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The Successful Family Business



4.00 Credits

Understanding the dynamics of family interaction is one of the most important skills in helping a family business succeed. This course takes a candid look inside the family business, and will help the participant navigate delicate issues while learning to provide counsel that will grow - or protect - the family business and non-family staff.

Why People Are Irrational, Biased and Emotional With Money



2.00 Credits

In this course, we will explore the psychological and behavioral factors that contribute to irrational and biased money decision-making. We will examine the role of cognitive biases and emotions in financial decision-making, and discuss strategies for overcoming these biases to make more rational financial choices. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Navigating Difficult Conversations with Coworkers



1.00 Credits

Conflict is inevitable whenever you have more than one person working together. But conflict doesn't have to be a bad thing. In fact, it's through conflict that some of the most productive conversations, changes, and innovations can occur in organizations...when they're navigated through effective communication. This workshop is designed to help you more strategically approach difficult conversations in the workplace and will arm you with both an understanding of how our minds approach these tough conversations and tools that you can use to approach these conversations more impactfully.

The Bookkeeper Goes to Prison



2.00 Credits

This course profiles Brenda, a financial executive from the state of Washington. Despite earning her college degree, Brenda did not find employment in her area of study. Instead, she landed a series of dead-end jobs. Business reversals frequently led to the loss of employment. When a company that she knew to be unethical offered her an executive position that included bookkeeping tasks, including overseeing all finances, she accepted. While on the job, Brenda saw owners of the company misappropriating funds. Rather than reporting the fraud, she created an elaborate scheme to benefit herself - without the owner's knowledge. Her bad decisions led to a guilty plea for wire fraud, after authorities accused her of absconding with more than $600,000 in corporate funds. A prison term of 20 months followed. Listen and learn from Brenda's experience. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Promoting Mental Health in the Workplace to Prevent Violence



1.00 Credits

Employees, now more than ever, are experiencing stress, anxiety and other mental health challenges and all of those come with them each day to the workplace. In order to ensure the safety and security of their workplace, employers need to address these issues and support their employees. Join us to discuss the challenges to providing mental health support to employees, the potential risks of deprioritizing mental health, and tangible actions employers can take to support the mental health of their work group. The cost of providing mental health resources and support pales in comparison to the cost of NOT providing it. Make a plan. Be ProActive.

Compilations, Reviews, and Audits: How They Differ



1.00 Credits

This session provides an overview of compilation, review, and audit engagements. We will explore major considerations regarding each type of engagement in addition to contrasting and comparing these three major professional services provided by certified public accountants. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Performance Targets That Deliver Results Without Burnout



1.20 Credits

Performance targets and incentives can drive breathtakingly positive results: the moon landings, the eradication of smallpox, or the repair of the ozone layer, for example. They can also have a dark side that can create stress, overload and anxiety and even drive lawbreaking. What is the difference between a healthy ‘stretch’ target and one pushes people too far? How can we spot potential problems in advance and systematically design sensible, humane and effective performance targets? Using practical examples and case studies, Bernie will give you an overview of the essential steps for designing robust, effective, and credible targets for any organization. Designing effective, practical and realistic performance targets will never be easy, but this session will introduce you to the tools that help make the process clearer, simpler and more consistent.

A Better Way to Choose Your KPIs



1.00 Credits

Selecting the right KPIs for your organization can be complex and stressful. Rather than resorting to brainstorming and internet searches, there is a better way to discover the best KPIs for your organization - the ROKS method. In this session Bernie Smith, creator of the ROKS method, walks you through the first five steps of this powerful approach, using real-world stories to bring each step to life.  

Giving Feedback that Delivers Results



1.20 Credits

Many people, when they hear about feedbcak in organizations and the workplace, think immediately of performance reviews. But feedback should not be isolated to these formal structures. This workshop is about the more informal methods of feedback that managers and coworkers can use to have more productive conversations that drive behavioral change. Through understanding the importance of dialogue, strategic questions to drive conversation, and mistakes to avoid, you'll be able to have more productive feedback conversations in your workplace (and maybe even at home, too).

Speaking For Impact



4.00 Credits

In this course, you'll learn why being able to do public speaking well is a major advantage in becoming successful in your career.  You'll learn how to write a good talk, how to present it well, and how to use your new found ability to get more clients and/or a promotion. In addition, you'll learn how to overcome your nervousness, and how to overcome stress in less than a minute.

10 Ways to Create Delighted Clients and More Referrals



4.00 Credits

In a competitive economy, CPA's  and their firms need a way to stand out. The best way to do this is to give outstanding service to your clients. In this experiential workshop, you’ll learn skills that lead to dramatic client satisfaction. In addition, you'll learn several specific ways to guarantee you'll get a lot of word of mouth referrals that will lead to a dramatic increase in your number of clients.

