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The Bookkeeper Goes to Prison



2.00 Credits

This course profiles Brenda, a financial executive from the state of Washington. Despite earning her college degree, Brenda did not find employment in her area of study. Instead, she landed a series of dead-end jobs. Business reversals frequently led to the loss of employment. When a company that she knew to be unethical offered her an executive position that included bookkeeping tasks, including overseeing all finances, she accepted. While on the job, Brenda saw owners of the company misappropriating funds. Rather than reporting the fraud, she created an elaborate scheme to benefit herself - without the owner's knowledge. Her bad decisions led to a guilty plea for wire fraud, after authorities accused her of absconding with more than $600,000 in corporate funds. A prison term of 20 months followed. Listen and learn from Brenda's experience. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Understanding the New Forms K-2 and K-3



2.00 Credits

Schedules K-2 and K-3 are promulgated by the IRS in order to standardize the reporting of foreign-related tax information for pass-through entities. Even pass-through entities that have no foreign activities, investments, or partners may have a reporting requirement. Schedules K-2 and K-3 for reporting partners' income, deductions, and credits from foreign activity are now required for passthrough returns (Form 1065, 1120-S and 8858). This requirement starts with returns with a tax year that ends in 2021. This course discusses each part of these schedules and explain these new reporting obligations in detail. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Enact Retaliation Abatement and Monitoring Measures



1.00 Credits

Once an employee decides to report an issue, the risk for retaliation must be minimized. Metrics matter. As such, capturing and reviewing employee data for indicators of possible retaliation are key to protecting those who report. The more subtle forms of retaliation, though, require a focused communication plan to address. This course offers recommendations for implementing specific retaliation monitoring protocols.

The Controllership Series - The Financial Close Process



1.50 Credits

A common challenge for the controller role is in closing the month-end and period-end books in preparation to issue financial statements. This duty requires precision, timing and efficiency. In today’s digital world, many organizations have access to financial accounting software that will assist with the steps in the financial close. However, even with this aid it is critical the accountant understand the various steps for the close process and how they inter-relate to other accounting processes. This course gives you an insight into the inter-relationships between many processes that impact the financial close. The closing process has traditionally been a slow one with many companies taking two weeks to close its subsidiary’s books and another two to three weeks to roll up and consolidated the results. With the introduction of technology much has been done to help accelerate that process with integrated enterprise resource planning systems and general ledger and consolidate software. Within this segment we will discuss the elements of the financial close and also important concepts to assist the controller in accelerating their close timeline. This includes addressing all functional areas of the close including payroll, invoicing, payables, inventory, cash, and the general ledger. We will also discuss important concepts of ensuring your financial close is accurate by discussing bank reconciliations, overhead allocations, bad debt reserves, unpaid wages and accruals for vacation time, account reconciliations, deprecation and overall financial statement review. Note: This course does not address utilizing technology in the financial close. Its focus is to understand the varied procedures involved in the financial close whether or not technology is utilized.  

Preparing to be a Forensic Accountant - Focus on Digital Forensics



1.80 Credits

Forensic accounting, forensic accountancy or financial forensics is the specialty practice area of accounting that investigates whether firms engage in financial reporting misconduct. Forensic accountants apply a range of skills and methods to determine whether there has been financial reporting misconduct. Financial forensic engagements may fall into several categories. For example: Economic damages calculations, whether suffered through tort or breach of contract. Post-acquisition disputes such as earnouts or breaches of warranties Bankruptcy, insolvency and reorganization Securities and tax fraud Money laundering Business valuation Computer forensics/e-discovery This session is designed to delve into further investigative procedures used including digital forensics. Future sessions will focus on computer forensics, network forensics and mobile forensics.  

2024 Internal Control Best Practices



2.00 Credits

'Whether your organization is developing a new control framework or seeking to strengthen its current controls; practical development and implementation is critical.  This course will review the intersectionality of controls and provide real-world examples and best practices from people to technology and process.  

2024 How to Audit Expenses & Payables



2.00 Credits

This course will serve as an introduction to conducting effective walkthroughs to gain an understanding of the client's transaction processes as well as identify internal controls within each process. This course will review the procedures, questions to ask, and documentation requirements of walkthroughs. It will also include real-world examples of the red flags that may arise while executing a walkthrough. 

Ethics - Regulatory and Standards Update



2.00 Credits

Stay current on recent changes to the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and keep abreast of emerging trends in ethics standards and regulatory initiatives and their potential impact on your practice. Explore frequent practitioner ethics compliance challenges, including competence, due professional care, audit quality, and independence. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

K2'S 2024 Automation For Increasing Personal Efficiency And Effectiveness



2.00 Credits

Automation options abound, and in this session, you will learn how to take advantage of many personal automation tools and services. You will learn about various automation platforms, creating automation workflows, and automation tools to become more efficient.

