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Auditing Impairment of Long-Lived Assets



2.00 Credits

Long-lived assets may be either finite or indefinite-lived, tangible or intangible in nature. The carrying value of these long-lived assets should be evaluated at each measurement date to determine whether there is an impairment loss necessary due to declines in an asset's fair value. This course describes the tips and techniques for determining whether an impairment loss risk exists, and how to calculate, record, and disclose any such loss. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Real Estate Professionals, Passive Activity and Section 199A



2.00 Credits

This program will provide a detailed analysis of the real estate professional passive activity rules, including forms reporting examples, and integrates those rules with when real estate is considered a "business" under the Section 199A flow-through entity deduction. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

AI & You



1.00 Credits

Every organization today is facing an onslaught of pressure to master Artificial Intelligence “AI” strategies across their enterprises. Never before have we witnessed such a steep expectation for how a “technology” can transform a business, and never before have we been expected to leverage a technology so quickly and so completely.  There is no denying AI presents perhaps the opportunity of a lifetime to transform and improve operations, but to date few plans or roadmaps on how to unlock the promise of AI exist. In this class, Steve Cadigan, a globally renowned future of work expert, will present a practical plan for how you can build your own AI strategy, and how you can thrive in the AI revolution. Steve will show present a roadmap of how to build your confidence with AI to address this massive change management challenge.

Building Your Own Library of Anti-fraud & Continuous Monitoring Tests



1.00 Credits

In this course, participants will gain a broad understanding of the various anti-fraud preventive and detective tests available to practitioners and take initial steps in building their own library of tests unique to their business or industry risks. Specific discussions and examples will include vendor analysis to look for potentially improper payments around conflicts of interests, fake vendor schemes, bribery & corruption, sanctions and trade compliance, anomalous payments, segregation of duties, among other risk categories.  Participants will also explore tests around customers or distributors that include margin analysis, free goods, discounts and revenue recognition. Further, we will explore employee related test to mitigate travel & entertainment expense abuses. We will also point out various online and public resources for participants to start building their own library of tests to support both reactive investigations as well as proactive prevention and detection.

The Ethical Side of Trust, featuring Richard A. Karwic and Don Minges



1.00 Credits

You and I have a responsibility to our organizations and to the public to be ethical. We cannot forget this responsibility and this responsibility is constant. One lapse can cause profound issues that last. Ethics and trust are intertwined, no one follows a ‘leader’ who is not trusted. We will not focus on the negative and show the problems caused – rather, we focus on what and how to set the example for others to follow. This seminar outlines the seven components of trust, and how we should use these components daily.

The Civil Advantage: Ethics and Civility in Disquieting Times



2.00 Credits

Most people dislike capricious judgment, intolerance, crime, shaming, blaming, punishing, unequal treatment and predatory opportunism. Yet we witness, hear about or directly experience one or more of these uncivil behaviors daily. What’s going on? It used to be that when incivility in our home, neighborhood, schools, or community spaces harmed us, we counted on shared ethical norms to guide and help. We confidently relied on societal guardrails like the law, regulations or corporate policies for fair remedy. But can we still? These days it sometimes feels like up is down, down is up, right is wrong, wrong is right, the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. Even our ethical compass doesn’t seem as reliable as it used to. We’re not crazy to feel unanchored or anxious. Americans live in a moment when our constitutional federal republic and Western ethics face enormous challenge from those who would prefer a different construct. Desiring change is one thing, but abandoning civility in its pursuit results in ethical chaos, societal breakdown, and individual misery. This holds true for human groups small and large, from the family to the federal government. 

Audit 404: Maximizing Analytic Procedure Evidence on Audits



2.00 Credits

Maximizing Analytic Procedure Evidence - Adding Value Through Useful Financial Statement Analysis will enhance an ability to read and interpret financial information as a critical audit skill. Financial statement auditors need to be able to analyze financial results to not only enhance audit quality, but to also improve client service through being a better business advisor. Note: This course is recommended as a part of a 16-hour audit skills curriculum for supervisory or managerial auditors, while it is also appropriate for anyone who has responsibilities for analyzing and interpreting financial statements. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Communication Miracles At Work and In Life - Part 1



4.00 Credits

Communication is the glue that connects people, but it doesn’t come easy for many of us. If you want to quickly and effectively handle problems with co-workers or clients, and you want people to do what you want without a lot of hassle, this seminar is for you. The bottom line will be better client and co-worker relationships, leading to increased enjoyment and productivity at work.

PowerPoint for Accountants



2.00 Credits

PowerPoint is a widely available resource that is potentially underutilized by accountants because many accountants do not stray beyond Excel and Word in the Microsoft Office suite. You will learn how to create and edit a professional PowerPoint slide deck. This session places particular emphasis on efficiency tips and tricks that will allow you to develop creative, professional visual aids while minimizing time and effort. The course's author will share personal insights he has cultivated throughout more than two decades of public speaking. Although the session will focus on creating and editing slides, we will illustrate best practices for presentation delivery. We also will explain how PowerPoint can be used for purposes other than delivering presentations. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Sticky Ethical Choices, featuring Bob Mims and Don Minges



1.00 Credits

If ethics were easy, then why do so many professionals have a Code of Conduct? Some Ethical decisions are easy, others are not. We will discuss several thorny ethical issues and the ramifications.  What are the considerations and evaluation criteria to use? The need to carefully deliberate alternatives – is paramount. Be aware. 