Navigating Difficult Conversations with Clients



1.00 Credits

When you're working with clients, it's not always smooth sailing (though we wish it was). Often we need to have difficult conversations. Whether it's to overcome objections, negotiate a new contract, or manage a conflict, these conversations can be navigated successfully with the right tools. This workshop gives you those tools and an understanding how how the human mind works when it comes to processing communication in difficult situations.

The Role of HR in Business Sustainability



1.20 Credits

In 2020, 96% of the world’s largest 250 companies published reports on their sustainability performance in accordance with national and international standards.   Now many more companies are committing to sustainability, and Net Zero emissions in particular.   This creates a new responsibility and opportunity for HR leaders.   Staff must be trained in new policies, goals and procedures.  Executives need help as leaders in this new approach.  This one-hour course summarizes SHRM research into HR and sustainability, plus other expert sources and the instructor's own 30-year journey helping companies become more sustainable.   The course presents key concepts, tools and sources to help HR find its role.

Budgeting: Presenting and Communicating your Numbers



2.00 Credits

The budgeting process can be a time consuming and frustrating process for accountants.  The constraints and pressures can lead to poor decisions in both the technical and human components.  This session will cover: Budgeting:  Presenting and Communicating your Numbers •    Now that the budget is complete, how we communicate our plan is critical.  this session reveals some key guidelines in budget presentation and will identify key problems in how people often communicate financial plans. 

Critical Thinking for Financial Professionals



1.00 Credits

What were they thinking? Why do business leaders sometimes make horrible decisions that severely damage themselves and their organizations? It is tempting to assume that poor choices must be due to someone's incompetence, inexperience, bad character, or low intelligence. Yet, when we make a mistake ourselves, we someone rationalize it as a choice other people would make under the same circumstances. This session will discuss the common decision-making errors people make and to help you avoid making these blunders yourself. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Take Your PowerPoint From Mess to Success



1.00 Credits

PowerPoint has become a ubiquitous tool in virtual and in-person meeting rooms around the world. However, it's a tool that is often misused, leading to boredom and frustration for audiences. A bored and frustrated audience will not receive your message, and you – the presenter – will not achieve your desired results. Many speakers know their slides are ineffective but don't know a better way. Well, here it is! This workshop is interactive, incorporating activities and exercises in order for participants to be able to apply the principles of effective communication of their ideas to real life situations.  The workshop is based on current research and covers the basics of effective PowerPoint design that works for you, not against you. 

Ethics in Today's World and Practical Application Tips



2.00 Credits

The topic of ethics has seemed to permeate every aspect of today’s business including occupying a significant spot in today’s business, educational and professional curriculum. Yet with all the discussion and awareness on the topic, why is it that significant ethical dilemmas and incidents continue to impact our daily lives? The concept of ethics is based in moral philosophy. In part, that is why it is such a difficult issue to “manage”. We often get caught between our independent moral ethical duty, the legal or compliance viewpoint of an issue and management concerns around reputation and ramifications. This course is dedicated to examining a time-line of historical ethical issues that have plagued the business world, evaluating the moral and perceived concepts around ethics, and taking a practical look at how moral and ethical concepts impact the creation of an ethical culture.  

2024 Accounting Update in a Post COVID-19 World



2.00 Credits

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered corporate and public accounting in ways we could never have imagined. This broad-based course will discuss accounting and auditing implications that have arisen as a result of the pandemic.

Surgent's Preparation and Compilation Engagements Under the SSARS



4.00 Credits

Be the go-to person on financial statement compilation and preparation engagements. Specifically designed for those performing preparation and compilation engagements, this course will provide you with a hands-on application for performing preparation and compilation engagements under AR-C Section 70 and 80, respectively. You will learn the ins and outs of relevant sections of the SSARS related to preparation and compilation engagements with a focus on how recently issued updates to SSARS No. 21 impact these engagements. More importantly, you will be provided practical examples and illustrations to help you effectively and efficiently perform those engagements, including a detailed discussion of the reporting requirements under AR-C 80 related to compilation engagement. Lastly, the course will review recent peer review feedback on these types of engagements, highlighting areas where you can improve engagement quality.

Surgent's Section 199A: Schedule K-1 Reporting by Relevant Pass-Through Entities



4.00 Credits

Section 199A is still the hottest tax topic related to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. The Act created new reporting requirements for relevant pass-through entities (RPEs). Each RPE is required to report the relevant data needed to calculate the 199A deduction to each recipient of Schedule K-1. Your clients will trust you to ensure that the relevant data is properly reported. The IRS has added disclosure lines to Schedules K-1 for S corporations, partnerships, and trusts. This course will cover the new reporting requirements on those forms and discuss uncertainties that still exist related to the reporting requirements. The course includes examples and case studies relevant to the new disclosure lines of Schedules K-1. This program will include the latest relevant IRS guidance.This course qualifies for IRS credit.