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Making Culture A Competitive Advantage



1.00 Credits

In the world of work today, nothing is more critical than Culture.  If people are your competitive advantage, then culture is the best way to help your people realize a great destination. While many leaders and companies talk a lot about culture, few take the time to really plan, build, and invest in a great culture. Today, the world of work could not be more challenging, and the changes that we are seeing in the workforce, such as the rise of remote workers and increasing turnover, are adding to the complexity. Now more than ever, Culture must become your competitive advantage. In this course, you will learn about the key macro changes in the workforce and what some leading companies and leaders are doing to create amazing cultures and high-performing organizations. From LinkedIn to Patagonia to Eventbrite, you will learn from some top organizations ow they have successfully leveraged culture. You will learn what Culture is and can be, and you will learn what culture is not. As you set sail in 2024 and beyond as a leader, you will benefit from this class and learn how to make culture your competitive advantage. Your teacher for the class is Steve Cadigan, whom many credit for being the architect of LinkedIn's world-class and groundbreaking culture. 

Accounting & Auditing for Cryptocurrency



1.00 Credits

Bitcoin and crypto have been in the news recently for a variety of reasons. This course will cover the basics of accounting and auditing for cryptocurrency including recent standard setting by the FASB as well as a look at the AICPA's Accounting for and Auditing of Digital Assets practice aid.

DEI in the Remote Work Era



1.20 Credits

Suitable for anyone with an interest in understanding the impacts of remote work on diverse people and promoting equitable outcomes that lead to a more inclusive work environment.

Take Your PowerPoint From Mess to Success



1.00 Credits

PowerPoint has become a ubiquitous tool in virtual and in-person meeting rooms around the world. However, it's a tool that is often misused, leading to boredom and frustration for audiences. A bored and frustrated audience will not receive your message, and you – the presenter – will not achieve your desired results. Many speakers know their slides are ineffective but don't know a better way. Well, here it is! This workshop is interactive, incorporating activities and exercises in order for participants to be able to apply the principles of effective communication of their ideas to real life situations.  The workshop is based on current research and covers the basics of effective PowerPoint design that works for you, not against you. 

5 Steps to Cultivate a Values-Based Approach to Governance



1.20 Credits

Emerging from the pandemic is a workplace culture governed by values. Far from a soft approach, it can drive significant business results. Organizations that embrace an empathetic culture increase performance and decrease turnover, while their customers report a more positive experience. Additionally, being more “person-focused” strongly correlates with more effective ethics and compliance programs. These insights can provide a roadmap for the "new normal" as the world emerges from the crisis. How employees and management move forward from this experience will shape the workplace for decades to come.

Networking Works: Build Relationships to Build Your Business



1.20 Credits

Networking strikes fear into the heart of even the most confident business leader.  What if you don't know anyone? How do you introduce yourself? How do you enter a group conversation in progress, and how do you exit when you're ready to move on? How soon should you follow up and what's the best way to stay in touch?  And: “Can't I just stay home, sit at my computer, and network on LinkedIn?” Networking is a critical tool for spreading your message and growing your organization, yet many business and nonprofit leaders don't represent themselves or their companies effectively.  This workshop covers the nitty gritty of talking to strangers and building relationships and partnerships through networking.

Benefits and Best Practices for Telework



2.00 Credits

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, telework in state and local government was not often embraced as a form of employment. As the pandemic continues, governments are beginning to experience the benefits of remote work and are reevaluating hiring practices to offer more telework and hybrid work options, not simply as a result of an emergency.  This course will review various telework options and best practices for success. 

GASB 96 -SBITA, GASB 94 P3, and GASB 87 Leases (Year 2)



2.00 Credits

This is a 2 hour webcast that will focus on the similarities between all three of these GASB accounting standards that deal with contractual arrangements such as leases, Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements (SBITA) and P3s.  Compare and contrast these standards as you prepare for implementation this year of GASB 94 and GASB 96, and review the implementation efforts of Leases in Year 2. 

ProActive Response: Active Shooter Training - Recognize. Respond. Survive.



2.00 Credits

ProActive Response Group's Active Shooter Response Training course educates participants in current trends of active shooter incidents, how to recognize early warning signs of violence, appropriate actions to increase chances of survival in an active shooter event, and how to use basic medical equipment to save the lives of victims.   *****(Warning: This video contains simulated graphic scenes that some viewers may find disturbing)*****

Addressing Common Documentation Deficiencies



2.00 Credits

The Enhancing Audit Quality Initiative has identified inadequate or nonexistent audit documentation as one of the most significant issues facing the profession. Over half of the engagements reviewed by the AICPA did not meet the requirements of AU-C 230. This course will look at common misconceptions related to audit documentation and help attendees address these deficiencies with efficient and effective best practices.