K2's 2024 CPA Firm Technology and Management Update



2.00 Credits

With many technologies now ready for “prime time,” it’s exciting to see some of the options for improved productivity in CPA firms. Learn more about these new tools in this session.

IRS Highly Effective Penalty Relief Strategies



1.00 Credits

You are likely familiar with the various forms of penalty relief (reasonable cause, administrative remedies, and first-time penalty relief), BUT can you apply this and consistently expect a favorable outcome? This program will focus on crafting a well-executed request for penalty relief, along with exploring a lesser-known option which can be employed as an effective case resolution tool. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

K2's 2023 Ten Must Know Features In Excel



2.00 Credits

Most business professionals have used Excel for years, often without the benefit of any formal training. Thus, they don't know about key features in the application and, therefore, don't use them. Of course, this leads to inefficiencies and errors. Isn't it time to stop this madness? This session is for you if you're ready to become more efficient and effective with Excel! You will learn ten critical features that can help you get more work done in less time and improve your accuracy. We encourage you to make plans to join us for this session to learn the best ways of working with Excel!

ProActive Response Group De-Escalation Training



1.20 Credits

In today's workplace, employees are faced almost daily with customers or teammates that may have needs or concerns that we are forced to handle. Though many of these situations are easily dealt with through simple communication skills, others may become heated and, in some instances, violent. Today we will discuss healthy ways to de-escalate a wide variety of potential issues.

Bounded Ethicality: Exploring the Limits of Ethical Behavior



1.00 Credits

Bounded ethicality explores the edges of ethical decision-making and the invisible borders that exist in our ethical judgment. In an entertaining and enlightening session, we will unveil surprising judgment errors we make when we face ethical dilemmas and search for the reasons behind them. We will explore areas of ethical decision-making where people consistently predict they will do the right thing but rarely do so. We will find out why people repeat stubborn errors of ethical judgment, and review steps that behavioral researchers have identified that can help us stop making these errors once and for all. We will identify ways to recognize our own errors and steps we can take to improve our ethical thinking. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

The Role of HR in Business Sustainability



1.20 Credits

In 2020, 96% of the world’s largest 250 companies published reports on their sustainability performance in accordance with national and international standards.   Now many more companies are committing to sustainability, and Net Zero emissions in particular.   This creates a new responsibility and opportunity for HR leaders.   Staff must be trained in new policies, goals and procedures.  Executives need help as leaders in this new approach.  This one-hour course summarizes SHRM research into HR and sustainability, plus other expert sources and the instructor's own 30-year journey helping companies become more sustainable.   The course presents key concepts, tools and sources to help HR find its role.

The Impact of ESG Matters on Financial Reporting and Audits



2.00 Credits

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) has become an area of increasing focus. ESG reporting includes a broad spectrum of quantitative and qualitative information. Interested parties seek to understand the effects of relevant ESG matters on an entity's business strategy, cash flows, financial position, and financial performance. This course will focus on the impact of ESG-related matters on the fair preparation of financial statements and related disclosures, and the related financial statement audit considerations. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Preparation, Compilation, and Review Engagements: Update and Review



4.00 Credits

If you supervise preparation, compilation, and review engagements, this course is designed to assist you in adhering to professional standards, informing you of the latest developments and pertinent issues relevant to these engagements. Gain insights into the U.S. business economy, peer review practices, FASB updates, and various aspects that influence preparation, compilation, and review engagements.

Tax Season Update for Business with Steve Dilley



4.00 Credits

This program provides an update to the latest tax developments, rules and regulations impacting business taxpayers, with a review and integration of the numerous 2021/22 legislation. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Financial & Tax Accounting for S Corporations & Partnerships



8.00 Credits

This program compares and contrasts the financial and tax accounting differences of partnerships, LLCs, and S corporations, as well as discuss the tax accounting for these entities. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Integrate ChatGPT into Your Client Advisory Services-Updated



2.00 Credits

Two of the hottest topics in the CPA profession today are CAS (client advisory services) and ChatGPT. This course will explain how to bring these two worlds together by integrating ChatGPT and other generative AI applications into your client advisory services. John Higgins, a leading advisor to the profession on ChatGPT and a seasoned client advisor on technology based solutions, will show you how you can position your firm and yourself as a "go to" advisor on how to embrace this technology in virtually any type of business. John will address how to use this technology as a research and writing assistant in your client services and how to advise your clients on this revolutionary technology and all benefits and "gotchas" that come with it. If you want to step up your advisory game, this course is a "must take." This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.