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2024 Best-In-Class Recruiting Strategies



1.00 Credits

With over 4.3 employees leaving their jobs as of early 2022, The Great Resignation presents a huge challenge for companies as they attract and retain talent. During this course, you'll learn practical strategies you can implement immediately to ensure you have the right tools in your toolbox to win the war on talent. 

Ethics for CPAs: The Practical and the Possible



2.00 Credits

Award winning discussion leader, former AICPA Council Member, and former state accountancy board member Mark Hugh will review the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and its interpretations; discuss new developments in regulation at the national and state level; and discuss examples of best practices, case studies, and disciplinary actions.

2024 The Preparation of Form 706 and 709 - Understanding the Law



2.00 Credits

Understanding the complexities of estate and gift taxation can be challenging for many financial professionals, especially those who lack direct experience in this area. In this comprehensive course, participants will gain a solid foundation in Federal estate and gift tax law, providing them with the necessary tools to confidently handle tax compliance issues related to Forms 706 and 709. By exploring the details of the Internal Revenue Code sections pertinent to estate and gift taxation, attendees will gain a thorough understanding of key concepts, including deductions, valuations, and tax credits. This practical knowledge will not only enhance their expertise but also empower them to provide effective tax planning strategies for their clients. Throughout the course, participants will investigate essential topics such as the valuation of assets, deductions for funeral and administrative expenses, charitable and marital deductions, and the calculation of tax credits. By mastering these critical areas, financial professionals will be better equipped to navigate the challenges of estate and gift taxation, ultimately enabling them to provide comprehensive and effective tax planning services for their clients. Whether you're looking to expand your expertise or deepen your understanding of tax compliance issues, this course offers invaluable insights and practical knowledge that can immediately be applied in your practice. **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

Creating an Ethical Work Environment



2.00 Credits

This session introduces theories on human nature and organizational factors affecting ethical choices. Robbie examines the role of gossip in the workplace, provides tools for ethical decision making and offers concrete actions for creating and sustaining an ethical work environment. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

K2's 2024 Ripped From The Headlines - Lessons From Interesting Tech Crimes



2.00 Credits

Hacks, attacks, ransomware, malware – where does it end? Unfortunately, tech crimes continue to plague businesses of all sizes. Participate in this session to learn how you can reduce the risk of becoming yet another victim.

K2's 2024 Safeguarding Taxpayer Data - A Guide For Your Required Security Plan



2.00 Credits

Regardless of size, most public accounting firms are mandated to have a written security plan in place. Failing to have such a plan in place can lead to substantial fines. Join us in this session to learn what your security plan should include and how to implement it.

Accounting for Leases



2.60 Credits

In February 2016, FASB issued ASU 2016-02, Leases, which provides new guidelines that change the accounting for leasing arrangements. To be able to properly account for leases, financial professionals must understand ASU 2016-02 (also referred to as Topic 842). This guidance covers information on how leases should be accounted for. The previous leasing standard (ASC 840) had been in existence for almost 40 years. Under ASC Topic 842, lessors continue to classify leases as operating, direct financing, or sales-type. While lessees now classify leases as operating or financing leases. Previous guidance only required capital leases to be reflected on the BS. The new guidance requires all leases to be reflected on the BS. This is a major change for organizations and will cause their balance sheets to swell as leases must now be disclosed on the balance sheet. The standards original effective dates were prior to 2019. In April 2020, due to COVID-19, FASB voted to defer the effective date for ASC 842 for private companies and certain not-for-profit's for one year. For private companies and private not-for-profits, the leasing standard will be effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2021, and interim periods within fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2022. For public companies the leasing standard is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, including interim periods within those fiscal years. The course covers elements of lease classification for both lessees and lessors. Also, numerous examples are incorporated as reference.  

Ask Me No Questions and I Will Tell You No Lies - The Art of Interviewing & Interrogation



3.00 Credits

When we verbally communicate with an individual, we must make a conscious decision as to whether we believe what we have heard.  Little do we realize that we are not making a decision based on what we have heard; rather we make a subconscious decision based primarily on what we have seen, or how the body was behaving when the subject was speaking.  We often walk away from a conversation with a gut feeling that the person was not telling the truth.  That gut feeling is your subconscious.  Yet we often have no idea as to why we have that feeling. This presentation is designed to provide the participant with the tools to identify those both verbal and nonverbal indicators that we all give off when we are under stress.  Normally, telling the truth does not create stress.  When we lie, we know that we are not supposed to and that creates stress, and it will manifest itself in some manner, and that is what a trained interviewer is looking to observe. When we observe indicators of deception, how do we deal with it?  How do we get the subject to admit to a wrong-doing when it is not in their best interest to do so?  That is one of the many things that will be addressed in this presentation.  Whether you are a parent dealing with you kids; an employer dealing with employees or and investigation interviewing a suspect, this presentation will provide you with the tools to assist you in finding the truth.

