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Showing 17067 Webcasts & Webinars Results

The CFO Who Went to Prison



2.00 Credits

Joshua, a CFO from Chicago, did not go to prison for stealing the $2 million in liquid cash he had access to on a daily basis. Instead, Joshua ended up in prison by rationalizing that he was entitled to a few small perks of the profession. This course explores Joshua's story and covers how and why executives with high annual incomes make short-sighted decisions that can cost them their job and freedom. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Be the Sun, Not the Salt, featuring Harry Cohen and John Daly



1.00 Credits

What if being nice, or specifically being a positive best version of yourself, made you a more effective leader?  Ethical leadership, is effective leadership. That’s what Dr. Cohen, noted psychologist, transformational speaker, executive coach, and author of Be The Sun, Not The Salt, has been teaching organizations to do for years. Dr. Cohen’s work is based on scientific studies of human behavior broken down into simple, easily digestible pillars structured around the Heliotropic Effect. In this webcast we will discuss Dr. Cohen’s path to this work, what the Heliotropic Effect is, and how Be The Sun, Not The Salt is the perfect reminder to Do More of That every day.

Surgent's Building Your Personal Brand



1.00 Credits

A personal brand is your story. Having a well-defined personal brand can help you not only cultivate powerful connections but also set you apart. Explore the integral components to building a strong brand and gain strategies to help you create your own marketable personal brand.

Social Media: The Bare Necessities



1.00 Credits

Social media has become a ubiquitous phenomenon in our business world. However, just because it exists is not a good reason to use it. This workshop is designed to give you an overview of the social media landscape to help you decide if you want to engage with and on social media and, if so, what channel(s) are most strategic for you and your business. The workshop ends with a simple framework to help you use social media as a credibility strategy for your business, giving you a strategy for creating a year's worth of social media content in a single day.

Audit Risk Assessment in Plain English



2.00 Credits

Audit Risk Assessment in Plain English, is a 2 hour webcast highlighting the AICPA’s clarified risk assessment standards, along with a new Statement on Auditing Standard (SAS 145) related to understanding the entity, the entity’s environment, the entity’s internal controls, and assessing the risks of material misstatement.  This session will attempt to simplify the requirements using common sense examples and language.

2024 The New AICPA Statements on Standards for Tax Services



2.00 Credits

The SSTS are tax standards that apply to all members who provide tax services and provide the framework for the AICPA ethical guidance for tax practitioners.  This program explores the revised AICPA Statements on Standards for Tax Services, effective January 1, 2024.   **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

Audit 502: The Art of Discipline and Getting Things Done



2.00 Credits

The Art of Discipline and Getting Things Done - Applying Better Time, Team, and Project Management Techniques provides best practices for various areas that support this culture of discipline, including time, team, and project management. Those in a supervisory or managerial role must create a culture of discipline, where a high priority is placed in accomplishing responsibilities in an effective and efficient manner. Note: This course is recommended as a part of an 8-hour audit skills curriculum for managers, while it is also appropriate for anyone who has responsibilities for project and time management. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Surgent's Going Out on Your Own: Entity Types and Accounting Methods



2.00 Credits

Starting a business is tough! There are lots of decisions to be made and things to think about. You may feel like you have a great idea. You have done your marketing research, developed a prototype, and even looked at locations for your new office. Then it dawns on you.. What type of entity do I need to be? Is there really an advantage to choosing one entity type over the other? In this class, we will dig into the differences between entity types - from taxes to liability. We will also look at the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of accounting. Whether you are a small business owner looking to start something new or a practitioner looking to expand your client advisory services, this course is the one for you!This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Surgent's Implementing Subscription Pricing to Your Practice



2.00 Credits

This course is designed to provide accountants with a comprehensive understanding of the subscription pricing model. As the business world increasingly shifts toward subscription-based models, it's crucial for accountants to understand the financial implications and strategies associated with this pricing approach. This course will cover the basics of subscription pricing, how to set prices, and how to analyze the financial impacts of these decisions, as well as the specific impacts to your business. By the end of this course, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage the implementation of subscription pricing to their practice.

Surgent's Raising Financially Capable Children



2.00 Credits

This course focuses on the main elements of financial education and will help accounting and finance professionals guide their clients, and their clients' children, through a personalized teaching roadmap. Clients with wealth face questions about how to teach their children about money to raise financially capable children. Often, their first contact is to their accounting and financial professionals, so it is important to be able to provide a framework to help teach clients how to prepare their children for life with privilege. This course is designed for all practitioners who want to help their clients navigate the process of teaching the next generation about personal finances. Because every family and child are different, it is critical to develop a specific plan for each client, and likely each child and grandchild. By working with their clients' descendants, accounting and finance professionals not only build rapport and trust but also get to know the children and grandchildren, building firm value and long-term connection.