Creating a Culture of Trust in a Fraud-filled World



2.00 Credits

This session will highlight recent cases of ethical failures and fraud and will highlight concepts of trust, personal accountability, responding to fraud, and the conduct expected of CPAs outlined in the Code of Professional Conduct. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Project Management: Getting the Best Out of Your Team



2.00 Credits

With capacity challenges on the mind of many tax and accounting leaders, finding ways for their teams to work more efficiently is crucial. They need their teams to not be busy, but deliver value, and continue to develop their skills and knowledge. Project Management techniques help uncover inefficiencies and gaps in current processes, as well as, manage the planning and forecasting needed to drive necessary changes for future success. In this session, learn when to incorporate project management best practices that can help you get the best out of your team.

Mental Models for CPAs: How to Use Cognitive Frameworks



2.00 Credits

This course is designed to introduce CPAs to the concept of mental models and how they can be used to improve ethical, problem-solving and decision-making skills in the accounting profession. Participants will learn about a variety of mental models, including the Map is Not the Territory, First Principles, and the 80/20 Rule, and how to apply them to financial situations. The course will also cover the importance of building a "latticework" of mental models and the limitations of mental models. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Making Culture A Competitive Advantage



1.00 Credits

In the world of work today, nothing is more critical than Culture.  If people are your competitive advantage, then culture is the best way to help your people realize a great destination. While many leaders and companies talk a lot about culture, few take the time to really plan, build, and invest in a great culture. Today, the world of work could not be more challenging, and the changes that we are seeing in the workforce, such as the rise of remote workers and increasing turnover, are adding to the complexity. Now more than ever, Culture must become your competitive advantage. In this course, you will learn about the key macro changes in the workforce and what some leading companies and leaders are doing to create amazing cultures and high-performing organizations. From LinkedIn to Patagonia to Eventbrite, you will learn from some top organizations ow they have successfully leveraged culture. You will learn what Culture is and can be, and you will learn what culture is not. As you set sail in 2024 and beyond as a leader, you will benefit from this class and learn how to make culture your competitive advantage. Your teacher for the class is Steve Cadigan, whom many credit for being the architect of LinkedIn's world-class and groundbreaking culture. 

ESOPs as a Succession Strategy



1.00 Credits

This session will provide a basic overview of Employee Stock Ownership Plans (“ESOPs”). It will specifically address what companies are well suited for establishing an ESOP, how ESOPs are implemented, and how employees and departing owners alike can benefit from them. The session is intended to provide business and tax advisors with talking points about how an ESOP may be used as a succession planning strategy.

Power, Influence, and Ethics



2.00 Credits

Powerful people can choose to undermine or elevate morality in their sphere of influence and authority. Why do some succumb to the dark side of power? This updated course explores the complex relationship between power and morality in our own times. It illustrates enduring ethical principles through recent examples of prominent leaders who rationalized or ignored their abuses of power and disrespected fundamental ethics. This session uses findings from modern science to explain why and how power heightens self-focus and indulges unethical tendencies. It also demonstrates how the universal law of reciprocity guarantees a countering desire and effort to exact consequences from offenders. Whether you aspire to be influential or already possess authority, understanding the insidious side of power and influence can help you walk the tightrope of leadership accountability without falling into an abyss of consequences.

Introduction to Forensic Data Analytics



2.00 Credits

In this introductory course, you'll learn the fundamentals of integrating forensic data analytics into your anti-fraud risk management program. We will cover key definitions, use cases, methodologies and some of the leading innovations and techniques driving this ever-evolving field of "finding hidden money."

Excel - Functions and Formula Shootout



2.00 Credits

Are you aware there are 470+ formula functions in Excel? Do you realize that they add new functions in every major version of Excel? Did you know that Microsoft adds new functions throughout the year in the Office 365 version of Excel? Are you stuck using old or simple functions like SUM or ROUND? Do you want to expand your knowledge of the extensive function library in Excel? If these questions peak your interest in becoming an Excel function expert, this course is right up your alley. This past-paced course digs into some of the most powerful functions in Excel. Although we cannot cover 470 functions, we will look at over 20 functions that will allow you to create advanced calculations in your spreadsheets. Some examples are: VLOOKUP, IF, IFS, FORECAST, RAND, SWITCH, TEXTJOIN, UNIQUE, SUBTOTAL, IS, TEXT and more! We will also provide example files that will include all the functions used during the class. It's time to take your Excel spreadsheets to the next level. This session is presented using Excel 2019/Office 365. Most concepts covered in this course apply to all versions of Excel. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

The Happiness Advantage: How to Use Positive Psychology to Enjoy Work More, Get More Done, and Be a Better Professional



4.00 Credits

The new field of Positive Psychology offers many methods and ideas for helping people be happier, healthier, and better at what they do.  Nowadays, the ability to be at your best and get clients to enjoy working with you is critical to growing your business or getting ahead.   Studies show that happy people make $750,000 more over the course of their life than unhappy people, have half the number of sick days, and live 9 years longer.  In this fun and fascinating seminar, you’ll learn how to not only be happier, but help your clients be happier in working with you.

Triple Your Memory, Prevent Dementia and Halve Your Stress - Part 2



4.00 Credits

This is not your average CPE course--Part 2! In this second part course (which is equally fun and engaging), you will learn how to feel confident--even in highly stressful situations. You will learn new secrets to great health that take under 10 minutes per week, and you will learn how to know what is most important to you--so you can be happier and healthier in the long run. Tune in for techniques to relieve stress and tips on incorpating meditation into your daily routine. All of which will help improve your memory and overall mental health and wellbeing. In addition, you'll learn an unsurpassed method for making sure you stay consistent with actually implementing these methods in your daily life.