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AICPA On-Demand & Self-Study courses take up to 24 hours to process. 

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2024 PCAOB and SEC Update



2.00 Credits

It is imperative for public companies to produce quality financial reporting. This course will share insights into the latest SEC and PCAOB areas of emphasis and concern. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Audit 503: Management - Being a Balanced Leader-Manager



2.00 Credits

Management Skills - Exhibiting Traits of a Balanced Leader-Manager provides tips and techniques for striking the right balance between managing individuals and engagement teams and leading the overall strategic direction of a firm. Short-term profitability and long-term viability are important objectives of any successful organization. Note: This course is recommended as a part of a 16-hour audit skills curriculum for managers, while it is also appropriate for anyone who has responsibilities for leading or managing others. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Sticky Ethical Choices, featuring Bob Mims and Don Minges



1.00 Credits

If ethics were easy, then why do so many professionals have a Code of Conduct? Some Ethical decisions are easy, others are not. We will discuss several thorny ethical issues and the ramifications.  What are the considerations and evaluation criteria to use? The need to carefully deliberate alternatives – is paramount. Be aware. 

2024 Design Flexible Work Options To Attract & Retain Your Workforce



1.00 Credits

With increasing competition for finding the best qualified candidates and retaining today’s workforce, it’s more important than ever to consider flexible work options in the workplace. We will review the most popular flexible work options your company could consider implementing: telecommuting, compressed work weeks, flexible hours, phased return from leave of absence, job sharing, early release days, and more! We’ll discuss the benefits of this talent management strategy, including increased productivity, decreased costs, better work-life “integration”, and increased employee engagement and satisfaction. You’ll learn how to propose flexible scheduling to your executive team, including how to logistically roll out this program. Whether you’re in a manufacturing plant, corporate headquarters, or retail industry, you can apply any of these flexible work options to your organization. 

Imagining a World Without Non-Competes



1.00 Credits

This course will review the Federal Trade Commission's proposed rule banning non-competes. It will also briefly go over the rule making process and timeline for the proposed rule to go into effect. In the second half, the presentation will review the patchwork quilt of state laws that have curtailed enforcement of non-competes, as well as best practices for businesses to consider when implementing non-competes in the workforce. 

Current and Upcoming FASB Issues



1.50 Credits

Keep up with FASB changes Learn about changes in accounting, including relevant pronouncements, exposure drafts, and projects. Identify recently issued FASB standards and guidance that cover broad and narrow issues and understand how to apply them. Learn about upcoming standards that will be effective in the near future.

Power, Influence, and Ethics



2.00 Credits

Powerful people can choose to undermine or elevate morality in their sphere of influence and authority. Why do some succumb to the dark side of power? This updated course explores the complex relationship between power and morality in our own times. It illustrates enduring ethical principles through recent examples of prominent leaders who rationalized or ignored their abuses of power and disrespected fundamental ethics. This session uses findings from modern science to explain why and how power heightens self-focus and indulges unethical tendencies. It also demonstrates how the universal law of reciprocity guarantees a countering desire and effort to exact consequences from offenders. Whether you aspire to be influential or already possess authority, understanding the insidious side of power and influence can help you walk the tightrope of leadership accountability without falling into an abyss of consequences.

2024 Yellow Book Ethics



2.00 Credits

SAS 145, Understanding the Entity and Its Environment and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement, was issued in October 2021. The audit standard amends AU-C 315, including many changes to address common audit deficiencies. This course will provide an overview of SAS 145 and its changes to AU-C 315. Attendees will have an opportunity to evaluate the impact on audit methodology and documentation.

2024 Partnership Essentials: Tax Basis Capital Accounts



2.00 Credits

This course examines the critical issues and special opportunities facing partnerships and their partners, with a focus on reporting tax basis capital accounts.  **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

Shortcuts that Excel Users Love



2.00 Credits

Many people that use Microsoft Excel know a great deal about the functionality of the application. There are, however, a tremendous number of hidden tools that a high percentage of users overlook. Additionally, there are newer features that some have not had the opportunity to explore. This session shows some of the numerous time-saving tools and features that often go unused by spreadsheet creators. People that wish to become more efficient when using Excel should take this session! This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

2024 Spring Tax Update for Individuals with Steve Dilley



4.00 Credits

This program provides an update to the latest tax developments, rules and regulations impacting and individual taxpayers, with a review and integration of the recent tax legislation.   **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

2024 Topic 842 - Implementing Leases Workshop



4.00 Credits

This updated course offers an in-depth look at the FASB leases standard (ASC 842), which requires organizations to recognize lease assets and liabilities on the balance sheet. This comprehensive course will cover recognition, measurement, presentation, and disclosure requirements, while also focusing on a critical area of change which is the proper identification of a lease using a principles-based approach. We will discuss implementation requirements from both the lessee and lessor accounting models.  In addition, we explore a variety of scenarios, including short-term leases, purchase options, variable lease payments, and remeasurement. This course offers practical journal entry examples, lessons learned from implementation, and explores recently issued amendments to the lease accounting guidance.