Surgent's Schedules K-2 and K-3: Preparation of Forms



2.00 Credits

Many partnerships and S corporations are now required to complete the voluminous Schedules K-2 and K-3 to report foreign-related tax information. Updated for the 2023 tax year, this course is an essential guide for tax preparers on how to tackle the preparation of these forms. Understanding and preparing these forms requires a basic knowledge of various international tax topics. The course includes a brief discussion of key international tax concepts, a detailed walk-through of what information is required to be reported in different parts of the schedules, and practical advice from the field. The course also includes three comprehensive case studies on how the form should be completed for operating, real estate rental, and investment partnerships. Please note: Surgent also offers a companion course, "Schedules K-2 and K-3: Filing Requirements" (KFR2).

Surgent's Advising a Client Regarding the Tax Consequences Associated with Buying or Selling a Business



3.00 Credits

Buying and selling a business can be a complex transaction with many tax issues. These issues include whether the transaction is or should be a stock or an asset sale when the business involved is a corporation, as well as the tax consequences associated with the sale of a partnership or a C or S corporation. Tax practitioners who advise clients who are buying or selling a business primarily focus on the tax issues that apply. This program explains and analyzes the tax issues practitioners must address in order to properly advise clients who are either buyers or sellers of businesses.This course qualifies for IRS credit.

Become Rich Without Selling Your Soul



4.00 Credits

Getting rich requires many things.  First, you need to know how to overcome previous limitations you may have had about making a lot of money.  Second, you need to know and use the best financial strategies for becoming wealthy--including the latest investment and marketing strategies.   And third, you need to be able to enjoy your lifestyle, and look at what obstacles get in the way of you being rich and fully contented.  By exploring the latest methods for achieving financial and personal success, you'll be able to make a lot more money and have a great time doing it.

The Competent Accountant - Mastering the Role of the Controller/ CFO



4.00 Credits

How do you raise your skills to the next level to master the Controller or CFO role?  Welcome to a course that provides insights that align the CGMA Competency Framework. The course will examine each of the areas: Technical, Business, Leadership and People to increase your competency.  How are your technical skills?  Are you a traditional accountant or have you learned to expand your technical skills to go beyond “what are the financial numbers?” to “why did these financial results occur?”  Are you able to use ratios to understand the business dynamics and the implications to change course or take corrective action?  Are the systems that you implement and operate best practices or merely stop-gap solutions? How are your business skills?  Can you set a vision? Can you develop a strategy?  Do you understand the macroeconomic environment of your organization?   Can you lead a major project to a successful conclusion?  This session will explore the role of business as opposed to tracking the results of the business. How are your people skills?  How good is your ability to influence others? How are successful are your negotiation skills?   How well can you communicate?  Are you a collaborator or a partner?  This section will help accountants understand that it is people skills that drive the overall success of the accounting operations. Finally, how are your Leadership skills?  Do you inspire staff or make them angry?  Do you know why your staff work for your company and you?  Do you understand what employees want from their position?  Do you know how to deal with a difficult staff person?  Can you lead difficult change?  This session will help you recognize what leadership truly is as opposed to what passes for day to day management.

2024 Partnership Checkup: Key Tax Issues & Forms Reporting



4.00 Credits

This program addresses the most recent developments impacting partnerships operating as LLCs, with a focus on legislative, administrative, and tax form changes.  Emphasis will be placed on partners “tax basis” capital accounts – now required for tax form reporting, as well an overview of K-2 and K-3 reporting requirements and effective dates. **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

The Ethic of Recruitment and Selection



2.00 Credits

Today, more than ever, it is essential that employers have an ethical and effective recruiting strategy and selection process that fosters an environment of diversity and inclusion. This webinar focuses on identifying recruiting strategies that help to increase talent pools and employment interviewing that maximizes hiring success. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

The Head and Heart of Ethics - Featuring Bob Mims and Don Minges



1.00 Credits

There are multiple facets to ethical choices, including should you use your ‘head’ or your ‘heart’? What are the pros and the cons?  How can we balance these opposing views?  This seminar outlines the value of; trust, courage, fairness, sensitivity, persistence, honesty and gracefulness – to help us make better ethical decisions.

2024 Forgotten Managerial Accounting Tools



2.00 Credits

This session explores managerial accounting techniques with an emphasis on internal decision-making tools. You will appreciate a reminder regarding concepts you may not have considered since your college days. We will revisit managerial accounting concepts by illustrating practical examples that you can immediately bring back to the office!

A Better Way to Choose Your KPIs



1.00 Credits

Selecting the right KPIs for your organization can be complex and stressful. Rather than resorting to brainstorming and internet searches, there is a better way to discover the best KPIs for your organization - the ROKS method. In this session Bernie Smith, creator of the ROKS method, walks you through the first five steps of this powerful approach, using real-world stories to bring each step to life.  

Giving Feedback that Delivers Results



1.20 Credits

Many people, when they hear about feedbcak in organizations and the workplace, think immediately of performance reviews. But feedback should not be isolated to these formal structures. This workshop is about the more informal methods of feedback that managers and coworkers can use to have more productive conversations that drive behavioral change. Through understanding the importance of dialogue, strategic questions to drive conversation, and mistakes to avoid, you'll be able to have more productive feedback conversations in your workplace (and maybe even at home, too).