The Updated Nuts and Bolts of IRC Section 1031 Exchanges



2.00 Credits

In today’s real estate market, IRC §1031 tax-deferred exchanges can be one of the most important planning tools available to the real estate investor. The use of this technique is filled with pitfalls and traps. This new course will assist the practitioner in understanding the mechanics of a tax-deferred exchange and the value of a tax-deferred exchange in both tax and financial planning. Updated August 2022

Surgent's Going Concern Accounting and Reporting Considerations



2.00 Credits

This course will review the relevant considerations related to going concern, including assessing when substantial doubt concerning an entity's ability to continue as a going concern exists, management mitigation efforts, and required disclosures both when management, and the accountant, feel such efforts will be effective in mitigating the risk, as well as when they do not. Lastly, we'll consider the accountant's reporting responsibilities under various scopes of services in various scenarios and how to audit this often-contentious topic.

Surgent's Lessons Learned From Recent Accounting Malpractice Actions



2.00 Credits

Recent economic volatility has created added stress on accounting and finance professionals and their clients. When individuals or businesses lose money, they often blame others for their misfortune. Business disputes can sometimes lead to accounting malpractice claims. Understanding the most common types of accounting malpractice claims provides a roadmap of what not to do. This course provides a current overview of accounting malpractice litigation throughout the United States. The goal is to learn about the types of claims asserted against CPA firms and strategies to employ to avoid such claims. Reviewing malpractice claims allows us to identify patterns of behavior that may reduce litigation risk.

Top 10 Business Myths and How to Avoid Them



2.00 Credits

Every business has risks, but some myths seem to damage or kill more enterprises than others do. This session will review ten of the most problematic myths that may doom a business and discuss action steps to prevent these myths from holding your business back. This session discusses the common myths, mistakes, risks, and hidden landmines inherent in every business. We will learn from the mistakes of others who often paid a steep price so that we may learn valuable lessons. If you are a leader who wants your business to become even more successful, this session is for you.

2024 The Preparation of Form 706 and 709 - Line-by-Line



4.00 Credits

Navigating the challenges of estate and gift taxation can be overwhelming for practitioners, especially those lacking extensive experience in this field. In this comprehensive course, participants will undergo a practical exploration through the preparation of the Federal Forms 706 and 709 - line by line. Through hands-on instruction, attendees will gain invaluable insights into the complexities of tax compliance, equipping them with the skills and confidence needed to seamlessly integrate estate and gift tax preparation into their practice. With a focus on practical application, this course offers participants a unique opportunity to master the preparation of crucial tax returns, enhancing their professional expertise and strengthening client service offerings. From a detailed overview of the Federal Forms 706 and 709 to insights on complying with "Portability" and navigating postmortem estate planning issues, attendees will emerge with a newfound proficiency in estate and gift tax preparation, ready to excel in their practice. **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

Business Consulting for CPAs



4.00 Credits

Does your firm have interest in expanding its’ services beyond traditional CPA services?  Do you have staff with the expertise to compete against non-CPA firms? Welcome to a course that will lead you through the maze of creating a successful Consulting Business Practice for your CPA firm. The course will help you understand: where consulting business opportunities exist, what are the firm’s professional responsibilities and most importantly how to recognize the needs of the client.

New Mergers & Acquisitions: Tricks, Traps, & Terrors



4.20 Credits

Welcome to a course that makes the process of M&A easy to understand and easy to implement within your organization or your clients' organization. The course will provide an intensive overview of the M&A process. Focus will be on practical techniques to guide you through the M&A jungle and avoid the traps that have befallen many organizations.

Audit & Attest Quality Matters that Should be on Your Radar - Avoiding Common Deficiencies in SAS, SSARS and SSAE Engagements



8.00 Credits

Quality management is important.  Every CPA firm that provides audit and other attest services must undergo a third-party quality control review.  This session will provide you with the tips on how to avoid common quality control deficiencies in all services that are subject to peer review.

Accounting & Auditing Update



8.00 Credits

The Accounting and Auditing Update is designed to provide its participants with a comprehensive, in-depth review of what’s happening at the FASB, AICPA, and other professional bodies who may impact accounting and auditing this year, including FASB Statements and Interpretations, Statements on Auditing Standards, Statements of Position, Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services, Ethics Interpretations, exposure drafts and projects in progress, with emphasis on the practical application and impact on practitioners in small to medium sized firms and members in industry. Special attention this year will be focused on the emerging use of data analytics related to audit evidence.

Accounting for and Auditing Cryptocurrency & Digital Assets



2.00 Credits

How to properly account for and audit digital records is increasingly gathering importance as more entities have cryptocurrency and other digital assets on their financial statements. This course will address common questions, risks, and challenges evolving in this area. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.