Retirement Planning: IRAs



1.00 Credits

Having sufficient assets to live a comfortable and secure retirement is one of the concerns that many people face. This concern cannot be resolved without having a solid retirement plan. In this course, we will discuss the fundamentals of IRAs, stating the rules related to contributions and distributions and highlighting the effect of the recent tax law changes on the planning process. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

K2's 2023 Advanced QuickBooks Tips And Techniques



4.00 Credits

QuickBooks remains one of the leading accounting solutions for small and growing businesses and Intuit has added numerous advanced features to the application over the past few releases. In this seminar, you will learn how to take advantage of many of QuickBooks’ new and advanced features to solve important issues. For example, you will learn advanced inventory management techniques, including the ability to change the default costing methodology in QuickBooks, and implementing lot and serial number tracking. You will also learn how to build complete sets of financial statements in Excel that link in real-time to underlying QuickBooks data files and how to create multi-company financial statements. Additionally, you will learn how to put the Client Data Review feature to work to streamline the process of identifying and correcting errors and closing accounting periods in QuickBooks. Knowing how to take advantage of the advanced tools and features available can determine your level of success when working with QuickBooks. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn about QuickBooks’ “deep” features so that you maximize your effectiveness with the application.

Critical Thinking for Financial Professionals



1.00 Credits

What were they thinking? Why do business leaders sometimes make horrible decisions that severely damage themselves and their organizations? It is tempting to assume that poor choices must be due to someone's incompetence, inexperience, bad character, or low intelligence. Yet, when we make a mistake ourselves, we someone rationalize it as a choice other people would make under the same circumstances. This session will discuss the common decision-making errors people make and to help you avoid making these blunders yourself. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Resolving Ethical Conflicts



2.00 Credits

At some point in his or her career, every financial manager will face a choice of doing the right thing or taking the easy way out. Skillfully handling a conflict, ethical or otherwise, can make a big difference your career's trajectory. Professional standards provide procedures for resolving ethical conflicts. Yet, following these procedures alone will often cause a financial professional to lose their job.  This webcast will show you how to both do the right thing and keep your job.    

Shortcuts that Excel Users Love



2.00 Credits

Many people that use Microsoft Excel know a great deal about the functionality of the application. There are, however, a tremendous number of hidden tools that a high percentage of users overlook. Additionally, there are newer features that some have not had the opportunity to explore. This session shows some of the numerous time-saving tools and features that often go unused by spreadsheet creators. People that wish to become more efficient when using Excel should take this session! This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Surgent's Guide and Update to Compilations, Reviews, and Preparations



4.00 Credits

Specifically designed for preparation, compilation, and review practitioners, this course will provide you with a comprehensive review and hands-on application for performing financial statement preparation, compilation, and review engagements. You will learn the ins and outs of applying SSARS No. 21, Clarification and Recodification, as well as the additional guidance related to SSARS engagements through the issuance of SSARS Nos. 22-25 by the ARSC. The course will also review recent peer review feedback on SSARS engagements, providing insights on how to successfully apply this guidance. Not only will this course bring you up to date on SSARSs requirements and guidance, but more importantly, it will provide you with practical examples and illustrations to help you effectively and efficiently perform compilation, preparation, and review engagements.

Surgent's Understanding Partnership Taxation: Types of Basis, Contributions, and Distributions



4.00 Credits

Calculating partnership basis is one of the most important things that we do as practitioners. However, it is also one of the most confusing. When we use the term "basis," we really could be referring to one of three different things. This course will explore the differences between inside basis, outside basis, and 704(b) basis. Through several examples and practice problems, we will show you how to easily distinguish among these terms. We will also explore the tax implications of initial contributions of property to a partnership as well as the different types of partnership distributions.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Deep Dive Into Common Auditing Deficiencies



4.00 Credits

This course will review common deficiencies identified by the AICPA and state boards of accountancy. It features discussion on a variety of topics, including analytical procedures, sampling, group audits and risk assessment. We will review the areas of concern and how you can overcome them by employing best practices. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Advanced Tax Planning S Corporations - Tax Staff Essentials



8.00 Credits

Understand the intricacies of the ever-popular S corporation form of doing business and consider the tax effect that various types of S corporation distributions will have on the corporation's shareholders. Updated for the latest guidance on recently enacted tax legislation, this course examines planning and reporting successful complex S corporation transactions. The uses of Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiaries are also explored to help you minimize your client's tax bill with winning strategies related to this type of entity.

An Exhaustive Look At Fraud and Ways To Control It



8.00 Credits

Fraud activities can be executed from within an organization, by parties outside an entity, or by both. Importantly, as the business world becomes more technological, the way fraud is carried out is changing. There must be an increased focus on understanding where new fraud vulnerabilities exist. In this session, we delve into the reasons that both internal and external intentional defalcations take place. The material discusses the new ways fraud is being actuated and looks at the factors driving those that undertake fraud. We spend time examining measures that can be implemented in order to stop fraud via the deployment of added security across the enterprise. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Surgent's A Complete Guide to the Yellow Book



8.00 Credits

If you work with governments and not-for-profits, a thorough understanding of the Yellow Book is essential. This course will equip you with a comprehensive knowledge of the Yellow Book requirements and increase your confidence and proficiency in performing Yellow Book audits. The course materials utilize a highly illustrative and innovative format including over 20 focused exercises on key practice issues.This course qualifies for yellow book credit.

Moving Beyond the Basics of Excel



2.00 Credits

This course explores the increasingly complex features of Excel that facilitate efficient data analysis. We will introduce numerous analytical methods and techniques by using practical examples to illustrate how to unleash the power of Excel when manipulating, analyzing, and reporting information. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.