Credits

In this course we will look at the highlights of what valuation is doing, how to go about it and what to look for in business valuation reports.  Areas such as types of reports, the standards by which they are prepared and process that is used to go from data to report.  We will also discuss the purposes of reports and how that purpose may impact the value.  Finally, we discuss how to determine the value of minority interests.

K2's 2023 Understanding Your Ransomware Risk



1.00 Credits

Protecting yourself from ransomware requires more than just anti-virus software. Additional technology protections are necessary. Further, business continuity, legal and regulatory, and cybersecurity insurance considerations should all be a part of your risk abatement strategy. Attend this session to determine if your current level of ransomware protection reduces your risk to an acceptable and identify ways to ensure that you are protected.

Contract and Procurement Fraud



2.00 Credits

This session will focus on the most common types of fraud in the procurement and contracting arena, with a focus on fraud in construction.  The session will examine fraud vulnerabilities in the four key phases of the procurement process: Presolicitation. Negotiation. Performance. Closeout and Claims.  Within each phase, “red flags” will be discussed.  These are the indicia of possible fraud that managers should be alert for.  Also, within each phase, the most common fraud schemes will be highlighted and discussed.  Finally, the session will describe the generally accepted safeguards or controls that should be established to prevent the various fraud schemes that can occur.  This part of the program will make extensive use of actual fraud case studies designed to demonstrate fraud risks and fraud detection strategies.

K2'S 2023 Top Ten Outlook Tips



2.00 Credits

Using Outlook for email management is routine for most business professionals these days. But unfortunately, using this tool for so long may cause some to perpetuate bad practices and habits when working in Outlook and exploring new options Outlook offers. In this session, you will discover ten valuable tips to take you to the next level of your email and work management.

K2's 2023 Ten Must Know Features In Excel



2.00 Credits

Most business professionals have used Excel for years, often without the benefit of any formal training. Thus, they don't know about key features in the application and, therefore, don't use them. Of course, this leads to inefficiencies and errors. Isn't it time to stop this madness? This session is for you if you're ready to become more efficient and effective with Excel! You will learn ten critical features that can help you get more work done in less time and improve your accuracy. We encourage you to make plans to join us for this session to learn the best ways of working with Excel!

The Corporate Transparency Act - What You Need to Know to Protect Your Client



2.00 Credits

Join us for a discussion on what has changed in 2024 for the CTA. This course covers the latest on the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). We will discuss the new filing timelines, including the recent extension, and will make sense of the broadened definition of "beneficial owner". We will also discuss the ruling in Alabama that has changed things. By the end of this, you’ll have the know-how to craft solid compliance plans that don't just check boxes but work seamlessly in the real world. Expect to leave armed with concrete tips for keeping your clients while staying away from any fines. Make sure you are up to date with the newest financial regulations. **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

Conflicts of Interest: Dealing With Ethical Dilemmas in Business and Industry



2.00 Credits

Ethics is complicated, and conflicts of interest are more complicated. What are the various issues involved with conflicts of interest?  What does the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct say? We will discuss several seemingly ordinary, everyday conflicts of interest and how we should be more aware that conflicts of interest are common. We will discuss the ethical priorities of a CPA and how to apply them. What should you do when facing a conflict of interest?  What is the ‘secret weapon’ to help mitigate conflicts of interest?  The key to our profession remaining relevant is to maintain trust. Come and learn more about conflicts of interest and how we all can be even more trustworthy.     

Small Business Risk Avoidance



4.00 Credits

Enterprise Risk Management for SMEs

Bumper Sticker Ethics v. Professional Ethics



1.00 Credits

Ethics is simple: Do no harm, just tell the truth, keep your word, and when in Rome do as the Romans do. For most people in most circumstances, these "bumper sticker" sayings provide helpful ethical guidelines. For accountants, however, ethics -- and especially, professional ethics -- can quickly turn into a tangle of ethical conflicts and competing rules. This workshop untangles some of these situations by working from ethical theory and practice. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

2024 Listening to the Statement of Cash Flows



2.00 Credits

This course will allow you to get reacquainted with the statement of cash flows. We will refresh your skills regarding both the preparation and utilization of the statement of cash flows. Significant emphasis will be placed on the informational role of the statement of cash flows and insights that can be obtained using the statement of cash flows in concert with the other elements of a company’s accrual-basis financial statements.

Communicating Financial Information to Non-Accountants



2.00 Credits

Do you ever get blank looks when you present your company's financial statements? Does your board nod knowingly, during your presentation, but never seem to have any meaningful questions? It could be that they have no idea what you are talking about and are just pretending to understand! Learn how to connect with your CEO, board, fellow managers, and ordinary employees so they understand your message. Learn to motivate them to action. Come hear a veteran CFO tell you how. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Surgent's Enterprise Risk Management Concepts and Strategy for Small and Medium-Sized Companies



4.00 Credits

2020 taught us that major risks can come at us from any direction and with barely a warning. All organizations operate in a risk environment, but all too often, they either don't realize it or they don't develop a strategy to deal with the risks. In this session, we will explore how risks work in both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations and how they can develop a strategy to identify, evaluate, and mitigate those risks. This program will not teach how to eliminate risks, but how to strategize how to reduce their total effect. We will liberally use case studies of both for-profit and not-for-profit companies to bridge the gap between concept and actual implementation. In each area we will explore what our experiences of the pandemic have taught us about this part of risk management.

Documenting Your EBP Audit: What You Need to Know



8.00 Credits

What you document matters Understand different parts of the employee benefit plan (EBP) audit process, and learn to think holistically about your level of audit documentation. Understand the appropriate level of documentation in the performance of audit procedures of employee benefit plans, which will involve testing items that are not typically tested in audits of other types of entities. Real-life examples Learn from real-life examples and solutions, guided by a former employee benefit plan expert panel member and someone who performs peer reviews. Work in templates to truly understand documentation in an EBP audit, and learn best practices for documentation to incorporate into your audits.

Surgent's Preparing C Corporation Tax Returns for New Staff and Paraprofessionals



8.00 Credits

This course is a great foundation to introduce new preparers to tax rules related to business returns. The course provides new staff coverage of tax areas affecting all business entities, providing staff training which they may carry to other business entity returns. Such business tax topics include the sale of assets used in any trade or business (Form 4797), depreciation (Form 4562), deductible vs. non-deductible items, and the basics of uniform capitalization. The objective of this course is to train new staff accountants, data processing employees, paraprofessionals, and bookkeepers to prepare a complicated federal corporate income tax return. It is a hands-on, practical course in filling out most tax forms, with extra emphasis on form changes due to new tax law.This course qualifies for IRS credit.