K2's 2023 Case Studies in Fraud and Technology Controls - 8 Hrs



8.00 Credits

Fraud continues to plague businesses at epidemic levels, and technology control failures are a significant reason fraud occurs. Using a case study approach, in this session, you will learn about the pervasiveness of fraud, the control failures that contribute to fraud, and what you can do to mitigate fraud risk. A specific focus of this course is the application of information technology general controls and information technology application controls. In this course, you will examine numerous reported fraud cases and identify the general control and application control failures that contributed to each of these frauds. By learning through these real-world case studies, you will be positioned better to reduce fraud risk.  

2024 Estate Planning for Today and Beyond



8.00 Credits

Estate planning continues to evolve, and staying informed about the latest trends and strategies is crucial for professionals in the field. This forward-looking course delves into the intricacies of estate planning, with a specific focus on current issues. Participants will explore cutting-edge techniques, emerging legal considerations, and industry developments to ensure they are equipped with the knowledge and skills to create effective estate plans that withstand the test of time and safeguard their clients' legacies.  

K2's 2024 Paperless Office



8.00 Credits

The Paperless Office is not a myth! With today’s technology, you have many fantastic options for “going paperless,” In this session, you will learn how to leverage these technologies for better document management and storage practices.

2024 Data Analytics: Practical Insights for Today's Accountant



2.00 Credits

This session explores tools and techniques that can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of client engagements and business processes using data analysis tools. We will introduce some of today’s popular and software tools and examine the AICPA’s Five-step approach to incorporating data analytics into public accounting engagements.

Criminal Tax: How CPAs Bring Value to Defense Attorneys



2.00 Credits

CPAs can be requested to assist attorneys in litigation support in criminal proceedings. For criminal tax cases, the IRS has recommended prosecution. However, the rules and stakes are different than a simple civil audit. This presentation will focus on how to assist defense attorneys in calculating tax loss, asking the right questions, and probe possible weaknesses in criminal tax investigations. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

K2's 2023 Excel Essentials For Staff Accountants



8.00 Credits

Staff accountants have specific needs when working with Excel – needs that are often not met by their existing Excel knowledge. Chief among these are the needs to quickly summarize data, prepare accurate and aesthetically pleasing reports, and create accounting-centric calculations for elements such as depreciation, amortization, and interest. By participating in this eight-hour session, staff accountants will gain the essential skills they need to maximize their efficiency and accuracy when working with Excel. This session begins with a quick overview of Excel best practices. It then progresses rapidly into discussions that address PivotTables, sophisticated formulas, Tables, formatting, and working with dates in Excel. Throughout the session, you will learn from accounting-centric examples to reinforce key learning points. In this session, you will learn in a “laptop-friendly” environment, and participants will have access to all the demonstration files used in the session. In sum, this seminar is a “must” for all staff accountants seeking to improve their efficiency and accuracy when working with Excel.  

Ethics: How to Ensure Zombie Ethics Won't Kill Your Business



2.00 Credits

The walking dead aren't the only threat to your business. So are several dangerous, even terrifying myths about what ethical leadership is and is not. This fun and distinctive webinar will present what Forbes contributor Bruce Weinstein, The Ethics Guy, calls "zombie ethics"-myths about accounting that hinder your ability to serve your clients and enjoy a thriving business. Taking a page from Nobel laureate Paul Krugman's recent work, zombie ethics are ideas about ethical leadership that deserve to remain buried but keep resurfacing from time to time. They walk the earth and wreak havoc. In this engaging webinar, The Ethics Guy will show you how to send them back to the cemetery for good. You can then fearlessly bring in new business--and watch your practice soar! This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Tax Implications of Cryptocurrency



2.00 Credits

This course presents an overview of blockchain and the tax implication of cryptocurrency transactions. The IRS has provided some recent guidance, but potentially conflicting pronouncements by other regulatory agencies have created uncertainty on reporting issues. The practitioner will be helped to understand when a taxable transaction has occurred and what reports to file to satisfy IRS requirements. We will also identify tax traps for the unwary. This information is suitable for Corporate tax and finance executives, directors, managers and staff, CPAs, Enrolled Agents, accountants, attorneys and business/financial advisors who work with and advise individuals or businesses that use or invest in cryptocurrency. All in-house and public practice professionals involved with tax compliance and planning will benefit from this timely and insightful seminar. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.