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Anti-Bullying and Sensitivity



1.00 Credits

Unhealthy behavior in the workplace can create a drama-laden, hostile work environment, negatively impact productivity and increase turnover. When team members are focused on how they can one-up their counterparts or are fearful of their co-workers/leaders actions towards them – they are NOT focused on reaching your company’s goals.   

Performance Targets That Deliver Results Without Burnout



1.20 Credits

Performance targets and incentives can drive breathtakingly positive results: the moon landings, the eradication of smallpox, or the repair of the ozone layer, for example. They can also have a dark side that can create stress, overload and anxiety and even drive lawbreaking. What is the difference between a healthy ‘stretch’ target and one pushes people too far? How can we spot potential problems in advance and systematically design sensible, humane and effective performance targets? Using practical examples and case studies, Bernie will give you an overview of the essential steps for designing robust, effective, and credible targets for any organization. Designing effective, practical and realistic performance targets will never be easy, but this session will introduce you to the tools that help make the process clearer, simpler and more consistent.

Cost and Pricing Models: Creating an Effective Tool



2.00 Credits

If sales increase, so should profits.  Yet, the opposite result often leaves executives scratching their heads.  When organizations work with inferior cost information, they make mistakes in four specific situations.  Bad information causes sellers to overprice easy, high-volume work and underprice difficult, low-volume work.  This session discusses how to use activity-based costing data to build accurate costing models that consider far more than just the labor and materials necessary to provide goods and services.  

Creating Rapid Rapport for Increased Business



4.00 Credits

You only have one chance to make a good first impression.  In the fast paced world we live in, being able to create immediate rapport and a sense of trust with people is more important than ever.  Fortunately, this is an easily learnable skill that can serve you in both business and in life.  People who can master the one minute relationship end up making more money, being better liked, and enjoying their clients more.  

Become Rich Without Selling Your Soul



4.00 Credits

Getting rich requires many things.  First, you need to know how to overcome previous limitations you may have had about making a lot of money.  Second, you need to know and use the best financial strategies for becoming wealthy--including the latest investment and marketing strategies.   And third, you need to be able to enjoy your lifestyle, and look at what obstacles get in the way of you being rich and fully contented.  By exploring the latest methods for achieving financial and personal success, you'll be able to make a lot more money and have a great time doing it.

2024 Financial Statement Presentation and Disclosure



4.00 Credits

This comprehensive session is a must-attend event for any professional accountant who prepares financial statements for either a private enterprise or a firm client. We illustrate best practices for presentation and disclosure by revisiting fundamentals of financial reporting for various industries. This workshop explores best practices for United States GAAP in addition to considerations for special purpose frameworks. Experienced accountants will benefit from a refresher whereas other accountants will appreciate formative skill-building insights.

2024 Real Estate Tax Update



4.00 Credits

This program addresses the recent changes imposed by recent tax legislation that real estate owners and investors need to know, including Section 199A, the new Section 163(j) interest expense limits and the opportunity to elect out.  An introduction to opportunity zones and other important issues will also be addressed. **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

KPI Bootcamp for Small Businesses



5.00 Credits

Running or advising a small business? KPI Bootcamp can help you quickly find and deploy the right KPIs to achieve your, or your client's, goals. Delivered by Bernie Smith, KPI specialist and overloaded small business owner, this course will help you quickly select a handful of powerful measures that apply to your business. The step-by-step approach helps you sharpen your objectives and select the right KPIs to drive growth and profit. Every one of the 412 included KPIs (as free PDF download for every participant) includes a full plain-English definition and also covers business benefits, case-study examples and practical tips.

2024 Section 174: New Rules for the R&E Deduction



1.00 Credits

This program addresses the most recent developments impacting taxpayers incurring research and experimentation costs.  Emphasis will be placed on compliance with the 2022 change in Section 174 Amortization of research and experimental expenditures. **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

Be the Sun, Not the Salt, featuring Harry Cohen and John Daly



1.00 Credits

What if being nice, or specifically being a positive best version of yourself, made you a more effective leader?  Ethical leadership, is effective leadership. That’s what Dr. Cohen, noted psychologist, transformational speaker, executive coach, and author of Be The Sun, Not The Salt, has been teaching organizations to do for years. Dr. Cohen’s work is based on scientific studies of human behavior broken down into simple, easily digestible pillars structured around the Heliotropic Effect. In this webcast we will discuss Dr. Cohen’s path to this work, what the Heliotropic Effect is, and how Be The Sun, Not The Salt is the perfect reminder to Do More of That every day.

Awful Ethical Dilemmas - Bringing it to Life, featuring J. Michael Inzina and Don Minges



1.00 Credits

Professional Codes of Conduct make Ethics seem easy and clear cut. However, this is not so in real life. This session discusses five cases where the ethics is not so clear cut.  What should be considered?  We will explain how you can be more diligent and maintain awareness of ethical issues to become more effective and enhance the reputation of the profession.    

Coaching Leaders to Handle Sensitive Employee Relations Situations



1.20 Credits

This  session provides HR Professionals with scripts for and tactics for coaching leaders in handling an array of employee relations situations with sensitivity, good judgment, and high confidence.  Topics include employee complaints, personality & attitude problems,  performance counseling, personal hygiene problems, disability-related performance issues, misconduct due to mental conditions. You will learn how to use a unique process, “Reset the Clock,” that prevents attorneys from taking something leaders did wrong or did not do in the past and using it to support legal challenges in the future.  Liability is replaced with credibility. Lawsuits are then avoided rather than won.  Financial assets are protected, morale stays high, and bad publicity is averted. HR Professionals avoid hearing from senior leaders:  “You should have anticipated this” after an avoidable legal claim.

Organizational Effectiveness and Communication



1.00 Credits

When asked the question, “What would you like to improve about your leadership and communication style?” more than 65% of leaders say they want to be more confident and assertive in their communication. Confidence and clarity communicate leadership. If you are responsible for growing a profitable company or a productive team, you want team members who have the ability to reach goals, make sales, finish projects, and serve customers. Being a confident, compelling leader helps to inspire better relationships, promotes trust, and reduces stress in the workplace. Lack of confidence and assertiveness can lead to resentment, depression, low self-esteem, and loss of respect from colleagues and employers. Confident communication cultivates cooperation, goal achievement, and a more respectful work environment. Clear and compelling leaders are better equipped to move projects forward and make things happen while improving cooperation and respect from partners and subordinates.  

Navigating Difficult Conversations with Coworkers



1.00 Credits

Conflict is inevitable whenever you have more than one person working together. But conflict doesn't have to be a bad thing. In fact, it's through conflict that some of the most productive conversations, changes, and innovations can occur in organizations...when they're navigated through effective communication. This workshop is designed to help you more strategically approach difficult conversations in the workplace and will arm you with both an understanding of how our minds approach these tough conversations and tools that you can use to approach these conversations more impactfully.

1 Hour - Introduction to Sustainability Accounting



1.00 Credits

Sustainability Accounting is now a recognized professional skill of increasing importance in larger organizations. It is the process of finding, measuring and managing the material metrics for sustainable performance and risk management. The goal is to bring these metrics into regular financial statements so leaders can act on them.  This course teaches Sustainability Accounting basics with example from the restaurant industry.   It is suitable for any professional or student who wants to learn fast about sustainability issues in specific industry sectors and how to integrate sustainability metrics into financial accounting and reporting.

Accommodation Requests - Substance Abuse - Contagious Infections



1.00 Credits

Good judgment works well in handling most employee relations matters.  However, there are special situations where legal requirements dictate specific handling to avoid significant personal and employer liability.   This course provides practical knowledge and scripts for responding to requests for accommodations regarding religious practices or disabilities, confronting employees in substance abuse situations, and handling disclosures of contagious infections so that individual is properly helped, and the health of your workforce is protected.

Indirect Rate Recovery for Non-Profits & Pass-Through Entities



1.00 Credits

Our session will include a discussion regarding indirect rate strategies for cost recovery.  We will cover negotiating indirect rates with pass-through entities and alternative indirect cost recovery methods. A look at applying the PPP Loan Forgiveness credit.  Understanding the definition of sub-awards and the MTDC allocation base, and where best  to allocate bonus expense.  Included in this session will be a selected review of the Uniform Guidance FAQs regarding indirect rates for States and Municipalities, as well as recently issued FAQs that impact indirect rates and cost recovery.  

Devious Ethics: Avoiding Snakes in Suits



2.00 Credits

Good people believe everyone else is just like them. They cannot imagine someone could con them or their company and have no guilt or remorse about what they have done. Lack of guilt and empathy are key traits of a psychopath. Most of us envision psychopaths to be cold-blooded serial killers who are locked away in prison. However, experts estimate that 4% of corporate executives are psychopaths who may initially appear to be more normal than the rest of us. Psychopaths may present a convincing picture of virtue while helping themselves to money, status and sex while leaving a path of shattered expectations, empty wallets, and broken hearts in their wake. Learn how to recognize and deal with others who have no conscience. 

2024 The Role of Internal Control in the Risk-Based Audit



4.00 Credits

This program explores the role of client internal controls for balancing efficiency and effectiveness in a risk-based audit. We offer practical insights regarding an auditor's assessment of the risk of material misstatement when auditing financial statements of non-issuers, with particular emphasis on internal controls of small-to-medium clients.

2024 Excel Essentials for Today's Accountant: Become an Expert in One Day



4.00 Credits

This course explores the increasingly complex features of Excel that facilitate efficient data analysis.  We will introduce numerous analytical methods and techniques by using practical examples to illustrate how to unleash the power of Excel when manipulating, analyzing and reporting information and dive into the powerful, but potentially under-utilized, capabilities of Microsoft Excel.  Designed for sophisticated users willing to approach spreadsheets from a unique perspective, this program encourages users to challenge the status quo by considering opportunities to take acceptable spreadsheets to a new level.